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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solution to Tomb of Freedon Nadd Queueing Problem


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Impossible doing anything before the 20th.

Basicly when they know it will be a big influx again with new players,it will not serve anything moving people around just to have to offer a move again in in 5-7 days again :(


Take servers down to normal load and suddenly they will be full again with que

Edited by Varghjerta
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Bloodworthy and Tomb of Freedon Nadd are two of the worst hit PvP servers at the moment and i will /sign for either cloning or guild migration.


I have posted a couple of threads with some other possible solutions but due to the fact that the search function isn't avaliable at the moment i can't link them or bump them as some of my suggestions would work well with the one the OP has suggested to help eleviate the population on the servers.


Also the sticky thread about EU PvP servers is laughable.

Edited by DJOllieVee
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I also sign this on behalf of my 60 man strong Guild, this is beyond ridiculous, i think we all know that the server(s) is running at a much lower cap than it can handle, if they don't want to break this then free Guild migration should become available, and allow the other servers to be filled up to the level they aim for.


Respect Bladeh.

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Lol you cry b/c you dont get in on the 1st day of EGA but yet now you cry b/c you have to wait on a Q? I'm not even in yet and im not ************.. Lol pathetc kiddies crying. Go to a DIFFRENT SERVER numbnuts!


Jesus you guys are *********** rediculous!

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Lol you cry b/c you dont get in on the 1st day of EGA but yet now you cry b/c you have to wait on a Q? I'm not even in yet and im not ************.. Lol pathetc kiddies crying. Go to a DIFFRENT SERVER numbnuts!


Jesus you guys are *********** rediculous!


Yep, i've played 2 days with my character, no, i don't have the interest of making a new character, nope, i don't care to get know the opposite fraction, and so on.

I played 2 days with MY charater, i like it, and i don't want to see the time i spent on it is wasted.

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I for one wouldn't mind the ability to move my character(s) free of charge to a less populated server... Because me and my friends really don't feel like replaying the several hours we've already spent on our chars. Call me lazy, but I'm fairly sure it would feel way to tiresome.
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Yep, i've played 2 days with my character, no, i don't have the interest of making a new character, nope, i don't care to get know the opposite fraction, and so on.

I played 2 days with MY charater, i like it, and i don't want to see the time i spent on it is wasted.



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or you know... there is virtually no lag in-game, so how about getting rid of the queue and just letting us in?


edit: btw, i've been in queue for the past 2 hours and there's still 700+ player in front of me. can't wait for the weekend.

Edited by klunks
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There will be no surrender. not one step back!.


The Eu English PvP ini will stay on freeballer.


Tbh it would of taken the spanish/italian community orangizer/guild leaders 10 seconds to look at my post which was made for 2 month. or just to check the site on day server was mentioned... i updated the post insta once RG and most from ini was selected for Naad.


And also most of the original list was actually dedicated to Freedon naad. so yes it sucks. but it will calm down after new years. or when italians and spanish take a good beating in warzones.

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Server start: 13.00 h

queue starts:13.15 h


I got dc in the middle of a flashpoint at 15.15h. Without leaving the game I tried to reconect and got a queue that will finish at 18.15 h.



This game's content is a blue bar with a number decreasing.



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