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Where do I coment on the quality of game life meeting at the guild gathering?


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As seen here there was a Panel the morning of day 2 on this topic

the best coverage of it I found here

they had a link to a forum here

http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=371 for didcussion but I did not find a topic there that fit and I would like to comment/add to this list

Where should I go for a forum on this topic?


and I quote from that page this list of topics that were brought up


Here is what the attendees had to say. If you don’t see your personal quality of life issue on this list then be sure to provide feedback on the official Guild Summit Forums.

Like to see less need for clicking (existing space ship as an example).

Day and night cycles and weather would be cool.

Armor Dyes would be nice.

Guild API

See emotes cross faction

Quick travel to my ship

Warzone regrouping

Increase the MoTD size

Send companions to get my mail

More / commands. /target, /command for every ui element

Higher quality dressing room for player and companions.

Ability to turn-off Warzone commentary

Ability to ping the mini-map and add waypoints.

Companions interrupting activities when returning from missions.

GTN – easier way to break up stacks.

Mouse over translation of Aurebesh signs.

Would like a note feature for friends list and ability to add them when they are offline.

Why were the PvE progression threads on the forums un-stickied?

Text that displays if you know a schematic or not.

Keybind on raid markers (applause).

Distance lock for your camera (applause).

Ability to turn-off other players last names.

Option to turn off XP gains.

Cross-over friend/ignore list for all toons. Global.

Relevant text for crew skills. Don’t bring me five epics and say you failed the mission (coming in 1.2)

Color crystals for tech users.

Fixes to the codex.

Companion bar issues w/hot keys.

Different color icon for group quests / mission terminal and drop-box for daily quests as time savings. (applause)

Allow companion to sell white and green items.

Can mats gained by Reverse Engineering go to the bank?

Can ignore be account based (ignore all of a person’s toons).

Space – can fire proton torpedos be more intuitive?

Can we connect all the Dromund Kaas speeders.

Can the crew remember what tier you were working on. (applause).

Want to work w/companions for other characters (possible feature for the legacy).

More variety in what NPCs say when we engage them.

Can report spam not generate a CSR ticket?

Right-click in to invite guild members to a group (might be in 1.2)

Dueling on the fleet (maybe a closed off area).

Can there be a single guild recruitment forum (probably too big).

/tell system can use some work. General chat issues. Chat remembers the last thing you chatted in). Does not work well for whispers.

Set the sensitivity when turning using the keyboard (keyboard tuning got booed). Be able to reply to more than the just the last person you sent a tell for.

Seeing horns, etc sticking up through hoods.

More NPC ambience in the game.

Can we skip the Voidstar cinematic?

Playing on three monitors windowed mode. Has to resize the middle monitor every time.

It would be nice if a character wears a hat or hood their hair would not disappear.

Ctrl-click a player’s name to get guild and other info. about them.

Can we get an Armory type site?

Black screen w/auto-run issue.

Edited by Duart
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Yup that is it exactly little things that would make for a better game the sort of thing they could but a few summer interns to work on


I would like the crew chatter during space missions to match what is going on in the game in other words if they can not tell you break right or break left to alert you to something turning up on that side then don't have them shout just break. and while in one mission they do tell you go after the boss ship that is about the only time that what they say is linked to what is going on

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