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TrooperCommando.com - Your guide to SWTOR end-game.


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Hi everyone - I wanted to take a moment to officially announce Trooper Commando to the community. I'm Accomp, a Republic Trooper... Commando... on The Jekk'Jekk Tarr server and I created this site as a means of educating the community on various end game encounters. The site is still very much a work in progress; However, I believe you'll find some really useful content inside - I hope you enjoy!


Current Features

  • Extensive written guides for each operation boss on each difficulty
  • Videos of each encounter on each difficulty to compliment the written guides
  • A handful of class guides (work in progress)
  • Forums (Need some love - will grow with the community)
  • Live streams of raids from a server first progression guild
  • 1-on-1 feedback and assistance for any questions you may have about SWTOR. If I don't know the answer, I will find it for you.
  • Overall potential to take part in a community that loves to help anyone from the hardcore theorycrafter to the casual normal mode player.


Thanks everyone - I hope you enjoy the site and please make sure you sign up and actively participate. I'm amazed at the feedback I've gotten so far and would love to hear your recommendations of what you feel works and what you'd like to see changed/added!


Edited by Accomplice
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Continuing to make updates to the site, build up guides and prepare for patch 1.2! Just made some tweaks to the Soa encounter. If anyone has any questions or would like to participate in the community, please don't hesitate to ask. I am still looking for some more experienced players to assist in writing some quick guides for each class/role. See the following page for examples. If you are interested, please let me know!



Thanks guys and gals!

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