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Welcome to the Dog House, or, 'The Campaign for Real Pazaak'.


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Everything but the few semblances of Kotor have been completely pointless about this game so far IMO. You always see those "why are you still playing" threads, since the speeder the only reason I've still been playing is the hope that it gets better after BM in three valor levels.


Community-wise with notable exceptioins its like that bad diner you only want to stop at if you're really hungry and everywhere else is closed because the waitress is hooked on crack, the manager's a dikk, the cook hasn't had a shower in three weeks, nothing's fresh and the clientele are 1/3 homeless, 1/3 vandals and 1/3 coincidence.


Welcome to the dog house - a game that cultivates the worst in everyone, and marginalizes, buries and ignores anyone who calls for decency. I love my bad language but a ticket to white-boy-ghetto culture is not my cup of tea. Not sure Lucas Arts knew what it was in for when it let the Star Wars brand be associated with a company with so little regard for the spirit of the enterprise.


Pazaak has become a metaphor for me for everything that Kotor had that Swtor is not. Pazaak was charming, creative, original and fun - I can't say Swtor's been any of those yet. Pazaak was like, "Hi, welcome to outer space - lets play some cards." Of everything in Kotor, Pazaak is the number one thing that seemed to establish the perfect basis for the switch from console to MMO - imagine what it would be like if player interaction centered around the card table - win money, items, bet anything you want, hell get addicted to gambling but give people a reason to want to hang out together.


Imagine epic-tables where the dealer could drop unique items usable in combat? Setting rewards from the Pazaak table would establish a basis for good community relations and conduct, hell even socialization, as if to say, you want to play with the grown-ups, need to behave like a human being.


Instead this game endorses socialization through gang-fights - pretty much just throw everybody to the dogs; nothing is charming or fun, nothing is creative; everything caters to your base instincts, or nothing. I love nasty language, violence and brutality probably more than 70% of all players, however this is not to say that I enjoy paying to hang out in the equivalent of a jail cafeteria with fat lazy guards who'd sooner sleep with the inmates than clean up their desks.


To me, Bioware without Pazaak is not Bioware at all. Its not the same company; not the same spirit; not the same universe. Lore be damned, I have yet to be reminded of Kotor in anything other than a passing, fleeting sort of way.



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Complain, complain, complain. They'll get to pazaak eventually.


I don't think it will be soon enough for me. Not soon enough to convince me this is in any way the company I used to love. Pazaak is just one more problem. Its almost as if they were looking to corner the market on jerkwads and succeeded gloriously. A lot of people who were waiting for and expecting a game they could be proud of are already stuck wondering where to go next. I would lay a bet of any amount that there are more Jersey Shore fans than sci/fi Star Wars players in this game.


The story sucks majorly; in Kotor the story was fantastic. The PVP is an insult; the factions are a joke; I write this as I wait for my former game launcher to download and install.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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I don't think it will be soon enough for me. Not soon enough to convince me this is in any way the company I used to love. Pazaak is just one more problem. Its almost as if they were looking to corner the market on jerkwads and succeeded gloriously. A lot of people who were waiting for and expecting a game they could be proud of are already stuck wondering where to go next. I would lay a bet of any amount that there are more Jersey Shore fans than sci/fi Star Wars players in this game.


The story sucks majorly; in Kotor the story was fantastic. The PVP is an insult; the factions are a joke; I write this as I wait for my former game launcher to download and install.


So quit if you really didn't like it. That's the only solution I can offer. What have you really accomplished by writing a passionate denunciation of all things non-pazaak? I'm fine if you quit. Just don't spread your insidious poison of doubt to everyone else who actually ENJOYS the game.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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Not completely sure what a bad community and a minigame has in common.

Pazaak? = Yes.

Will it fix the community in any way, shape, or form? = No.


Just kinda stunned. I bought the game, expected not just more innovation, as in an opportunity for BW to expand on all the good ideas that started with Kotor; but also expected less. This game rewards the lowest and worst human traits, actually cultivates them; I wonder how many SWG people are still playing. I never played SWG but I can see what they mean; now that they're stuck in this game I can see very much why they sued Sony.

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