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Annihilation PvE build v0.1


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HI =)

I’ll try to make an annihilation guide for high single target DPS.

It’s my very first guide EVER, so please make constructive criticism and help me to make a good guide for people wanting to master this nice spec.

Let’s begin our journey in the world of DoTs.


I. Role and playstyle of the Annihilation Marauder

II. Skilltree : How and why ?

III. Stuffing : the art of looking ****** and being awesome.

IV. Solo and duo questing : General tips


The Marauder Annihilation Guide

I. Role and playstyle of the Annihilation Marauder

The Sith Warrior Marauder is a DSP only class. DPS stands for Damage per second, which means that your role as a Marauder is to have the greatest possible damage output. To do this, a Marauder can choose between 3 playstyles, Rage which seems to be a linear damage playstyle, Carnage which is played by having a huge burst every 15 or 20 seconds, and Annihilation, the playstyle I’ve finally chosen.

With the Annihilation Skilltree, your Warrior makes DoTs, or Damage over Time, through its bleeding capacities. Through bleeding, your opponent will lose health every second for 6 seconds. By leveling your Warrior, you gain abilities that help you apply more and more bleeding to your opponent. For this, you have 2 major abilities: Rupture and Deadly Saber. The first one is common to all marauders, but Deadly Saber is only available to Annihilation SW. Rupture applies bleeding to your enemy once every 15 seconds for a duration of 6 seconds, which means that you won’t be able to make your opponent bleed for 9 seconds. Kind of low for a playstyle based on bleeding, eh ? That’s when Deadly Saber, which you can get at level 20, comes into play. By using this technique, your next three successful basic attacks get the opponent to bleed, for 6 seconds each. With this, you will be able to apply 3 or 4 bleedings at the same moment to your opponent. These further increases when you get to level 40+ when using some abilities can lower the cooldown of Rupture. With some luck, you should be able to get 5 or 6 bleedings on your enemy for about 2000 damage per second, I think. As I didn’t get to endgame during beta I can, however, not guarantee the exact amount of damage (which I think will be actually a lot higher). Of course, you must add the damage of your basic and rage-consuming attacks. The longer the fight, the higher your DPS will be because of all the bleedings you will be able to apply. Let’s now see how to build an Annihilation Marauder.


II. Skilltree : How and why ?



Let’s analyze my build.

Points 1-5Enraged Slash is a must have, simple as that. You need rage to apply bleeding and use your techniques, more rage = more DPS.

Quick Recovery has the same reasons. Less rage that needs to be spend and lower CD = more DPS.


Points 6-10Hungering is a must too, if you are solo questing you may need some heal, be it to stay alive or to be able to get into more fights without having to rest. Also, it helps your healer when you’re in a group.

Juyo Mastery: the Juyo fighting style is your main fighting style. Get 5 stacks and your bleedings have 15% more chances to crit, which means a lot of improvement on your DPS.


We’ll come back on Seeping wound later.


Points 11-15Deadly Saber, finally ! Take it as soon as possible and get used to it right away. No need to explain why if you’ve read the first part.

Bleedout gives you more crit chances on bleeding. Take that !

Blurred Speed will give make your force charge come back sooner, which means that you will be able to interrupt a cast more often. Not really more DPS, but more surviving chances. Don’t forget you’re kinda squishy, which means you won’t stand long without a healer or a tank against big bullies.


Points 16-20Deap Wound increases the damage of your main skill. You know where I’m going here.

Close Quarters will help you interrupt a dangerous cast even if you’re too close on the enemy. Again, survival + free rage + more DPS options, take it. Actually I could be biased right here, because force charge is one of my favorite abilities :p

Short Fuse grants you more fury, and therefore more DPS if you activate Bloodthirst. Lower CD on frenzy is awesome too.


Points 21-25Pulveryze is a must have in this build. Rupture + annihilate + rupture + vicious slash + rupture. Nuff said.


Now it gets complicated. We have to spend 2 more points before getting further in our skilltree. Here we have 4 choices. I took seeping wound because Marauders are melee fighters, which means they have to stay close to their enemies. If the enemy faster, he may run away (in PvP that is), and you don’t want that. I plan on doing a bit of PvP so I’ll take it. For people who fear getting killed, you might wanna choose Phantom for escaping. The two remaining skills are nice too but, meh. I like seeping wound better. Depends on the player I’d say =)


Points 26-30Hemorrhage is a must have, bonus DPS.

Empowerment is needed too, 1 more rage every 3 seconds (if it procs of course) is nice. More rage, more DPS.


