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Mod and Enhancement Advice Needed


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I'm a fairly new 50 and working on gearing up. I've gotten the Might armoring and hilt from the daily mission vendors for all my gear, but now I need to focus on my mods/enhancements. I've read that having Crit at 30% and accuracy at 28% is what I should aim for and then focus on power since it has no DR. I'm just looking to get the best that can be crafted atm.


There are so many enhancements that it can be a bit overwhelming to sift through them and figure out which would be best for me. If anyone can suggest the name of the enhancement and mod that would be best to reach 30% crit and 28% acc and once I achieve that which enhancement would be best to bump my power I'd be very grateful.


Sorry if these are noob questions, but the only other MMO that I've played was SWG pre CU.



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28 percent accuracy? Talk about overkill. I've heard like 10 percent accuracy is all you need, and really I've only heard that for people who are dedicated PvP players.


Your priority should be Power>Surge>Crit. Typically what I've heard is trying to get your crit to up around 30 percent and surge to 80 percent, although I don't know about that after the Surge nerf.


The enhancements I'm using right now are a mix:

Wily +20-something Endurance, +Crit, +Surge

Proficient: +20 something Endurance, +Accuracy, +Power

Initiative: +10 something Endurance, +Accuracy, +More Power than Proficient


There's actually a few repeats in there. I can't recall off the top of my head but I don't think you'll be able to find any enhancements with +Power/+Crit or +Power/+Surge. Power is teamed up with any of the other stats, with accuracy being the most relevant to your Sentinel.

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