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4 medal cap has killed PVP


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Seriouz internets digits business.


PvP is a game and it's meant to be fun, not meant to offer rewards imho... I want to beat players and winning is my rewards. Progression is a side effect.


Maybe I am a PvP mentality alien...

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I suggest you read the other 12 pages then or at least re-read the OP as we detail exactly why its an issue multiple times but here it is just for Captain Ignorance here.


Huttball match


6-0 defeat with 4 medals = 2500 valor and 5 minutes play


1-0 win with 4-10 medals = 3500 valor and 15 mins play


In this situation losing deliberatly once at 4 medals can net a gain of 30k valor per hour played. Attempting to win in a hard fought situation nets 14k valor per hour played.


Can you really not see what the issue is here ??????


Can you really not see that the situation for a team with little to no chance of winning hasn't changed? Before most of them would just go farm medals. That's not going to win the game any more than standing around will. And if a team is good enough to roll over the opposition to the point where standing around seems the only viable option, that team is going to gear up super fast anyway, so who cares if they get more matches per hour by finishing off a match instead of farming everyone?

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I love the cap. TBH now that the medals are capped I've won almost every WZ today save for 1 (we usually have a positive win ration but not THAT high). Instead of medal farming I notice people going for the objective more and its awesome.
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I love the cap. TBH now that the medals are capped I've won almost every WZ today save for 1 (we usually have a positive win ration but not THAT high). Instead of medal farming I notice people going for the objective more and its awesome.


I can confirm that.

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You don't get it.. you dont need to farm medals because they are dishing the comms out now. you don't have to try to win any more either.


Before the patch, I would be top overall, my team would win, and I'd have 8-9 medals. Most comms I noticed getting were like 96. during a bad match with a bad team and a loss if i had 4 medals i'd get like 30+ comms.


I played 1 WZ after the patch, team was terrible, we lost, I got 4 medals and had 85 comms.


So whats the point of even trying to win when we now have rewards for losing just as high as we HAD with a win before the patch.


How the devs thought this was a good idea is just amazing.


People cant seem to grasp that you can go for medals for gear AND try to win at the same time. Foreign concept for some reason.


Haven't noticed any change on my server. Except that those of us who could handle both medals and going for the win get less reward than we used to. Heck, I don't even have to do much except SPAM my basic attacks now. I used to have to think about rotations to beat someone who was better geared than me or to defeat/pull a group defending a node/door/etc... to draw them away so another teamate could cap it . Now it's just spamHS/grenade/spamHS/spamHS/grenade...


Really it takes less effort on my part now. And I haven't noticed any changes in the amount of wins/losses, people dropping etc..... Maybe that will change..


Happy for those who think this is a good idea. But personally it has made PVP less challenging. I know I don't speak for everyone, this is just my opinion. I like a good argument so this has been fun :D

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Is this only for lvl 50 WZ's or something?


My lvl43 gunslinger got 5 medals last night.....in one match.


Not sure if I understand what's being discussed here


You can still get as many medals as you did before, but you only get valor and commendations for the first 4 (and they're now worth twice as much each as they were before the patch).

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You can still get as many medals as you did before, but you only get valor and commendations for the first 4 (and they're now worth twice as much each as they were before the patch).


Gotcha....thanks :i_biggrin:

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The simplest solution is to make sure the other team never gets 4 medals. I was in multiple WZ's last night and we kept the majority of the other team from getting 4 medals at all. Most of them only got 2 lol. Now it is fun in WZ's to make sure the other team gets less than 4 medals.
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The simplest solution is to make sure the other team never gets 4 medals. I was in multiple WZ's last night and we kept the majority of the other team from getting 4 medals at all. Most of them only got 2 lol. Now it is fun in WZ's to make sure the other team gets less than 4 medals.


Um, I'm not sure how you prevent anyone from getting the 2.5k/5k damage/heals medals, or the killing blow medal. Some gear/spec/AC combinations can get 4 of those 5 easily. Also, you'd need some really impressive burst DPS to prevent most people from getting either the 75k damage or 75k healing medals.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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Um, I'm not sure how you prevent anyone from getting the 2.5k/5k damage/heals medals, or the killing blow medal. Some gear/spec/AC combinations can get 4 of those 5 easily. Also, you'd need some really impressive burst DPS to prevent most people from getting either the 75k damage or 75k healing medals.


We managed to do it a few times last night.

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What I want to know is why people keep trying to "win" after the second team to attack in Voidstar gets further than the first attacking team.


It's over, people! Let them cap everything and we'll try again on the next one.

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Not sure what you guy are really smoking but, its a buff to valor which is good. Last night I did some pvp on my sage and got over 100k dam and 100k healing on almost every match which is op right ;) but I stilled ended up with 8 medals 85 coms and over 2.5k valor every match so yeah. They buffed the first 4 medals then it goes back to the norm. Since the sage is my medal hog I wanted to test this out. So all the people that left wz's are sadly mis informed and lost out.
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What I want to know is why people keep trying to "win" after the second team to attack in Voidstar gets further than the first attacking team.


It's over, people! Let them cap everything and we'll try again on the next one.


