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Patch 1.2...I'm excited!


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Maybe I'm missing something here, but...


do the majority of people NOT like this game?


I like the game, sure there are things I don't care for but it seems to me that some folks are vicious in their criticism at a game that is only in its infancy. let it grow and mature a bit before you slag it into a quivering mess.


It's unfortunate that Bioware and company are holding the haters at gunpoint in order to keep them playing because that has to be the only reason they stick around playing a game that is a POS or a turd or just plain sucks.


I say well done Bioware, thanks for all the games and especially this latest gem, I love it so far and I can't wait to see whats in store for the future.



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What this really boils down to are two different camps of people who are actually in the same boat and just haven't turned around to notice eachother. Group A feels that certain features should have been in at launch while Group B is fine with said features not being immediately available. The reason why I say you're in the same boat is because once the features that Group A wanted at launch and Group B are fine with waiting on are in they'll be on the same page. You both want them but you're just at odds as to when they should be implemented.


That being said we have absolutely no idea what Bioware was doing when certain features didn't make it in. We can't fault them because they very well could have had a heck of a time with certain features and decided it better to focus on what can and should be done by launch while allowing features they felt could wait slip by the release date. We also can't back them because we really don't know what the reasons were. They could have been out drinking or clubbing and in an intoxicated state said 'to hell with guild banks we'll put em in when we're done woman! *hic*".



^ All of the above, and thank you so much for this post. I have never understood why some people on these game forums, (and they are generally the same, regardless of the game), insist upon repeatedly venting their frustration, instead of simply uninstalling the game, and moving on to something else.

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I'm not sure that you're aware but:

  • [a]It only took a few months for Rift to include a Guild Bank.
    Some games launch with a fully customisable UI.
    [c]Some games launched (or had sooner after) with the ability to dual spec.
    [d]Certain games launched with extra environmental features at launch which TOR doesn't have (WoW with day/night cycles, EQ2 with mobs that attack each other).

My point is that you cannot just use the state of WoW in 2004 as the only valid benchmark anymore. SWTOR isn't competing with just the 2004 version of WoW.


It is competing with a whole slew of titles in 2012.


Sure, they are adding stuff that's considered missing, good for them.

But there's still a lot more considered missing too. Some elements that don't apply to WoW.


I like this post because it makes absolutely no sense at all.......


a: it took rift a few months to put in guild banks... hmm let's see SW:Tor has been out now for roughly 2½ months, 1st of april is 3 months and one week, that is definately a few months if anything.


b: SOME GAMES... well guess what, for the most part those SOME games are mass produced F2P MMOs all running on the same engine, so in reality it is an engine which has developed over a number of years, and was not so from the beginning, and let's face it, the customization they offer is very limited, you can move around a couple of skillbars, and that's it.


A proper customizable UI just about 3 months after release, I can live with that, and the only real issue I have with the UI presently, is that the map in Voidstar overlaps my right side quick slots.


c: Ability to dual spec was put into WoW some 5 years after it was initially released, if that is soon, then by all standards even within the first year of SW:Tor it'll be record time.


d: yeah the day nigth cycles in wow, were to say the least depressing, as they followed the time in your own timezone, so if you played evenings you always played in the dark, how utterly interesting, as for NPCs attacking eachother is in SW:ToR, maybe you didn't play far enough to notice, there is a war going on.


And finally, as for elements missing that does not Apply to WoW, let's try to calculate a bit...


SW:ToR was announced when 3 years ago, and quite possibly some development has been going on before then, so let's say they spent between 4 and 5 years developing this game.


WoW was first announced in the year 2000, and hit the shelves in 2004, which means they spent 4 to 6 years developing that, already at release more time was put into WoW than currently in SW:ToR


Add to that all the WoW expansions, bug fixes, patches, the oops people want to pvp after thought etc.


So 6 years of development + 8 years released with 8 years of further development, that is a total of 14 years in the making for the current state.


Where as ToR, let's add an extra year for good measure, has had a max of 5 years in the making for its current state, and which in my opinion even field features far superior to WoW in many respects.


When will you understand you can't have it all?


WoW: Endless grind, badly implemented pvp, fotm specs all over the place


SW:ToR: A new game, with well implemented story, pve, pvp, and more soloable content than WoW, which means you are NOT forced to play in a gorup, you can choose to.


I remember the must do quests in WoW where you needed a group to even be able to do them, or wait 10 levels to do them yourself.


I don't see much competition there, SW:ToR is in all respects an outstanding achievement in respect to MMORPGs in general when they first release, not to mention it has some very unique features I for one enjoy!

Edited by Jeskelech
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I like this post because it makes absolutely no sense at all.......


a: it took rift a few months to put in guild banks... hmm let's see SW:Tor has been out now for roughly 2½ months, 1st of april is 3 months and one week, that is definately a few months if anything.


b: SOME GAMES... well guess what, for the most part those SOME games are mass produced F2P MMOs all running on the same engine, so in reality it is an engine which has developed over a number of years, and was not so from the beginning, and let's face it, the customization they offer is very limited, you can move around a couple of skillbars, and that's it.


A proper customizable UI just about 3 months after release, I can live with that, and the only real issue I have with the UI presently, is that the map in Voidstar overlaps my right side quick slots.


c: Ability to dual spec was put into WoW some 5 years after it was initially released, if that is soon, then by all standards even within the first year of SW:Tor it'll be record time.


d: yeah the day nigth cycles in wow, were to say the least depressing, as they followed the time in your own timezone, so if you played evenings you always played in the dark, how utterly interesting, as for NPCs attacking eachother is in SW:ToR, maybe you didn't play far enough to notice, there is a war going on.