Point 31Annihilate is a must have too. A nice big burst to increase your overall DPS + 66% of chances to get instant rupture. NEED.



So, now we’re done with the Annihilation tree. What’s next ?

I think it is now, again, a question of what YOU like. For me it was rather simple: go for carnage !


Points 32-36Dual Wield Mastery is a must have on any marauder. More DPS FTW

Defensive forms is a nice survivability skill. Getting fury and lower damage is nice, I really like it in this build.


Points 37-41There we go, final 5 levels.

Narrowed Hatred is, IMO, a must have on every build. More accuracy = more DPS, more annihilate procs and no “AW GAWD I MISSED” when you really must NOT miss.

Enraged Charged is for the bonus rage. As I told earlier, I really love that ability.


Of course, don’t hesitate to comment and contribute. What would be more optimal for pure DPS ? What is more fun to play ?

In the meanwhile, next part !


III. Stuffing : the art of looking ****** and being awesome.


Not a lot to say right now as I didn’t really get the time to play as much as I’d love to.

I’d tell people to go for 110% accuracy (= 10% more damage, if I understood it right), then strength, then endurance. More on this part in a week or two.


IV. Solo and Duo Question : general tips


Here we go, last part. How do you play while questing?

You must be aware that Annihilation is kinda low on early levels. No deadly saber, no procs, no bleed damage increases. Meh. So be it, I don’t care. This shouldn’t really be a big issue because the difficult part comes at level 30+ quests. By the time you hit 20, you’ll get deadly saber and some nice perks, learn to use them and maybe get a tank or healer companion to help you, if you really need it. Also try to get new, better stuff every time it is possible, to counter your natural lack of HP/Defense with new items providing those (and DPs, of course).

For Duo Questing, try to be with a tank/healer friend, but be aware that on 30+ mobs, tanks themselves have a really tough time soloing. More DPS for quicker fights could be nice too.


Now, when getting to those 30+ quests which got a lot of elite mobs, you really start to shine. Told you, longer fights, more DoTs, more overall DPS. People will love having you in their team !


More on questing when I myself get more experience.


V. The end.

Last words. Please enjoy the game, play those awesome story line, do a bit of RP, PVP and PVE to get a taste of everything. Have Fun !


Contributions, comments and critics are welcome, but please be constructive !

Edited by Metalizzi
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I agree with your build except for one part. Instead of taking Narrow Hatred, I'd take those last 3 points, put 2 into Erupting Fury and 1 into Stagger. EF is nice because it's a great way to generate more fury, bringing you that much closer to being able to use berserk, bloodthirst or predation. This leaves one stray point and I figured why not have my stun be half a second longer? If my pvp experience has taught me anything, it's that imp stuns are great for pvp.


Nice job with the guide overall :cool:

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Just hit level 23 and something snapped. I swear even gold level elites higher levels than me go down easy. Annihilation is beasty. Once you get deadly saber and all your rage saving abilities it gets fun. Can't wait to hot the 30s and see how things go.
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I might try that right after getting Deadly Saber. That's a statement of intention, not a recommendation based on experience, mind you.


I would do it after you get close quarters. The force charge + deadly saber combo is deadly once you can spam in at any range.

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I have a few questions...


I'm playing as Anni lvl22, and I usually dont use bleed while I'm questing (just when I fight elite mobs)...

My rotation usually is:

Charge > Battering > spam VS until target dead


So, where's the question..


Is viable questing using Sii-cho form to turn my bersek more useful? or the dps gain from juyo is better?


another question:


in a group (fp or heroic quest), when we fighting elite mobs, whats the priority skills to use? because I charge then use all 3 rage points with DS, so I have to build rage (battering/assault) applying bleeds (from DS) and then use rupture? or theres another faster way to do that?



ps: I forgot the last question that would make lol

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I have a few questions...


I'm playing as Anni lvl22, and I usually dont use bleed while I'm questing (just when I fight elite mobs)...

My rotation usually is:

Charge > Battering > spam VS until target dead


So, where's the question..


Is viable questing using Sii-cho form to turn my bersek more useful? or the dps gain from juyo is better?


another question:


in a group (fp or heroic quest), when we fighting elite mobs, whats the priority skills to use? because I charge then use all 3 rage points with DS, so I have to build rage (battering/assault) applying bleeds (from DS) and then use rupture? or theres another faster way to do that?



ps: I forgot the last question that would make lol


As we dont have DPS meters, I can only guess.


Using rupture on low mobs (soldier packs with each 500HP or so) is kinda useless, I agree. Then, you could jump in, use rupture, and directly get to another mob to let the other one bleed to death. Ain't enough ? Make a nice AoE (don't remember the name here, it's Choc in french, the one when you hit the ground).

