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Free transfers in the future?


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I am for character transfers (free preferably). I really wish they had them now because my friend forgot to ask me what server I was playing on while I went on vacation for awhile and I got back and he's level 25 and I'm 30 on a different server. I had to start over on his server and now I have to level all again and I had good crafting recipes on my lvl 30 :/.
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So this is supposed to be the official discussion on the topic and I know they announced some time ago that they were looking into character transfers. My question is could we get some kind of update on it? I don't expect them to be free ( though it would be great if they were ).


My situation is a little different, I got the game and started playing with no one I knew planning to play with me so I picked a server at random for the most part. Week later Hubbie decided he wanted to play too and all his friends are on a different server but we are 38 and 45 respectively so we don't want to reroll just want to move our toons to the server where all his friends are.

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Hi all!


We've recently had to remove or edit some posts in this thread, and would like to take a moment to remind please keep their posts constructive. Please do not simply bump the thread with /signed; make sure you are contributing to the discussion as well!


Thank you.


I would like to be able to transfer , not just because i have some real life friend playing on another server , but to also take down server waits .


I feel if this is a payed service we should be able to take everything we have with us ( eg, bikes , whats in storage and gear) I don t mind paying 25$ to £15 if the transfer is flawless


I can see people asking for free transfers ,, and would say offer a service where a persons account could be transfered to a less busy server. this service can only be given to High or very busy servers .. to allow users to , take the weight off of the servers


Just my two cents worth

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i think a transfer would be an excellent option. i made the mistake or just probably a bad decision to play on a server with a low population. the only real problem with this is that the GTN barely has anything good to buy or anything at all. compared to another highly populated server i also play on, the GTN is flooded with many excellent gear and items. Edited by daftshadow
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Seeing how my choice for lowpop on retain launch is now turning more and more dead it's increasingly appealing to get back to my original server choice, also because most guilds speaking my language and related languages are holed up there.

It's not so much about irl friends as the climate on my present server is...well, sterile to be honest.

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I think free transfers should be an option for consolidating the population after the free 30 days expire and then maybe only for merging server otherwise paid transfers only. I do like the idea of free transfers like Rift did but I think unless it is like 30 day cool down I would sooner people pay. but that just my opinion.
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Hello everybody!


Me and my friend decided to pick up the game a couple days after launch. We saw LOTS of queues on the busiest servers and decided to get on the less populated european server (that night it was Tott Doneeta).


That was a HUGE mistake..


While I'm writing this it's early morning here in Italy, as you can see from the time of this post, and on Dromund Kaas on Kai-Kan, where my lvl 13 Marauder is waiting for me there are 27 players active, while my Jedi Shadow lvl 31 on Tott Doneeta on Alderaan is counting only 2 other players..... :(


I've invested much time on this toon and I've done all the secondary quests I could find around the place, and quite some pvp. But it's just impossible to take on flashpoints or Heroic 4 quests.. When I can find the highest peak of players is during the evening and it never goes beyond 15-18 players on the same planet..


PLEASE let us transfer chars on other servers.. I REALLY love the story so far, I've tried different toons but this is my main and I'd really like to invest my time for the better!!


Especially talking about endgame content, I fear that I will never have the chance to experience all the content of the game with so a few players!


I assure that me and my friend are willing to pay a right fee to switch to Kai-kan wich is a server with a medium-high popolation where another friend is with his guild!


PLEASE BW, give us some infos, if possible an approximate ETA! I am a great fan of yours since the first Baldur's Gate and I've loved every single piece of software labeled Bioware that I played so far (and I think I have missed maybe one or two during all these years LOL) and I have faith that you will listen to us!


Just throw us a bone, we need an answer about this urgent question! :D


Thank you all and may the Force be with you!:ph_thank_you:

Edited by RockTrevize
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All I hear here are a bunch of excuses and smoke screen. Au completely smashed the Hell out of swiftsure and harbinger And are about to do two more. Fact is it's not just about queue times I for one am a pvp nut. Ever tried fighting someone with a 400 ping? I'm on swiftsure personally and was there in the high teens before I found out it was the unofficial oceanic server. I don't want free transfers cause they'll transfer us to the lamest servers ship the two servers to au in march.... And let the us players go where they want. This isn't BWs or even au's fault it's amazon's I just shut my game down after waiting in an hour long queue because I got in the server is Laggy as hell, pvp is literally broken. And quite honestly there are huge performance issues because if this. If BW doesnt want to lose some of the best players and guilds in the world back to wow. Something needs to be dine about this specifically with harbinger, swiftsure and the 4 eu servers it's really happening on. It really does kill the game.
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I think free transfers should be an option for consolidating the population after the free 30 days expire and then maybe only for merging server otherwise paid transfers only. I do like the idea of free transfers like Rift did but I think unless it is like 30 day cool down I would sooner people pay. but that just my opinion.


Personally I think free transfers are a mistake. Free transfers usually mean you don't get to pick where you are going. If your trying to get off a high pop to a lower.... They'll put you on the lowest. Charge a nominal fee but let us go where we want. I'm on the busiest server in the us.... Though it's crazy busy because of au. But I don't want to transfer off to a ghost town.... Maybe just a heavy. I highly doubt if they were free.... You would have much of a choice..... I know they did it for rift..... But that is not the norm.

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Character transfers would be pretty awesome. I leveled my toon to 50 only to find than my friends were on a different server. I have no problem creating a new toon, but I would like to have my level 50 and my alt together on one server. Edited by LordNyxus
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Personally I think free transfers are a mistake. Free transfers usually mean you don't get to pick where you are going. If your trying to get off a high pop to a lower.... They'll put you on the lowest. Charge a nominal fee but let us go where we want. I'm on the busiest server in the us.... Though it's crazy busy because of au. But I don't want to transfer off to a ghost town.... Maybe just a heavy. I highly doubt if they were free.... You would have much of a choice..... I know they did it for rift..... But that is not the norm.

I think both should exist, there is nothing preventing that.


A one-time free trasnfer to a server of choice wouldn't hurt tho. ;)

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There definitely should be transfers. I also am on an unofficial Oceanic Server and times for raiding are impossible being East Coast. While I know I started on a PST server, work has now made it so I cannot raid or PVP hard at this time. A transfer will save me lots of time and trouble.
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I don't necessarily want free transfers. There's nothing wrong with the server that my Jedi Guardian is on. The people are generally friendly, the queues are reasonable, and I have no problem with it... except for the fact that I joined a guild on my friends invitation and that guild is on another server. I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks to transfer my established character over, even if it means giving up something (like my Legacy name or progress)
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