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Commando Stats


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I try to min/max my stats for my commando gunnery, right now doing some level 56 modification farming, but my question are those.



1. Did I need accuracy at all? I drop a lots of accuracy with my carac, but it dosent seem like I miss even if I only have 96% to hit... I have never miss in PvE environment.


2. If I only got Power/surge mod, will I lost something in the process, like Do I need to have some Crit/accuracy/Alacrity, or the best is to have just Power/Surge mod?


3. My build look like that http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800Mc0MZMIkrordokfzZbz.1 Did someone try to get supercharge cell and use it for only damage and how much damage will I loose if I dont use armor peircing cell? I try to use the cell and didn't see much lost of damage again monster we find in a dailies, but again boss or very strong World boss???


Ps: I dont play in PvP... I have done it, get to rank 33, but now I just want to be gear for Hard/Nightmare Ops!

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Erm, Dont know about you, but HiB and FA are in my rotation as a gunner. I would imagine that missing them would amount to significant DPS loss. However, I'm only speculating here, I dont see many misses being <100%
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Heh I know Gunnery uses HIB and FA but its not as reliant as Assault line. You will do fine either way. Hell, im Assault and only have about 95% I think and hardlt ever miss. Its not to be worried about to much. All my Champ gear ive stripped the accuracy mods and replaced with Crit/Surge. I like it better than Pwr/Surge but again im Assault not Gunnery.
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Short answer: Yes, you need some accuracy. Current theorycraft from datamining is that you need 108% tech accuracy to cap for bosses, though that isn't confirmed until 1.2 when we have combat logs we can look at. That said, it comes very easily with tiered gear (in fact Rakata will put you well over the accuracy cap and you have to rip some mods out to get a better balance of gear)



I really recommend you read this post:




It's a commando PvE DPS guide and should answer most if not all of your questions.


The TLDR version:


+Accuracy (108% tech accuracy)

+Crit Chance (up to approximately 32-35%)

+Surge (up to approximately 70-75%)

+Tech Power/Power


After those numbers, diminishing returns heavily kick in so try not to go too far over.

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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Yes, HiB and FA are not tech abilities - but if we keep stacking accuracy to the ranged cap, we go OVER the cap on our tech accuracy, making accuracy over 108% tech only 'half useful' when compared to other stats. At the end of the day we don't know how much DPS we gain for going over the 108% accuracy mark vs stacking stats like crit/surge/power which are useful for ALL of our abilities. We won't know for sure until we have a combat log, but the current brains and mathheads are saying that going over 108% tech isn't as useful, and I will trust them until we have more hard data in 1.2.


Bioware also hints at this in their recent comments regarding the fact that Rakata gear is over itemized on accuracy.

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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