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Free transfers in the future?


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Legacy system is the biggest problem with server transfers. with the legacy being earned by all charcters on a server, I honestly doubt if they will ever impliment server transfers. being forced to merge lighter servers to pick up traffic I could see happening, but all characters connected to that legacy would have to transfer over as well
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This question really does need SOME kind of a Dev answer. At this point, they really should be able to give a release date if they are working on it; it's not THAT complicated of a procedure to code, and it's something that this community has been consistantly vocal about wanting since day 1.


You're going to see Character Copies over to the PTS before you can actually transfer over your character from one live server to another. This feature for the PTS will be like the 'beta test' for the live transfers.


So wait until we can copy over to the PTS, then you can start thinking about live transfers.

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I rolled another character on a higher population server and it has made my playing experience SUBSTANTIALLY more enjoyable! They need to merge servers.


I TOTALLY agree with you. My main now is almost 48 and I wish to conclude the story just to know how it is going to end but my alt is already lvl 22 and now I can enjoy heroics and in the future high level pvp, warzones, fp and all the content of this huge game.


I only HOPE that server transferts will be allowed soon to bring my main on a more populated server and enjoy it!

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I agree with the server transfer, I'm playing in the courageous sver and most of the time if feels like I'm playing in a single player game instead of a MMO, and it's hard to get fp and I'm playing from SEA, do almost all the time I'll be playing alone... I do hope bioware will allow server transfer soon to help me get a more pleasurable experience with the game, not that the game is bad in anyways, just that I like the feeling of having to chat with people when I play or maybe having some friends to run quests with.
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I started a Character on a low population PVE server on the day 1 of swtor, assuming 1) the population would increase since people would be joining the game and 2) even though it was PVE, people would still cue up for warzones at least....because they are Fun! My mistake. I shouldn't have made assumptions, but the population stayed very low, and as well almost no one PVPs. Although I very much enjoyed playing my character through to level 50, It has been very frustrating. I played through very few heroics and flashpoints because of the lack of people to join in the groups.


I have temporarily quit due to work, but the ability to transfer my char to a higher populated PVP server would instantly bring me back to swtor. Hope it happens sooner rather than later. I think this is a feature that many would appreciatte.

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I would like to see the server transfer/migration option as soon as possible.

Have a char in the Level 20 range, and got some friends with the same, but on another server.

Would like to move over as soon as possible.

Has there been an official answer in this thread yet? (Not going to read through all pages)

Funny enough, Bioware points to this thread themself.

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What I really want to know is what is going to happen with Legacy.

My only character, a lvl 50 trooper is on a east coast server.

I need to move to the west coast server where all my friends started to play.

What is going to happen with Legacy?

Are they going to take away the Legacy from the character that is moving?

Is it going to carry over to the new server if I have no characters in it?

What happens if I have a Legacy already unlocked in the new server?

I just need an answer to this, PLEASE!!!

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They're trying to hook it up. They just don't know how yet.:D
Actually they had success with limited testing during closed beta, but there are more implications now than there were back then (legacy for example.) But character transfers are coming and is a dev high priority. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Actually they had success with limited testing during closed beta, but there are more implications now than there were back then (legacy for example.) But character transfers are coming and is a dev high priority.


I'm very pleased and looking forward to it. :)

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Galactic i'm sorry but, may I ask you where do your informations come from ? Did a Dev told you that ? It'will be a really good new and a relief but are you really sure of your source ?


Because the dev tell us nothing, i'm on french server and the last new was an answer to a mail( this week) to a player wich tell : " the problems you're describing don't exist ( !! he was talking about the emptiness of 4 french servers, we are under 20 on each planet, 10-15 most of the time, playing on Ilum is impossible even between 19hour /21h !!!). we haven't manage to combine server because the population of all the server is increasing ( !!!! that's totaly wrong, the population of the 4 serveurs is going down, more each week, most of the guild are leaving !! ) I think you should leave time to the young community ti grow, we will talk about that soon as possible "


And he was the lead of the french community XD We're doom ! The young communities are juste dying, all the fun is gone with the people who left, and for somepoeple who haven't a lot of time to play doing again evrything somewhere else is not a good option, it's not fun at all, where is the game so ?? And for the fondation title for exemple, it's on our main.... that's not a big thnig but !!!!!


Galactic bring me hope please xD

Edited by Lirielle
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Galactic i'm sorry but, may I ask you where do your informations come from ? Did a Dev told you that ? It'will be a really good new and a relief but are you really sure of your source ?


Because the dev tell us nothing, i'm on french server and the last new was an answer to a mail( this week) to a player wich tell : " the problems you're describing don't exist ( !! he was talking about the emptiness of 4 french servers, we are under 20 on each planet, 10-15 most of the time, playing on Ilum is impossible even between 19hour /21h !!!). we haven't manage to combine server because the population of all the server is increasing ( !!!! that's totaly wrong, the population of the 4 serveurs is going down, more each week, most of the guild are leaving !! ) I think you should leave time to the young community ti grow, we will talk about that soon as possible "


And he was the lead of the french community XD We're doom ! The young communities are juste dying, all the fun is gone with the people who left, and for somepoeple who haven't a lot of time to play doing again evrything somewhere else is not a good option, it's not fun at all, where is the game so ?? And for the fondation title for exemple, it's on our main.... that's not a big thnig but !!!!!