Then again, the jump + AoE is, most of the time, enough to kill the first and maybe another enemy. Usually, I miss one or two of them with my AoE, so apply bleed at the first missed (or low health) enemy and hit the other one. May be saving some seconds on each fight.


Then we have the silver and gold enemies. There you have to apply your bleedings. Higher DPS and health regen through the skilltree > quicker fight, lower need for HP regen after the fight. Again some seconds spare, but I think you got that.


For the group fights, I think marauder is a very situational class. What I mean by this is that you don't really have a DPS cycle, but priorities. When getting DS, it is lot easier to have bleeding on an enemy, and that's exactly what you want to do. Apply bleeding whenever you can ! You absolutely need it, because you skilltree grants you so much crits and extra damage on them.


I couldn't really play much this week-end, as I told you this guide was kind of based on theorycrafting when learning the skilltrees of our class. Actually, you are some levels ahead of me. But my low experience already showed me some new things that I will implement ASAP on this guide, so stay tuned =)

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I had originally kind of disregarded the Annihilation tree, but after this thread and others where I've seen people mention their success with it, I'm definitely going to give it a go. I'm a few kills from hitting 20, so perfect time to be switching with Deadly Saber on deck.
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if your finding to many buttons I would suggest going into options >>>> interface >>> then quick slots and activate all your quick slot bars.


my right bar has my big cd skills like call of the force / shuttle etc my right side bar has my buffs like berserk, unnatural might etc. and my top and bottom center bars have my main attack skills.


I usually have it as Assualt >>>> battering assualt >>>> viscious slash >>> force charge >>> smash >>>> rupture >>>> ravage >>>> cloak of pain >>>> saber ward


try to map your main dps skills into easy location for your fingers and longer CD / defensive buttons further away where you can click them easier on your top and bottom brs.

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if your finding to many buttons I would suggest going into options >>>> interface >>> then quick slots and activate all your quick slot bars.


my right bar has my big cd skills like call of the force / shuttle etc my right side bar has my buffs like berserk, unnatural might etc. and my top and bottom center bars have my main attack skills.


I usually have it as Assualt >>>> battering assualt >>>> viscious slash >>> force charge >>> smash >>>> rupture >>>> ravage >>>> cloak of pain >>>> saber ward


try to map your main dps skills into easy location for your fingers and longer CD / defensive buttons further away where you can click them easier on your top and bottom brs.


i know how to work keybindings that wasnt the issue ... but i know for a fact that not every ability i have received thus far are needed to actually dps efficiently .. what i was asking from those mauraders who have more experience with higher levels as to what what abilities they see as the most beneficial to actually keep on the bars.

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i know how to work keybindings that wasnt the issue ... but i know for a fact that not every ability i have received thus far are needed to actually dps efficiently .. what i was asking from those mauraders who have more experience with higher levels as to what what abilities they see as the most beneficial to actually keep on the bars.


Spell priority will be explained in near future, I promise =) I want to try it a bit myself to try telling you what if think is the most efficient =)

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i know how to work keybindings that wasnt the issue ... but i know for a fact that not every ability i have received thus far are needed to actually dps efficiently .. what i was asking from those mauraders who have more experience with higher levels as to what what abilities they see as the most beneficial to actually keep on the bars.


Granted I'm only level 34 but heres what I do. Side not I'm using the exact spec in this post. I normally open with:


Force Charge >> Deadly Saber >> Battering Assault >> Rupture >> Ravage >> Force Choke >> Vicious Slash


Then it's based on priority something like:


Ravage >> Rupture >> Force Charge+Deadly Saber >> Vicious Slash


Use your rage generators...when you need rage, lol.


Use Force Charge and Deadly Saber in conjunction every single time they come up. It's pretty easy cause they share the same cooldown and Deadly Saber ignores global cooldown.


Don't use Force scream or Retaliation as a Vicious Slash does about the same damage using less rage and has the possibility to refresh Ruptures cooldown. Playing like this you should be able to use Rupture every 6 seconds easily.


Once you hit level 30 you build Fury extremely fast so always remember to pop Berserk all those dots criting does so much damage it's stupid. If you have a surge relic like I do its the perfect time to pop that.


Of course this will all change once my dots start to give me rage and I get Annihilation, but this is what I am doing right now.


No spoilers but on the Hutta mission I never went below 75% health the entire time, due to dot crits healing me. This spec is very good, it just takes a good bit of skill and know how.

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