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Question about Kaylio and Watcher X (Spoilers)


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I had a level 42 sniper which I loved immensely, but unfortunately my server kind of died, so I rerolled an ops on a different server to have a new outlook on things.



Since I finished act 2, and saw what happens with Watcher X, I immediately regretted being so hasty in my decision to kill him in act one. (Mark of a good story imo!) So for this playthrough, I want to keep him alive.

However, due to some people not bothering to put up spoiler tags, I got it spoiled that Kaylio leaves sometime in act 3.


My question is, does letting him live have anything to do with Kaylio leaving? While I would love to see another side of the story, I don't think I would do it if it means getting rid of a companion.


Since I didn't even begin act 3 yet, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spoil anything major for me, just a yes or no answer would suffice!


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Do not worry, Kaliyo leaving has nothing at all to do with Watcher X. She won't like it if you let him live but she won't leave you because of that.


If that doesn't reassure you, you can read a minor spoiler (would be big spoiler if you didn't know about Kaliyo leaving but minor since you already know it):



She doesn't leave permanently, you just get separated for a bit and then you get her back. It's a part of the storyline and always works the same no matter what choices you make.


Edited by jaakkeli
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Do not worry, Kaliyo leaving has nothing at all to do with Watcher X. She won't like it if you let him live but she won't leave you because of that.


If that doesn't reassure you, you can read a minor spoiler (would be big spoiler if you didn't know about Kaliyo leaving but minor since you already know it):



She doesn't leave permanently, you just get separated for a bit and then you get her back. It's a part of the storyline and always works the same no matter what choices you make.


Thanks for the non-spoiler reply! Very reassuring! Can't wait to get to Nar Shaddaa now! :)

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