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Free transfers in the future?


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need transfer badly, dead servers (republic) is dead, 20-30 ppl in voss/corelia and 60 in fleet at like 20.00 euro-time saturday isn't funny



rerol and lvl-up again isn't an option, story-telling is good for first time but it's replayeable rate for same class is zero

Edited by navarh
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I support server xfers. Also they should be free. The server I'm on is pretty dead. Started off in EA on the Fatman and everything was great. Queues soon followed up to 2 hours was the wait. Got fed up and went to this server. Pretty unhappy here since the 50s bracket opened up. Matches ending prematurely and waiting sometimes 1 hour for a queue to pop is not my idea of fun. We paid to play not to sit around and wait for stuff to go on. I would also welcome server merges but transfers would be best for me cause I could get on a highly active PvP server.
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I think my server is the lowest pop server in game, 2 hour Que from 10am-12 today


Don't know where to post it, but its about our server, so...


I have a few questions to developers.


1 - Why make that many servers, when half of them r not populated enough ? Maybe it would be wise to merge Tott Doneeta with 2-3 other low population servers ? We never get open world PvP on Tott Doneeta. In fact, yesterday i spent 2 hours with my sorc lvl 50, on Tatooine, been through all republic territory and the Dune Sea, only meet 1 republic, which i killed of course. Recently on one site, i saw video of nice Ilum battles.. 100vs100 , maybe more.. we NEVER get that on Tott Doneeta. maximum we had its 3 Republic vs 6 Imps.

Warzone queues .... its absolute and epic failure. I can wait with my lvl 50 char 4 hours during day, and never get even "beloved" Huttball !! it only starts at the evening.. had a premade yesterday, we were playing side 18.00 - 00.00 GMT, for that time we only been in 3 Warzones.. and all the time we've been in the queue !!


2 - Valor system. maybe on high populated servers its ok, but on ours.. Valor rank from lvl 56 to lvl 57 requires about 50k+ exp. every WINNING WZ u can get around 1k-1,2k valor. so its 50 WZ's at best to get that 1 (one) valor level. at server where u can only get 3-4 WZ's per 24 hours, it really sucks. Devs, u should really think on it.


3 - Content. ok, I made character, made it class I want.. completed story line and most quests on planets.. finally got it to lvl 50. yeah ! I'm great, I'm cool ! lets try owning lowbes on WZ's ! ....... **** ! i really suck ! damn ! need to get PvP gear "

hmm.. can't get PvP gear coz can't do anything on WZ's vs already equipped ppl, and have to wait 4 hours to start 1 WZ (on which would get maximum 100 commendations.. when i need 800 for one bag), can't do PvP daily, again, coz queue for WZ's .. only Ilum left.. but its always 4-5 ppl there gathering that armaments, so.. will take a few hours to do that.

Other that that, what do i have to do on lvl 50 ? run hard mode flashpoints ? done yesterday. had a team equipped for PvP so couldn't kill boss in second one. tho, it was fun.. for maybe 2-5 evenings. I'm not really getting anything useful from this flashpoins

Run Operations ? well, i don't have group of 8 equiped 50s. and even when i will, its gona be same as flashpoints. fun for few days, no real reward or point in it all.

Thats about all u can do when u reach lvl 50.

Where is something, some activity, which everyone would be aiming for ? what u could always be able to do on 50.


4 - Legacy. well. somewhere i saw info about how it will work.. ppl, by the time u will finally implement it in game, everyone will already have leveled chars, so it will be no point in this system ! tho the idea is good.


5 Compared to old SWG... in SWG i could choose faction ingame. I could switch factions if i'd want too. would have to work hard on missions for that, but it was possible. (as far as i remember) in year 2004, i've been in a nice Imperial guild, we had a really nice city on some planet. I had a really nice house in it.. spent few weeks customizing it.. had trophies on the walls. was real fun.

We had some territory wars.. i don't really remember how did we actually control over territory, may be it was just our imagination, but was fun too.

So why such things were possible in the game of 2004 (and older games as well) and we don't have them now (2012) ?

Why the game u make in 2012, is worse then game we had in 2004 ? well, only better in graphic actually.



ok, so what i suggest :


1 - merge low populated servers. allow faction change. allow server change.

2 - remake Warzone system. it doesn't work the way it should. cross server queues won't change inbalance (imp/Rep) but would give at least Huttball instantly. Also, make more Warzones for same faction !! and i mean normal PvP action warzones !

3 - remake Ilum open world PvP. atm, we r getting no rewards for it. so no ones is interested in it.

4 - Territory control. hello ? its war out there, why can't we actually capture, and control some territory ? not for mythical faction, but for our guilds. maybe even for ourself )

Own Territory, should give some nice things to a guild holding it. maybe taxes, may be resources for real high tier craft.. whatever, but it should be something worth fighting for.

