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How to beat the boss -- SPOILERS


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OK, looking for help & ideas.

I'm trying to beat Zash solo. I'm 35th level, focused on madness. She's 32. But she kicks my tail every time.


I've seen lots of strategy things focused on the sorcerer, but they don't work for assassin. Zash heals too fast for me. Even when I think I've got her, she just Overloads me and heals up before I can finish her.


My general strategy has been to Mind Trap her, so I can Maul, then use Electrocute to interrupt her and Maul again. Then I go back and forth between shock, lightning and saber strike (when I run out of force). But since I"m not healing and she is, I can't do the DPS to take her down before she whacks me.


What else can I do?


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What gear are you using, I mean you should have no trouble at level 35. Are you using khem val? Is his gear crap?


Also why are you using force lightning in the madness spec? You should be using crushing darkness with the proc. And death field.


I destroyed her with khem as deception at level 33 with the PvP lightsaber.

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the gear is the best I could find. Even went to a few planets just to go shopping and couldn't find better.

The point about crushing darkness is good. I wasn't thinking about that. I do use it sometimes, but probably not enough. same with death field.

I'll give that a try.



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Yah you really want to be using crushing darkness if you have the raze talent

1) It's free

2) It does a truckload of damage


Death field does lots of damage as well and increases the damage of your periodic abilities by 20%. You really want to be using death field on cooldown.


Your rotation should look something like this

Discharge should always be applied to the target

Death field should be used on cooldown

Shock should be used frequently

Thrash until crushing darkness proc's

Crushing darkness as soon as you get the proc

if the targets health is below 30% assassinate on cooldown.


Your spec should look something like this:


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My general strategy has been to Mind Trap her, so I can Maul, then use Electrocute to interrupt her and Maul again. Then I go back and forth between shock, lightning and saber strike (when I run out of force). But since I"m not healing and she is, I can't do the DPS to take her down before she whacks me.


What else can I do?



At 35 I'd do this for Madness spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200MZZcMfRrMkd.1


As a Madness spec you don't need Maul, and opening with it is really bad idea as you basically start the fight with half your total force. For Madness spec Maul shouldn't be picked up until you're done with the Madness tree if at all. Lightning should never be used by an Assassin not spec'ed in Harnessed Darkness (deep in Darkness tree). Shock should only be used to keep Unearthed Knowledge buff up. Basically you want to start the fight with Death Field, then put Discharge dot on her, and start Thrashing until Raze procs and use Crushing Darkness. During the above rotation you also need to cast Death Field whenever it's cd is up and Shock every 20s to keep Unearthed Knowledge buff up. Renew Discharge when it drops also.


As far as interruption, Jolt on the first cast, electrocute on the 2nd, Jolt again on the third, Overload on the 4th, and Jolt again on the 5th. I don't recall Zash's heals being a problem for me when I fought her as a Deception with Khem tanking.


Also, pop that 20min cooldown ability that heals both you and your companion when Khem's health is about half.

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Yah you really want to be using crushing darkness if you have the raze talent

1) It's free

2) It does a truckload of damage


Death field does lots of damage as well and increases the damage of your periodic abilities by 20%. You really want to be using death field on cooldown.


Your rotation should look something like this

Discharge should always be applied to the target

Death field should be used on cooldown

Shock should be used frequently

Thrash until crushing darkness proc's

Crushing darkness as soon as you get the proc

if the targets health is below 30% assassinate on cooldown.


Your spec should look something like this:



I disagree on the Shock should be used frequently part. For Madness spec its sole purpose is to keep Unearthed Knowledge up. Its cost and lack of damage buffs vs the other specs keeps it out of dps rotation save for being used for Unearthed Knowledge.

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I'll give it another try tonight.

I failed last night, but I think I just flatly messed up the fight. My timing was way off last night. I kept interrupting her after she was already done and such.


I made a side trip to Taris and managed to find a better belt for my companion. And picked up a nice stim too. So maybe that will help. I also think I didnt' click follow (that's a good idea. I think that's one my main issues, actually).


And I'll try some of jkcheng's patterns. Frankly, I just haven't been thinking about Darkness. Originally, I wasn't planning on focusing on that, so I think I got into combat habits before I made that move and just haven't changed back. I use all of the abilities mentioned, but I just haven't re-thought how often to use them.


I'll give it another shot tonight.

thanks for all the feed back.


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One thing to note in this fight. To get an extra interrupt after you have used electrocute the first time, when you pop Channel the Force it will finish the cool down on electrocute so you can use it again. I used Electrocute first then jolt then Channel the force then electrocute again then Jolt on her casting, and she was not able to heal.
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I give up.

I get so close to beating her, but keep screwing it up. Tonight, i was almost ready to win when I realized that I had no med kits. Went to take one and realized I was out.


Even so, I'm not sure it would help. Frankly, all I seem to do is spend every round interrupting her. And that leaves me barely enough time to damage her. Meh.

Thanks for the help.


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Thought this was interesting. I got pretty frustrated with Zash last night, as you may have noticed. I'm also running low on credits since I have to repair my armor and replace med kits so often.


So I headed to Taris to finish a couple missions and re-group.

Ended up beating Bashun -- the boss from the Cathar quest. It was an insanely close fight, but I took him. He's elite 35th, while Zash is only elite 32nd, so she should be whimpier, but ... not so much. At least I dont feel like a total looser now.


Planning to bump around Taris a bit and finish a couple things to get some cash and experience before trying again with Zash.

Frustrating, though.


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