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Free transfers in the future?


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I'm stuck on a realm which is 80% Russian. Apparently Bioware told Russians to roll tehre as there are no proper Russian servers without telling non Russians. I have a 50 there and really don't want to reroll on another server as now school is back it will take me months of playing 1 - 2 hours a night to actually get 50. Plus I'll lose my legacy levels, gear, speeders, over 4m credits, valor rank and crew skills.
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I join the application migration realm.

I'm in the eye of ashlanae server, I have a level 50 character and a level 31 and I like those classes. I have no time to climb back up again. In this kingdom at first we were 20-30 people Spanish, now in my guild we are connected at peak 3 to 5 max. I love the game but I feel the situation where people are sparsely populated realms we reduce the capacity offered by the 50% stake in Regards.



Sorry for my english ;)

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I too started a toon on a realm where I reached level 50, hoping that my old WOW friends would have continued to play. They decided that the game wasn't worth it and went back to WOW.(traitors). So I found out recently that some real life friends play all the time on another realm, I made a toon there, got it to level 50 yesterday, now my Jug on the other realm is just sitting bored out of his mind wishing he could join the realm his kid brother the Marauder is playing on. I wouldn't mind paying a fee for the transfer, Would be nice if Bioware would do something soon. PLease Bioware, you are our only hope...
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I started my character on a server that is pretty low on population. never more than 3-4 person on a planet so its pretty boring. and its impossible to get a group. im playing a mmorpg to play with people not to be isolated on a planet


it would be nice to have character transfer

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Well with AU server transfers starting in under a week, so far we only have confirmed from Bioware in the Q&A a couple weeks back that server transfers is on the cards for the wider US/EU players. Regrettably for our group we will not be transfering to use the AU servers simply because we cannot have our friends in EU transfer as well!


I am surprised that with a thread with over 100k views and close to 900 responses that this is the best info we can get back from Bioware.


I started a thread on the same topic not long ago and also has close to 3k views in just over a week showing it is a topic very important to players, yet nothing more forthcoming from Bioware.


Pls Bioware, confirm some details to the community!! Keep us in the loop please and give us an update.


Any rough ETA would be most helpful and if this will be free or charged.


Personally charging for this service I think would be a bit of a slap in the face unless it was very low cost (ie not the extortion Blizzard slugged @ 25 dollars).


Better option would be limiting transfers per account (ie once a month or something).




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impossible to find a group on my server.. seems like 1/2 the population is either 1 of 2 guilds split up into all different guilds with similar names yet no one can do simple group quests/flashpoints.


i hate my server :(


edit: think i'll stick to playing with my original guild on Vulkar Hwy

Edited by Mazurati
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OK this would make it clear that the game is going downhill and into the Black List, I think that will continue for months in their line because they want to expand its market in other countries and will not be allowed that fact is a shame, they to fall into the worst errors.


. I support that position no longer maintain a proud and take care of players who still have, as they will allow it to work this MMO.


Please, Migrations!!

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They had better be free. They're the ones who screwed up with a ridiculous amount of servers at launch.


They won't be free. The only people who would ever get a free transfer are those on a server with such a large queue, it prevents them from being able to play their characters. Or, people who live in the new game launch regions.

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I need a server transfer, bad. Its reached a point where I'm discontinuing my service until one becomes available (we'll see if I still care when/if that day ever arrives).


My server is so utterly dead it's ridiculous. To see a planet with more than six people is rare. I was literally the only person on Hoth today, until finally one other poor soul showed up. I don't even attempt to get a group of people together for heroics or flashpoints anymore, it's just an effort in futility.


And PvP is nonexistent. I'll wait an hour for one match to finally pop, only to join - wait through loading, wait for it to start - then have it end thirty seconds in due to not having enough players. Then more loading, then another hour of waiting just for it all to happen again.


It's ridiculous. And yeah I could reroll on a different server. But I've invested 60+ hours into leveling my BH and SI. I'm not just willing to wipe the slate clean and start over from scratch; and I shouldn't have to, either.

Edited by xStrayDogx
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Hey Guys,


the idea of trolling though 51 pages of back and forth insults didnt appeal to me so i thought i would pose a couple of quick questions. I apologise if they have already been answered.


