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So where did it go wrong?


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Basing your entire end game on be exactly like WoW, grind, daily, fp...repeat...repeat...


But then not giving us worlds to explore, very tight story linear progression.


Some new stuff such as the story lines with other players is very nice but overall it does not bring anything real exciting.


Crafting not worth it at high levels.





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--swtor is targeted towards todays impatient, illiterate, juvenile first person shooter.

--Because of the target market, they level you up so fast you end up bypassing the great content (stories) available in the side quests, and end up just doing your class quest line.

--and for those of us who like the social, community aspects possible in mmorpgs, we are not just forgotten but derided. No player cities, and the crafting economy fails as no one NEEDS our crafted items, they just buy them for their twink alts.

--Guilds serve no purpose except maybe finding a possible pug member. (if any of your guildies are left).

--the space game wouldn't be worth a quarter to play as a stand alone arcade game.


--It doesn't have to be so yet I forsee no major additions such as player cities, or player space stations, or ship to ship space pvp.....just a slow process of implementing the patches in the pipeline and the first major $$ expansion...then it's on to Play for Free.....


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't too. Just because you think mmos should "play" like a second job doesn't mean everyone else does too. We all are entitled to opinions so don't post your hardly thought points like truth. It's the internet though so yeah, actually, go ahead your opinion bears no meaning just like mine :p

Edited by Shadit
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The concept was great. The hype was massive. The game is...OK.


Where did they go wrong? What will it take to get the game to the level it should be?


At launch there were long queues of people waiting to get in. Just a few months after there isn't a line. Many planets are dead. Groups are hard to find at off-peak play times. When I get home from work I find planets with 5 people on. The fleet will have 10 - 15.


What do you think it will take to get SWTOR back on track? Or is it already a lost cause and just dying a quick, painful death? (I'm hoping for the former, fearing for the latter.)


They went wrong from the start.


They had too many servers, and reduced server caps so people will spread out now its biting them in the ***.

My server was a high pop server would have 100+ people on fleet at peak times, even off peak times there would be 50+.

Now peak times avgs arond 50-60 and off peak can be low as 10.


Having 1.2 in april doesnt help also, 1.2 should have been in the game at launch to begin with. There are just so many missing features that should have launched. I mean clearly bioware shouldnt have made this game, they make awesome single player rpgs but thats all and it clearly shows how bad they are when it comes to a mmo. Just look at PVP and the boring Ops.


Guild Wars 2 is coming out in a few months maybe by June/July. They have to get back on track very soon or this game will end up like Warhammer.

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I don't really see a lot of things wrong.

So, no, it did not ALL go wrong. OP is...all wrong.


There are some areas for improvement.


1. Engine optimization

2. More WZs

3. "Interesting" dungeons that don't always require 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps.

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This is all really very simple, and this argument could go round and round forever..


Fact is, by their very nature, MMOs are flawed. Bioware games have always been great because they are superb storytellers and allow a deep level of character creation and development which makes investing in the game more rewarding. These concepts, IMHO, are not conducive to a good MMO.


Let's just look at some varied examples;


A criticism I keep seeing here is that the game is too simple or too linear. fine. But in contrast, look at EVE online.. a game famous for being without boundaries, total freedom with nobody holding your hand. The game is adored by a relatively small hardcore audience with everyone else generally overwhelmed, lost, confused and alienated in a world where more often than not, more experienced players will take advantage of any weakness or inexperience displayed by a new player. Yes the game is fairly simple and linear.. but in that respect it is no different to WoW or any number of MMOs. Casual gamers are making up a greater share of the market and they are easily scared off. Additionally, a game like EVE is notoriously difficult to control or to introduce meaningful developments to any over-arching storyline.



Another criticism is that the game doesn't really feel up to Bioware's stellar standard.. well, sadly it was never going to be. As I mentioned, all the best parts about Bioware's games are aspects which are impossible, or very hard, to adapt to an MMO. Bioware's games let you play the game pretty much how you want. You are the focus of attention, the ultimate hero or villain, the world shapes to your play. That is impossible to do in an MMO, because everyone wants to be the focal point, the hero.. and if you let them.. then they're just average. If you don't, the majority complain. A perfect example is the previous SW MMO. It went from a vibrant community with a good in-game economy, great social aspects.. Jedi and Sith were truly powerful and they were relatively rare. But of course everybody wants to be a Jedi.. and so the majority got their wish and then everybody naturally gravitated toward jedi.. other classes were left practically unplayed and the ingame economy stagnated and the game pretty much collapsed. Now here, we have comically underpowered force wielders, which I've learned to accept as a trade off for the game being an MMO.


I could go on and on, but I think the stuff above should pretty much outline the basis of my opinion. The one thing I think we can all agree on is that the social and group side of the game is poor.. but that is simply because Bioware tell a good story and really, what I actually wanted was KOTOR 3.. not an MMO which lets be honest, are pretty much all alike.

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