5 - Housing. why we don't have it in this game ? even in SWG we had it. make this happen, and you'll see fast growing city's. Ship is good, but u can't get guests there. can't hang trophies on the wall, etc..


really upset with the situation atm, thinking about quiting the game. have a list of 18 friends ingame, never saw 15 of them in last 2 weeks. think they quit.

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I support server xfers. Also they should be free. The server I'm on is pretty dead. Started off in EA on the Fatman and everything was great. Queues soon followed up to 2 hours was the wait. Got fed up and went to this server. Pretty unhappy here since the 50s bracket opened up. Matches ending prematurely and waiting sometimes 1 hour for a queue to pop is not my idea of fun. We paid to play not to sit around and wait for stuff to go on. I would also welcome server merges but transfers would be best for me cause I could get on a highly active PvP server.


i completely agree. it's depressing even to log in now.

game should be fun not dreadful

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Worst part is that when the game started people accepted the queues but after a couple weeks some of'em quitted because waiting two hours to play was not fun enough.


In the meantime on low pop servers people were hoping to see the population grow with more subscribers.


Result is: on full servers, now people has decreased and it's now good and fun, on heavy servers pop has decreased but it's still ok, on low pop servers people has decreased because nothing was happening and now we are almost alone all the time.


Character transfer and server merges are URGENT! Any day passing by, it gets more fundamental to have the chance to have more people to play with, otherwise people will be quitting!


I can't stand having been so stupid not to have thought correctly of this matter in the first place.. Now I have to rely on my hopes that BW will implement this service..


Please BW, listen to us quickly, I've already abandoned SWG when the NGE came out of nowhere and ruined the game, I don't want to leave also this mmorpg!

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Indeed, there's a massive discrepancy here and the gap between the servers that were overloaded for days around release did, regardless of reason or "How thought through" it was, cause a major but temporary, move to other servers.


Now with dead servers all over, a free one-time transfer to fill up the high pop servers would be better, as the inflow of new players has stabilized (To say the least) in comparison to release.

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Keep posting people its the only way bioware will hear us!!!


when patch 1.1 came out and Ilum was messed up...the forums blew up from many people posting complaining about it and they fixed it that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if you want server transfers to be available please continue to post!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I will join the petition to have character swaps. A new character is not an option, it took me all of Christmas break and January to reach 50 and I'm not about to do it again. I'm on a standard pop server where the imperial fleet has 50-60 avg at night. It is impossible to get PvP dailies done within a few days because you play the same guilds that are beefed to the point you can't kill them. I canceled my subscription that ends next month and if it doesn't get better I'll just move on to better things. I did enjoy the game though.
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I really hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I might need a server transfer soon too.


All of my friends are getting into the game now. It was fine. I rolled my Republic characters on a RP server and left my Empire slots fairly open so when they got interested we could play together.


Then they pull the switch.


They want to be REPUBLIC now. I have a 33 Jedi Knight. I so don't want to have to start from scratch. Especially since my buddies are flaky at best sometimes. So either I have to convince them to play Empire now or I'll have to start all over again on another server. I just unlocked my legacy and everything. It'd be a pain to have to switch over.

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Ok. I got a question:

My trooper is on Sith Wyrm (east). He is lvl 49 already. Legacy lvl 4 and a half.

My friends are playing on Krath server (west). So i want to transfer my trooper over there.

Now, to kill time while Character transfers open, i thought about creating empire alts so we could all play together.

Then I thought about Legacy.

If i start a new legacy at Krath Server, what will happen to the legacy from the Character that's comming from Sith Wyrm server?

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Ok. I got a question:

My trooper is on Sith Wyrm (east). He is lvl 49 already. Legacy lvl 4 and a half.

My friends are playing on Krath server (west). So i want to transfer my trooper over there.

Now, to kill time while Character transfers open, i thought about creating empire alts so we could all play together.

Then I thought about Legacy.

If i start a new legacy at Krath Server, what will happen to the legacy from the Character that's comming from Sith Wyrm server?


Not sure im wondering the same thing which is why I encourage you to continue posting on here so bioware will give us an update

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Hey there :)


Havent read all 63 pages, I admit. But I would say that free migration for some servers woudl be great. E.g. I play at Bassilisk Droid which is swamming with empire players but the population of republic players are low, so it would be great to see more republic in the contented areas.


The issue about transfer to another server just because your friends are there, well if they are your friends then you shut have coordinated it when you started. So I think it would be best if there were a payed transfer option, and e.g. it would cost the same as 1 month of game time.


Regards and may the force be with you :)

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