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Invite a Friend Program - What's My Incentive?


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Indeed. Getting your friends to play is plenty reward..


My friends have already played and quit due to the games current status. So for me to get someone else to play I would have to lie and make them want to buy the game. This is called a salesman and they do not work for free.

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just to back up the OP here...FFXI gave equippable items to both the inviter and invited after the 1st payment made by the invited so they would level together and get bonuses whilst teamed up so its not just WoW that do it (P2P models)


my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'


To also back up the OP, AO, CoX, CO, DDO, LotRO and STO all have incentive programs for inviting your friends to try the game. And in response to your query, all of those games added those programs (as did WoW) when their games were doing well with subscription numbers. Adding a trial program is standard in the MMO industry and does not "smack of desperation" as an earlier poster put it.



Edited by Blackavaar
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getting your friends to play with you should be reward enough...


unless you are of that new generation of people who dont want to do anything unless you get something out of it.


personally i plan on inviting my nephew becuase his mom is on the fence about the game. this way they both get to see it and can decide if they want it..


Companies pay sales people to sell product, how is that any different here? Every other mmo I have played with a recruit a friend program has hooked up the recruiter be it items, free time, always something.

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Your reward is playing with your friends.


While a little in-game something rewarding you for bringing a new subscribed customer would be a nice gesture, the best reward is indeed to have the opportunity to let your friends try the game and possibly enjoy it enough to keep playing.

(And it's not because they have not announced it, that there won't be a reward in the end.)


Trial Invite is something I requested before in the Suggestion Forum, because when I talked about SWTOR to friends, most of the time they asked for a trial. So I'm glad they had it planned.


Although I think they should have waited for the patch 1.2 for it. Better show the game in its best form :p


But I trust them to not have waited for a good reason only them know.

Edited by Elysith
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It's really simple folks. People who have friends they would like to entice to come try the game, now have a free trial offer for them and their friends to take advantage of. That is their incentive.


For people that won't do anything unless they are compensated, you have no incentive with this current offer. Stop crying about it.


It is what it is, and Bioware Marketing decides, NOT YOU.

Edited by Andryah
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My friends have already played and quit due to the games current status. So for me to get someone else to play I would have to lie and make them want to buy the game. This is called a salesman and they do not work for free.


I doubt that Bioware is interested in paying you to lie to other people to get them to play the game.


Oh, and you are not a salesperson unless you have a contract to sell for a company. A contract is either employment, with sales MBOs, or a free lance contract to sell on behalf of the company. You have neither, so give it a rest.

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