Good point to be honest. But that shows why what I was saying for a change to the reward system would work better.


Smaller values per medal and if you want a good reward you have to work to get all those rewards.


Say 25 valor and 2 comms for general medals (dps, prot, heals, etc) and 50 valor 5 comms for objective based medals. Then don't cap the medals, so if you want to get a good reward then you have to work and fight for those medals. You have to really work for the win, fight for the objectives, if you want a half decent reward. And as long as there are more objective medals and they are worth more then the lazy SOBs won't be able to afk if they want their stuff.


Not a fan of gear with stats but the babies need some sort of progression and BW chose to go that path so might as well just make then work for that crap so we have people competing for their carrot.

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Not sure what you guy are really smoking but, its a buff to valor which is good. Last night I did some pvp on my sage and got over 100k dam and 100k healing on almost every match which is op right ;) but I stilled ended up with 8 medals 85 coms and over 2.5k valor every match so yeah. They buffed the first 4 medals then it goes back to the norm. Since the sage is my medal hog I wanted to test this out. So all the people that left wz's are sadly mis informed and lost out.


Another person that just likes the shorter grind and doesn't care about the quality of the actual fight.

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Good point to be honest. But that shows why what I was saying for a change to the reward system would work better.


Smaller values per medal and if you want a good reward you have to work to get all those rewards.


Say 25 valor and 2 comms for general medals (dps, prot, heals, etc) and 50 valor 5 comms for objective based medals. Then don't cap the medals, so if you want to get a good reward then you have to work and fight for those medals. You have to really work for the win, fight for the objectives, if you want a half decent reward. And as long as there are more objective medals and they are worth more then the lazy SOBs won't be able to afk if they want their stuff.


Not a fan of gear with stats but the babies need some sort of progression and BW chose to go that path so might as well just make then work for that crap so we have people competing for their carrot.


They should make your first 4 medals worth the old valor/comms and the next 4 up to 8 should give bigger bonuses, then you are being rewarded for not failing.

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They should make your first 4 medals worth the old valor/comms and the next 4 up to 8 should give bigger bonuses, then you are being rewarded for not failing.


No thanks, still offers to much wiggle room for medal farmers. The point is with the addition of all the objective based medals you cut the value of medals and make people need like 20 or so to get 80-90 comms. Then to get that many medals they have to fight hard for a full match and can't ignore the objectives.

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What server are you people on lol Im still getting around 5 r 6 medals, only thing i getting tired of is seeing the same players lol both sides, other day i seen the same legacy name on both sides at different times...lol...I thought wow dude you need to check other parts of the game..lol We actually had a guy lvl strictly pvp and he cant not get into some flashpoints due to he missed the missoin for it back in his 30's ..lol


They could remove xp from pvp.

add brackets for each decade level of play

add better gear strictly for pvp with high valor rank and level etc to acquire. like purple stuff not moddable

take away bolstered stats

increase comm cost for pvp set gear and add pvp stat and make it for that purpose. like where u get expertise on it but cant say like remove all the mods on it so it limits the pve content community for using it for pve...


That way if you want do both for pvp and pve you will grind it out..


I think its strictly not fair fora player lvl 10 and a lvl 49 guy to be in same warzone and the level 10 guy can beat the 49 due to bolstered stats..lol, i know i was lvl 10, in consideratoin thought i had all greens witha few blues, which i had more health at teh starting zone and the 49 was update on his gear rating.. also the classes are not mirrored the same the development teams were not exactly fair on their rotatoin of abilities and times and power effect of casting.. this is why i'm saying this which is more powerful a stun are slow in pvp.. lol o look he slowing me down with rocks are wait im stunned cause im getting lightning attacked...

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I would like to weigh in:


1) I like getting more valor from each match, since I just want to hit battlemaster and get my elite sniper rifle more than anything in the world.


2) However I realize that less motivated people will be able to do the same now, which will likely devalue my own elite sniper rifle *meh*


3) I don't really care what the idiots do in pvp, I am an old-school pvp player who plays for the respect of those who learn to recognize the names of my toons. And it seems like many of those I consider a nemesis, who are really the ones I enjoy fighting against battle after battle, feel the same way. So any change to the reward system doesn't impact my enjoyment in that context at least -- we continue trying our hardest to impress each other regardless.


4) I didn't see a problem with the side turrets, although last night I didn't even notice the 3 second delay mentioned in the patch, so *meh*


5) However making DOTs not interrupt turret/bomb usage *does* really improve gameplay

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They just need to go back with a bigger reward for winning over losing now. Not a big deal.


The medal change was a good one. Solving your alleged complaint is easy.




Ranked matches will fix this. People that play for their own valor/gear progression will abuse the system. People that play to win as a team won't care about medals/valor.

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No thanks, still offers to much wiggle room for medal farmers. The point is with the addition of all the objective based medals you cut the value of medals and make people need like 20 or so to get 80-90 comms. Then to get that many medals they have to fight hard for a full match and can't ignore the objectives.


That would be a decent set up. But it will never last. People will whine about how hard it is to get those 20 medals, and how unfair the objectives are, and it will get nerfed to make it easier.

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