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Lower lvl Sent pvp


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So i really enjoy pvp, my guild is pvp oriented, im a lvl 28 and am sucking at said pvp......im running combat and am only speced that way. i was previously speced watchman but was told by someone combat was better. i dunno anymore they all seem to suckfor sents in pvp i cant do much in the way of damage and have 0 CC. for a lvl such as mine whats the best spec to go till i get higher and which is the best form to go with? do you always go the same form as your spec'd for?


*edit* and most everything im able to dig up is for those who have hit 50 already

Edited by LancerKagato
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I'd say just go back to Watchman and see how you fare. Mine's Watchman specced and only 32, since around the early/mid 20's it been top of the board pretty much every match and very rarely ever loses a 1 v 1 or even 1 v 2.
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thats sweet but it doesnt tell me how :(


Ive played BH since launch, and just recently made a Sentinel. Im currently lvl 22 and doing quite well in pvp. 200+ dmg a wz, usualy 1-2 for top kills.


Spec watchman and use Juyo Form. Make sure you have the Saber Overload skill from your Watchman Talent tree.


Pretty much this is all I do in fights.


Force Leap to target, activate Overload Saber in air. You are now back @ 0 focus, so Zealous Strike. Now I try to hit leg sweep as quick as possible, followed by cauterize. At this point you now have 3 DoTs from Overload Saber, and your DoT from Cauterize.


From there its mostly just strike/slash until Overload Saber and Cauterize are back up, then reapply them.


Anytime you get 30 Centering, hit Zen right when you get all 4 DoTs back on someone, it will make all the DoTs auto-crit, as well as heal you and your team for each crit.



Im sure it gets more complicated at higher levels, but at 20 thats all there is to it.

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The main prob with lower lvl sents is that you do not have the big tools to survive in fight.


Lvl 30 will change your life with force camo

Lvl 38 will change your life with GbtF

Lvl 42 will change your life with Awe


All of them (and i may forget some) will make you survive *much* longer in fight.


Then about the spec, I think since you hit the critical level to get overload saber, watchman is better. But remember that sents as quite fragile before getting the abilities listed above. Combat is very good as well, but i still prefer Watchman. Watchman has no fear of anybody, but need some skill (and love =p)


A few tips :


- Hit cauterize and OS as often as possible. Force kick for their main cast (tracert missile for instance). Then force stasis in any 1v1 situation to break a cast. Master strike (it is your highest dps at your level if you manage to hit the third strike) if they are stunned/slowed by mates or if they are cornered.

- Crippling Throw. You can basically kill an ennemi getting healed (by non healer specced) with it. Do not forget it

- Bladestorm has 10m range. When you are out of range think of using it.

- Do NOT force leap your target unless they already used their bump. Bumps will kill you and if you can force leap behind you will basically nullify them. You need to stick to them, not to be toyed around.

- Don't be the first on the line. When engaging a team fight wait for their melee to come, or wait for the range of your team to start fighting. Yes Sents are awesome to kill healers, but since you do not have the main survivability tools, stick to kill tanks/sents and stay close to a healer or a top dps, they will draw the attention away from you as well as protect you sometimes.

- Rebuke. Don't start a fight without it. -20% dmg for 30s is essential. 1 min cd (with riposte if you chose it) is not that high.

- Defensive forms (combat tier 1). It is the only two points worth being put out of the watchman tree at your current level. It will give you much more zen/transcendance and you need it.

- PvP Consumables. In a tight fight (i said tight, not lost) hit them both to get +15% dmg +15%dmg reduction, +35% life.

- Team spirit. Take objectives, protect healers, try to help/save team mates (if they are worth it xD ex : Healers and top dps). They will give it back to you, and more than any class, sents need support.

-For dps optimization purposes, for Zen, use it after your burn are applied. Ex : OS, slash, strike, Cauterize, Zen.


Hope this'll help =)


Do not worry for dps chart, sents are not meant to be top dps at lower level without a pocket healer. If you are, good for you but it just means that you mates sucks which may not be a good indicator...


To evaluate if you play your sent well or not think :


- Did i fullfil the objectives (draw attention away from objectives for instance)

- Do I succeed in taking down ennemies I decide to kill (chose them wisely though ;-))

- When I die, are my defensive cds and consumable used?



Good luck ! Sents are tough, but when you'll dominate the battlefield and fear no one, you will start to feel sent awesomeness x)

Edited by EclatDeGivre
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my new sentinel is currently level 16, combat spec. a while ago someone complimented me, saying I was the reason we won the previous warzone (we were in huttball, the previous warzone was alderaan)


I like to think I'm doing rather well when I place top in damage at such a low level. it's simply a matter of keeping your focus up, keep Zealous Strike on its cd, Cauterize when needed, don't be afraid to use your buff, and I've found Shii-Cho to be most useful(I do not have Ataru form yet) with Zen giving 0 focus cost Slash. Master Strike is your big damage dealer, always try to use it when your target won't be moving


as for choosing your target, never run blindly into a group of enemies. let your ranged and tanks attack first, then move in and attack an unsuspecting healer or tracer missile spammer. I don't even have Force Kick yet and I'm capable of taking down healers while the rest of my team keeps theirs preoccupied.




mind you, this isn't even level 20 yet. the game changes a lot once you get different abilities

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as mentioned I would support and say that sents are late bloomers in PvP because we get some key abilities late (force cammo, guarded by the force) and thsoe in PvP are just fantastic skills.


Leveling up I was Combat for the first 20, then Focus till my high 30's. Mostly because with Focus you can play a nice dmg role in PvP and you'll have all the skills you need to do the rotation, get lots of kills and be able to win 1v1 fights as needed. Granted, Watchman is the better 1v1 spec imo.


Once you hit 40, and you can take Merciless Slash, Watchman really separates itself as the best overall spec imo... pve or pvp. Combat, while is fun and viable lacks the survivability of Watchman (no self healing, no group healing) but has some great perks (root breakers and it's own root on your healing debuff).


In PvP make sure you use Crippling Throw on every target when there's a healer around... it is the only healing debuff in the game right now, use it liberally, use it always, very very important.


Also, save your stuns and interupts. DOn't always leap to your target, if you can get to it on foot you should do so, because you're going to get rooted, punted or stunned and if you blew your leap then you are **** out of luck... sometimes you must leap but if you can avoid opening with it, then run up.


once you get force cammo you can aquire your targets much easier on foot.

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