And finally, as for elements missing that does not Apply to WoW, let's try to calculate a bit...


SW:ToR was announced when 3 years ago, and quite possibly some development has been going on before then, so let's say they spent between 4 and 5 years developing this game.


WoW was first announced in the year 2000, and hit the shelves in 2004, which means they spent 4 to 6 years developing that, already at release more time was put into WoW than currently in SW:ToR


Add to that all the WoW expansions, bug fixes, patches, the oops people want to pvp after thought etc.


So 6 years of development + 8 years released with 8 years of further development, that is a total of 14 years in the making for the current state.


Where as ToR, let's add an extra year for good measure, has had a max of 5 years in the making for its current state, and which in my opinion even field features far superior to WoW in many respects.


When will you understand you can't have it all?


WoW: Endless grind, badly implemented pvp, fotm specs all over the place


SW:ToR: A new game, with well implemented story, pve, pvp, and more soloable content than WoW, which means you are NOT forced to play in a gorup, you can choose to.


I remember the must do quests in WoW where you needed a group to even be able to do them, or wait 10 levels to do them yourself.


I don't see much competition there, SW:ToR is in all respects an outstanding achievement in respect to MMORPGs in general when they first release, not to mention it has some very unique features I for one enjoy!


Makes no sense?

Well, I suppose it wouldn't if one jumps right in on a discussion, that they really don't fully understand, but still feels the incessant desire to defend the devs design decisions at all costs.


Like others, you are attempting to use the state of WoW at launch as justification for how SWTOR is at launch, or just after. Guess what? There's been a lot of competition launched since then. And....gasp!! They had features which WoW didn't have at launch. Yeah, I know, it's quite unthinkable isn't it for an MMO to launch with things like a fully customisable UI when WoW didn't even have that!! ;)


Basically, you are over-generalising an argument you oppose in order to discredit it.

It's not about "having it all" at launch.

It's not even about "having all of WoW + expansions" in at launch either.

It's about giving players reasons to WANT to log in.

Regardless of whether WoW had it at launch or not.


Now, if someone who already has such reasons, good for them. I'm happy for them. But those people have to realise that not everyone is interested in perpetually "rolling alts". The fact is that the "summit" really didn't give me much reason to hold out hope that there would be reasons coming soon that would actually encourage me to log in much more than I am doing so now. All the things I previously referred to seem to either be in the far distant future or not on the radar at all.


Lastly, in specific regards to your comments about adding "dynamic" elements to worlds such as day/night cycles and mobs attacking one another, you've obviously had very little experience in MMO's that have such elements. Otherwise you'd understand that day/night cycles don't have to be "real time" like in WoW, and requests for dynamic elements DOESN'T mean a mob just perpetually shooting at another but never hitting it. For instance, EQ2 had BOTH of those elements at launch. And THAT game launched in 2004 as well. This is precisley why citing the state of WoW at launch as justification for ones argument, whilst forgetting all the other competition, is myopic to say the least.




  1. Just because a player is happy with the situation, doesn't mean that anyone else who isn't has an invalid argument.
  2. WoW isn't the only standard to aspire to.
  3. SWTOR isn't competing with just a 2004 version of WoW. This is 2012, and the market is much bigger than that. New products are being released soon too.

Edited by Tarka
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The reason it seems like most people are unsatisfied with the game is because those who are satisfied, which is far the majority of SWTOR, is playing it instead of arguing on the forums. SW:ToR is, surprise, SW:ToR and not any other MMO. I don't know what people are missing, but most of those who i have talked to miss most of the content that patch 1.2 delivers. Besides that, some more interesting end-game content would be appreciated and more raids. The thing is, this takes time to develop and the devs needs to decide whether this fits into their concept and their target audience. To "just" make this is not simple. This is something you must not forget. Things takes time.

I am excited about SW:ToR. It has an excellent storyline, exellent gameplay and very interesting features, with more to come. When taking in consideration the early state the game is in, it has very few bugs, and it practically works excellent. Of course I look forward to more content, but all things at one time. They listen to the community and try to implement what is possible for their game. One of the best thing about BioWare is that they focus a lot on the RP part, which in this case may be a flaw. Many meta-gamers, just want to level, and be able to skip the story. I don't understand why but peace be with them. I don't know whether this is an issue for some people, but if they want to play SW:ToR, this is one of the things they might just need to take with in the experience of playing SW:ToR. Star Wars is a quality BioWare game and one of their finest games ever. With that said there is still room for improvement, and of course the game will be improved all the time with new patches. BioWare have been excellent at fixing problems fast and i think it is amazing in this early state of the game.

Edited by Memborg
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What issues are they really answering?


Horrible legacy system

TERRIBLE implementation of gear mod removal (can only remove mods off the NEW tier 2 gear) just plain terrible, no word to describe the laziness here

Still have not mentions dual spec

Another WZ?

No details on class balance other than re-working classes

No info on spaceship expansion

No info on existing bugs for current content

new operation with new tier gear renders old operations useless, we go from 2 to 1. Especially if I can't remove armoring mods from rakata gear I don't want it.

1 new WZ?


So not sure how this will change all the game's problems...


No engine enhancements

no server mergers

no cross server queues

no server xfers

no high res textures

no guild ships

no changes to the game world (horrible travel system on planets, single player feel to worlds)

no fixes for Ilum (abandoning it instead)


Really, this patch will not add much to the game and introduce a ton more issues.




You seem to have a lot of information about a patch they are virtually saying nothing about. You must be the nerd version of miss Cleo.

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