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What pvp should be like


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Rewarding and competative. Right now my friend and I carrying 6 other players through every hutball game we enter, no exceptions. He plays op healer and I am a vengeance juggernaut. We need to be 4 to carry teams in voidstar or civil war.


This would be fun if we met two good other players on the opposition, but frankly everyone is terrible at this game. And the reward I get? None. Competative play? There is none. Fun factor? Nope.


I need a ranking system to eliminate the mouseclickers from my arenas and where I can meet the other two guys on the server with remotely any skill at all.


Also, give me cooler looking gear for being so much better than everyone, I deserve it for carrying people around all day. That alone would be the reward I need.


I hope they are making rated warzone 4 player only. Also with team ranking so I dont have to waste my time in 15 minute warzones I win just by watching TV while i play. (Except for hutball, these last around 5). poorly written, but I hope i get my point out.


This is not a troll thread. And you succckkers out there who cant handle better people than you in warzones dont deserve rewards. You should go play in flashpoints and stop being an annoyance with the ball in hutball, running around like headless chickens.


This is not a troll thread.

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this game is made for the people that dont want to have skill ... or put any effort at all : P


1.2 will make this even more clear mate , i assure you , if you want a game where skill or effort matter in PvP , it is not this one ... by FAR.

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