Like a fair few of my country men, i'm an aussie that bought TOR online months before the australian release because I really wanted to play it. Now that the games been released in Australia I'd like to move my toon across to one of the aussie servers instead of starting over (i'm almost at 50 lol).


So I guess my question is 1) has this been discussed, and 2) is it something that is possible/will be permitted in the future


I'm not fussed whether the transfers are free or paid, just wanna know if its an option.


Thanks very much for taking the time to read my post

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Hey Guys,


the idea of trolling though 51 pages of back and forth insults didnt appeal to me so i thought i would pose a couple of quick questions. I apologise if they have already been answered.


Like a fair few of my country men, i'm an aussie that bought TOR online months before the australian release because I really wanted to play it. Now that the games been released in Australia I'd like to move my toon across to one of the aussie servers instead of starting over (i'm almost at 50 lol).


So I guess my question is 1) has this been discussed, and 2) is it something that is possible/will be permitted in the future


I'm not fussed whether the transfers are free or paid, just wanna know if its an option.


Thanks very much for taking the time to read my post


They're going to let you transfer for free man.



BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will officially launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore on March 1st, 2012! Fans in these regions who purchase the game will be able to experience their very own Star Wars™ saga on regional servers. Players who have already begun their journey will also have a limited-time opportunity to migrate their characters from their current servers to Asia Pacific servers after the launch on March 1st, giving them the chance to take advantage of the decreased network latency by playing on a regional server. All players who qualify for a character transfer will be notified in early March with more details.
Edited by Kourage
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My server is so utterly dead it's ridiculous. To see a planet with more than six people is rare. I was literally the only person on Hoth today, until finally one other poor soul showed up. I don't even attempt to get a group of people together for heroics or flashpoints anymore, it's just an effort in futility.


I agree Stray, my west coast server was heavily populated when the game launched, so much so, that some of my friends went to other servers rather than enter the server Que. Now days my server is dead, I also couldn't find a group in Hoth, When I first rolled my characters, I had no problems finding groups for heroics. Now I'm lucky to find one person to group with, much less an entire group. Not sure if people played and just left after the first month or what, but I'm routinely only seeing about 50 people even on the fleet. Warfronts are taking forever to fire, and when they do, it seems like we are routinely outnumbered on the republic side.


I'm really hoping they allow North America transfers as well, like you, I play MMO's to play with other people, and right now I'm getting a little burned out and bored. I have two characters that are nearly lvl 50 and I also don't want to re-roll, I would like to experience some end game pvp and raids, if only there were people to experience it with.

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I will gladly pay BIOWARE $25 RIGHT NOW for a server transfer. Please BioWare, PLEASE take my money. Please take it. People are quitting because their servers are emptying because people are quitting because servers are emptying..... you see its a plague. Please let us change to servers where our friends are, you will lose less players and MAKE MONEY if you charge us! Edited by paulgandersman
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No idea. Had a similar problem myself last night..I think I'll just delete my character and start over on a new server this weekend.


Never delete the time you invested. Save it and maybe if frees come you can move it then.

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For varying reasons, many of my friends and I didn't coordinate with each other about which server to start on. Now, we're all spread across the country, some even in the wrong time-zone. There should be an initial free service where a limited number of characters (1 - 3?) could be transferred, and after that it costs $25 (or whatever) per character. Not having a character transfer service is damaging to the community as a whole and needs to be addressed immediately. It's hard for me to imagine that a conscientious firm like BioWare would not see the seriousness of this and take immediate measures to correct it.


BioWare, we NEED a character transfer service right now.


May the Force be with us all.

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I have to agree. While I am on a server with a decent pop. I think it would only be fair to allow players to change servers. There are a number of reasons this should be allowed. First among them, customer service.


Also, once we get cross server traffic, I can envision players may start likely to group with certain players and it will be easier for guilds to attract new members this way.


I dont know if this should be free or cost for transfer but since they are doing this for the Australian players, I hope and believe it is only a matter of time before players will be allowed to do this. However to any and all who are considering deleting your character can I strongly advise you not to delete it, I think you will regret doing that in the long term.

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