Galactic bring me hope please xD

Reference Stephen Reid's Jan 26 Podcast with TorTalk. Server transfer convo starts around 20:45-ish.




Cheers! :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I hope it's a real priority, they say that on an interview but no dev is coming on the forum to make that official and the interview was on the 26 january....

Thank you very much for your information Galactica i'm a little relieve but as long as no dev is talking about that on the forum, on a huge subject like this one, 82 pages !!! there is a big problem !!, I think I wont be satiesfied. And what king of transfers would it be ? Only from small server to other small server ? from small server to hugh server ? The last one would be the best but it's mean the end of, in france, 4 servers, I don't know for the other i'm sorry. I hope i don't wasting my time by standing on an empty server with my main and waiting for some respect for the customer by Bioware... But I know i waste it :) think i'll reroll soon !

Edited by Lirielle
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I hope it's a real priority, they say that on an interview but no dev is coming on the forum to make that official and the interview was on the 26 january....

Thank you very much for your information Galactica i'm a little relieve but as long as no dev is talking about that on the forum, on a huge subject like this one, 82 pages !!! there is a big problem !!, I think I wont be satiesfied. And what king of transfers would it be ? Only from small server to other small server ? from small server to hugh server ? The last one would be the best but it's mean the end of, in france, 4 servers, I don't know for the other i'm sorry. I hope i don't wasting my time by standing on an empty server with my main and waiting for some respect for the customer by Bioware... But I know i waste it :) think i'll reroll soon !

Well, their Community News page has near-daily commiunications, and there are other sources - just have to hunt for them. But I do agree that the "loose lips sink ships" SOP can feel a bit disconcerting on our end sometimes.


I think (i.e. one person's opinion) that once the legacy system is solid on the back end they'll go full steam on the transfer system. No clue as to whether the service would be free or a microtransaction though. If they plan on it being a microtransaction, then that's another thing they'd have to build into the game first. So if it happens as soon as they are hinting, it will probably have to start out being free. I too hope this happens in short order. Less grief in the forums and more players with others to play with in the game would be a nice thing.


And you are most welcome. Santé! :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I can't possibly see how Legacy is yet a problem for transfers.


A) It's just a name with points connected. The points are not exclusive on a server, merely the name which can just be reset and then give already existing names preference to somebody who transfers a character.

B) See A.


I understand as it's under development there's the possibility of there being functions behind the scenes we aren't yet aware of, but based on what's implemented to this day, it's only the name that matters.

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I can't possibly see how Legacy is yet a problem for transfers.


A) It's just a name with points connected. The points are not exclusive on a server, merely the name which can just be reset and then give already existing names preference to somebody who transfers a character.

B) See A.


I understand as it's under development there's the possibility of there being functions behind the scenes we aren't yet aware of, but based on what's implemented to this day, it's only the name that matters.

What if a main is transferred but the alts are not? What happens to the legacy points? Are they re-applied to future alts on another server? Or existing alts on another server? Are the existing legacy alts SOL?
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Well obviously Iv don't know that but that doesn't make it a major obstacle to transfers per se, the main (only) thing today is the exclusivity of the name on all chars on a server.

Personally I don't see a problem with the points being duplicated to the new server, if it's the main we are talking about one can assume it's the one who has contributed the most to the legacy points anyway, if you are implying some "unfair that they get all points" issue.

Edited by Gotipe
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Well obviously Iv don't know that but that doesn't make it a major obstacle to transfers per se, the main (only) thing today is the exclusivity of the name on all chars on a server.

Personally I don't see a problem with the points being duplicated to the new server, if it's the main we are talking about one can assume it's the one who has contributed the most to the legacy points anyway, if you are implying some "unfair that they get all points" issue.

Nothing was implied honestly. It's just that all possibile combinations (or as many as is possible under time constraints) of potential gotchas have to be identified, mapped, coded, tested, debugged, remapped, recoded, retested, redebbuged, rinse & repeat until dev is comfortable that their customers will be comfortable with it. There is no easy button. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Hi there.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for my poor English: I'm from Russia, yep.

This theme is too long to read to find something useful, so I've decided to ask my question here instead.

There are 3 of us, friend who decided to play swtor together. We bought the game and registred on the 1st or 2nd of January 2012 at The Kumungah realm.

We thought that that realm was ok despite the fact that the population there was "light".

But things went worse: nowadays there are only 30-40 people at the Imperial main station at the Saturday's evening. It's impossible to find someone to go to flashpoint with. We were looking for DD but found nothing. This situation in WoW(yep, we've played WoW before) is unbelievable!

So, I'm 50, other guys are 39 and 40 lvl.

And here comes my question: is there any oportunity to transfer 3 of us to another realm with many more(not the most as Freedon Nadd's one) people online?


Sincerely yours, Alex

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Thanks again galactic, good luck to everyone who is playing on light server !


On my server we have create a chan group to help the group research, the main obstacle is to inform everyone to come on it but it's very useful, you can ask for a group or just talk without the planet's limitation, it's in the whole galaxie. ( I'm sorry my english is very poor :o )


Let's see and hope for a transfer after or better with the next big update in march ! :rolleyes:

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