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Free transfers in the future?


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Just before the game launched my guild was being placed at a server that just after the start of early access already had long waiting queues. Because of this most of my fellow guild members have choosen another server and now they don't want to leave their chars. Because of the queues on that server when the game started I've created some chars on yet another server as well.


It would be nice if all of our guildmembers could get back together again and I could have all my 8 characters on the same server. And because the server where my guild is placed still is very heavy populated I'm all in favor of character transfer but also for the possibility for a guild transfer.


Maybe a one time free transfer for all our characters (it being Bioware at least partly responsible for this) and after that the possibility for a paid transfer would be preferable in my opinion.

Edited by moodyjazz
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Yeah strongly need character transfer also... My guild went to another server cause of big queue at Bloodworthy EU, but i was lvl 35 then and refused to lvl a 5th toon again (Had 3 at beta....) So at least pls Bioware tell us if you are planing the character transfer and approximately when if possible. And not talking about free transfer, willing to pay as many other here, so you are loosing money :)
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i could really do with free or paid transfers.... im rerolling for the 3rd time the server im on now has around 8-15 level 50s on at peek on the imperial side and last night in voss there was 12 ppl getting grps is very hard... im lvl 47 having to reroll on higher pop server as when i get 50 on the server im on will be pointless as i cant do anything.... i wanna be able to transfer my lvl47 to a high pop server.
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I agree one time free Server transfers is in order. I feel a lot the servers people made end up not having their friends in because of the high queues. Some people didn't even have a choice.


My Assassin is only lvl 36 and I was in on the 2nd day of EA, I would have hit cap if I was in he same server with my friends. If I could get it transfer over to deadweight it just make things lot more enjoyable.

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I for one am in favor of a character transfer option or even a server merge. I rolled on the server Fork Garnik with a friend, only to find out a week later that it's among the lowest in population, according to torstatus.net.


The queue times are atrocious and when you do happen to get into a Warfront, 9 times out of 10 you get the "120 seconds until close" due to not enough players being there. How hard is it so seriously get 10 people (5 per side) to queue up?


Secondly, trying to get into a group with someone is a pain and if you do, you basically take what you can get...even if they are the worst MMO player you've ever seen.


Finally, with the server being so dead...it basically feels like I'm playing a single-player game. I don't have the time necessary to reroll thanks to real life commitments but I do have the means necessary (aka money) to pay for a transfer.


I hope they either merge Fort Garnik with a Standard population server or allow for free/paid transfers someday. PvPing against the same 3-5 Imps just isn't fun anymore (Sage Chau, Voltraic, Icemansanity - I'm looking at you :p)

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Transferring characters is never free in P2P MMOs as far as I know.


regardless if its going to be free or pay to transfer we the players need this option...and bioware needs to cater to that.


hopefully before the legacy update because that would be complicating having one character on one server with a different legacy and legacy level and transfer a new one over with different legacy and legacy level

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agreed as well...we need this option pretty much right after the free first month. My server went from a full at launch to a max of standard now. WZ ques take too long for 50 bracket and when i do get a match, end up playing with/against the same people over and over again. keep posting here so they will add this damn feature in.
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I'd love to get off my low pop server (that was high the moment I created my char there - and hasn't been high, that I've noticed, since Dec 26) and on a decently populated one.


I don't know what defines Light, Standard and Heavy, but mine is perpetually Standard during my play time (9p - 1a M-F evenings, EST), and nearly every area, bar the Fleet, feels dead empty.


This is on either my 27 sorc or my 50 juggernaut.


As my Juggernaut is a tank and my Sorc is heals, I figured I'd have 50% of the hard to find spec covered on either character, but not until guildmates started hitting 50 on their heals was I able to reliably find groups for group content. Between 20 and 50 I did 1 night of grouping (somewhere around 45).


On my heals now, trying to do heroics or flashpoints - it's the same problem - never a tank around (and none in my guild have tanks in that level range).


From what little I've seen, the group content while leveling up is fund to do. But low pop, poor LFG tool and no dual specs means it simply isn't being seen. In the long run, my 50 will be fine, as my guild coming together nicely now, but I doubt I ever see group content below level 50 on any alt, on my server, at the appropriate level due to the impediments to forming a group in this game.

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Well guys keep posting we need this to be a top priority for bioware I want them to see our needs...tired of being in low populated servers? tired of being on imbalanced servers? wanna play with friends on another server? Then keep bumping up this post


ill keep checking this thread every 5 mins or so and continue to bump til bioware addresses this with more then just a "we understand players want server transfers and plan on making this option in the future"

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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Searched the net the last few days for that issue but didn't manage to find anything, only speculations. Dont know why Bioware isn't releasing any info about it.





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Bioware PLEASE we need this feature! Throw us a bone, give us a simple statement saying "we're working on it, guys, don't be upset"!


We now that you all are hardly working to improve the game and we love every little bit of it but it doesn't matter for me that you have introduced the Rakhghouls flashpoint only because I can hardly play any heroic quest on my server!!


Every day that you delay the character transfer, is a day that we pay to play for an experience wich is not complete as you have greaatly made it for us!


Again, please BW say something official about this matter, we need it badly!:)

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Frankly, since there's nothing particularly unique about any given server anyway, I don't see why my character should be chained to just one. Of the many failures of STO, this was one of the few they got right, where you could change server instances in game with the same character.


Forget "free for a time", and forget WoW, which this is not and nobody cares about (or at least I don't... IMNSHO it's a terrible game that I have no interest in, and I don't care how many players it has, it does a ton of things wrong too and I don't want to play a WoW clone with SW IP slapped on it, I want a different, better game that takes pains to avoid the same pitfalls).


No, I'm not QQ'ing, but I've put a lot of time into the character I have, and I might be willing to put time into one or two more, but I have friends spread over numerous servers in this game, and I'd like to be able to play with them whenever I want without having to roll a new char and repeat stuff I've already done. The point of an MMO is to be able to play socially, as and it stands I'm trapped on a dead server that is lightly populated even at 11pm on a Friday, and flat empty during my normal weekday-morning play time. I am almost never able to find groups for Heroics (especially those in a bonus series), I can't EVER find groups for higher level flashpoints, and I don't get to play with my friends.


There's no good reason or excuse for this, honestly, neither technological, social or administrative, and I should be able to join any server I want and play any one of my characters I want, any time I want, for free.


Just as RockTrevize above said, your new Rakghoul thing is useless to me if I can't find a group to play it with, and it's not my fault: YOU created the situation that will leave me completely unable to find a group to do this quest with in the first place, so all the time you spent making this mission is completely wasted, because I won't ever get to play it.

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