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OMG Huttball Flames Lag Badly


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This may be known issue, but not sure, so here goes:


Last night I queued for WZ and got put into... guess... Huttball. So we are just pew pew and my teammate gets the ball and makes a run for it. I follow him until he runs straight into the flames. I'm like NOO MOTHER****ER THAT DUMP **** *** *** *** only to see him emerge on the other side with full health. Then half a second later flames go down.


I'm like ok minor glitch whatever back to pew pew. Then guy on the other team gets the ball and makes a run for it, and I see the floor planels turn red but he goes in, and for sure flames turn on, i'm like got you dumb **** but he comes out alive with full health.


So mine thinking, the graphics on the flames are either lagged at times or show differently for each player. What gives?

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The problem is clientside and due to either bad connection or hardware on your end. After the lower graphics option in 1.1.5 this problem totally vanished on my low end machine.


Now I have to relearn the timing and refrain myself from running into the flames too early, as I could safely do before.^^

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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There is an exploit... That's all I'll say.


No, Mr. tinfoil hat.


What the OP describes is simply a late rendering of the flames, so they appear to be still off, when they just went on and vice versa. This is caused by bad latency or unsufficient specs and I experienced it on both ends.


I don't know about speedhackers - maybe they get one tick, maybe they don't - but this is clearly not what went on in the above scenario. Apart from that there is no exploit, that I know off (and I check up on those boards frequently to know my enemy!).


Also, there are bubbles, undying rage, etc., leading to less or no damage depending on situation and movspeed. But, again - what the OP experienced is the typical late rendering of the flames.

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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No, Mr. tinfoil hat.


What the OP describes is simply a late rendering of the flames, so they appear to be still off, when they just went on and vice versa. This is caused by bad latency or unsufficient specs and I experienced it on both ends.


I don't know about speedhackers - maybe they get one tick, maybe they don't - but this is clearly not what went on in the above scenario. Apart from that there is no exploit, that I know off (and I check up on those boards frequently to know my enemy!).


I know for a fact that there is an exploit. This here might be late rendering, or it could be the exploit.

Edited by Mrip
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