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How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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It is said Samuel L. Jackson Said he would not play as Mace Windu unless they gave him a purple lightsaber.

Samuel L Jackson ruined Role-playing.


Please, he didn't do any such thing as ruin roleplaying. Enough with the damn "SIth MUST use red and Jedi MUST use green or blue" crap. You do know why Luke had a green saber in RotJ? Because the BLUE didn't show up against the bright blue sky in Tunisia where the Tatooine scenes were filmed... BOOM THATS IT... so if ANYONE ruined RP by changing lightsaber colors, it was George Lucas himself when he changed Luke's saber to green to show up against the sky.


Then as for SLJ, he really wanted a purple lightsaber, it's his favorite color, and he's Samuel L. Jackson so Lucas let him have his favorite color for his lightsaber. Give me a legit source for him actually REFUSING to do the part if his lightsaber wasn't purple.

Also, Exar Kun and most of his disciples used blue lightsabers, because Exar Kun didn't throw away his lightsaber when he became Sith.

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Luke sky walker used foce choke several times while infiltrating jabas palace, i can only asume since his father was a lv 50 sith juggernaught he got that legacy ability. :) also there are about as many force using traditions as there are types of rock music, some of witch use guns. There is much more to the star wars universe than jedi and sith. Personally i love the idea of using the force without being jedi or sith.



This made me laugh! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
It actually helps to have no alignment restriction on crystals because if you want to play a light side Sith (which does not necessarily make you goody two-shoes/Jedi convert etc, just means morals) you can still use a red lightsaber. And if you are a dark Jedi, you can use a blue or green saber.
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Sorry to snip out your response but me saying Samuel L Jackson ruins role-play i was being Sarcastic and was not serious.


Ha ok good... I responded that way because actually so many people back in the "Alignment based crystals" discussion around launch kept using that very argument as ammunition. Things Jackson said, and things Lucas said to him with a smile before giving in on the purple lightsaber. Ironically, most of those idiots were arguing that Sith should have red and Jedi should have blue and yet that's not what the game even did back at launch. It was alignment based...

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It actually helps to have no alignment restriction on crystals because if you want to play a light side Sith (which does not necessarily make you goody two-shoes/Jedi convert etc, just means morals) you can still use a red lightsaber. And if you are a dark Jedi, you can use a blue or green saber.


Yeah, there should NEVER be alignment restrictions on crystals... IF there was any it would be faction based, but even then in this time period that's not the case because the Empire has access to Ilum's crystals just as much as the Republic. Its not until the Sith Empire is "defeated" and goes into hiding that they lose access to blue and green, and just have the synthetic red.

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Im not sure I should reply on this, as I can see there is a lot of emotion flowing around. I hope you who read this, know that I dont often speak out about things, for fear of offending. So, if someone is offended by what I write, I am sorry.


I know that Bioware doesn't really care for role play in what some of us call role play. Players that act, in game, like their character would, if she or he was a real person.


Sort of like ad libbed acting in a real time game.


But, what Bioware do care for I feel, are what is also called role players; people playing a character in a game where they progress, leveling up, with the ability to chose where those skill points earned, go. Much like a solo gamer playing a role playing computer game would be called. I have spoken to several people that feel that this is the correct description of a role player in their mind.


I doubt very much that any company cares for the "ad libbing actor", as money talks and there are lots of people calling themselves role players that are happy. We often seem to argue amongst ourselves about definitions that, perhaps, when you come right down to it, doesn't matter that much. After all, most of us just want some loving from Bioware?

Edited by inama
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Im not sure I should reply on this, as I can see there is a lot of emotion flowing around. I hope you who read this, know that I dont often speak out about things, for fear of offending. So, if someone is offended by what I write, I am sorry.


I know that Bioware doesn't really care for role play in what some of us call role play. Players that act, in game, like their character would, if she or he was a real person.


Sort of like ad libbed acting in a real time game.


But, what Bioware do care for I feel, are what is also called role players; people playing a character in a game where they progress, leveling up, with the ability to chose where those skill points earned, go. Much like a solo gamer playing a role playing computer game would be called. I have spoken to several people that feel that this is the correct description of a role player in their mind.


I doubt very much that any company cares for the "ad libbing actor", as money talks and there are lots of people calling themselves role players that are happy. We often seem to argue amongst ourselves about definitions that, perhaps, when you come right down to it, doesn't matter that much. After all, most of us just want some loving from Bioware?


Well, yes but also Bioware cares for those that want the story... at least they did before.. the "Endgame is where it's at" crowd came in skipped all the content, then complained there was no content because... they skipped it all... So, they had to retool the game to cater to a completely different type of player than the had originally intended.


So, I say don't blame EA, don't blame Bioware, blame the players that came from the endgame grindfest games and "forced" EA/Bioware to cater to them for the game to survive. They are the ones who REALLY ruined role play, not Bioware.

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Well, yes but also Bioware cares for those that want the story... at least they did before.. the "Endgame is where it's at" crowd came in skipped all the content, then complained there was no content because... they skipped it all... So, they had to retool the game to cater to a completely different type of player than the had originally intended.


So, I say don't blame EA, don't blame Bioware, blame the players that came from the endgame grindfest games and "forced" EA/Bioware to cater to them for the game to survive. They are the ones who REALLY ruined role play, not Bioware.


Bioware may care for the story, but it's evident they don't care about RPers. We've been asking for chat bubbles and addon support since beta and possibly alpha if you asked the right people. Neither Bioware nor EA care about RPers in the slightest. As much as I hate Blizzard with a fiery passion, at least they gave us stuff to work with. Some of the Devs even RPed from what I've heard.

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Bioware may care for the story, but it's evident they don't care about RPers. We've been asking for chat bubbles and addon support since beta and possibly alpha if you asked the right people. Neither Bioware nor EA care about RPers in the slightest. As much as I hate Blizzard with a fiery passion, at least they gave us stuff to work with. Some of the Devs even RPed from what I've heard.


So, you are positive that the reason we don't have chat bubbles is because they don't' care about RPers? Maybe it has something to do with the trouble that chat bubbles caused when they did add them for awhile in beta? Bad engine, whatever you want to blame it on, it's not because they don't CARE, it's because they haven't yet figured out how to implement them without breaking the game like it did in beta. Now, would you rather have your chat bubbles, game stability be damned, or would you like a stable game? If you can't have both, which is more important to you? While I'd love to have the chat bubbles, I'd rather have a stable game.

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So, you are positive that the reason we don't have chat bubbles is because they don't' care about RPers? Maybe it has something to do with the trouble that chat bubbles caused when they did add them for awhile in beta? Bad engine, whatever you want to blame it on, it's not because they don't CARE, it's because they haven't yet figured out how to implement them without breaking the game like it did in beta. Now, would you rather have your chat bubbles, game stability be damned, or would you like a stable game? If you can't have both, which is more important to you? While I'd love to have the chat bubbles, I'd rather have a stable game.


They can't even fix the pink shirt glitch. A minor graphical error. Unless the code is more complicated than I think. Then I fail to see how these small errors are hard to deal with. I know MMOs are complicated. A hotfix most of the time causes more trouble since all the code is connected. Though it can't be as complicated as you're making it to be.

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They can't even fix the pink shirt glitch. A minor graphical error. Unless the code is more complicated than I think. Then I fail to see how these small errors are hard to deal with. I know MMOs are complicated. A hotfix most of the time causes more trouble since all the code is connected. Though it can't be as complicated as you're making it to be.


Yes, the code IS more complicated than you think. When you have millions and millions of lines of code, you have no idea how one "minor change" on line 23 will interact with line 2,999,866.661,992 until you find out though testing. Which takes time to make 100% sure that "minor change" doesn't interact badly in some unintended way.

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Yes, the code IS more complicated than you think. When you have millions and millions of lines of code, you have no idea how one "minor change" on line 23 will interact with line 2,999,866.661,992 until you find out though testing. Which takes time to make 100% sure that "minor change" doesn't interact badly in some unintended way.


Yeah I guess you have a point there, I just think it's a little weird for such a highly funded game backed by EA, the company that had the largest pay back of 2012 still has, by internet time, such an ancient glitch such as the pink shirt glitch. Someone totally screwed up if they put that line of code next to the one where the new ops are being placed lol

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Yeah I guess you have a point there, I just think it's a little weird for such a highly funded game backed by EA, the company that had the largest pay back of 2012 still has, by internet time, such an ancient glitch such as the pink shirt glitch. Someone totally screwed up if they put that line of code next to the one where the new ops are being placed lol


Nice, at least you partially understand, few people I find even care to listen when people explain how programming works, so thanks for that. :)

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Seriously BioWare? Anyone has the potential to use the Force. Even the non-sensitive. I don't have any fancy quote anywhere. But somehow I feel this is appropriate. Do you want a pony?


there are those who are force sensitive yet have left both the jedi and sith Temple and Guss are 2 in the game alone, so its not hard to imagine that a player can be one of them.

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there are those who are force sensitive yet have left both the jedi and sith Temple and Guss are 2 in the game alone, so its not hard to imagine that a player can be one of them.


Also Jedi have used blasters in the past. So I don't see the issue.

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Anyone who knows Star Wars Lore knows that People who are mildly force sensitive can lash out with the force in dire situations.


Doesn't mean they're strong enough to be in the orders, just means that when emotions flow through them they can show short bursts.

This makes sense because you have a force user in the family, you could have a stronger tie to the force...Especially if descended from one.

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