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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When is 1.1.5 coming out?


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I've been playing every single day to get BM bags for almost 2 months, but this RNG thing is such nonsense. Been trying to get my final two battlemaster comms for over two weeks with NO REWARD! it is so frustrating when I have nothing to look forward to in this game, except getting battlemaster comms. I already have an almost full Rakata set from raiding, but this battlemaster RNG thing is such an aggravating experience. Other players who have hit battlemaster later than me already have a full set when I'm lagging behind from bad RNG luck. This issue drives me so angry sometimes.



I want 1.1.5 to come out TOMORROW not next week.

Edited by speedracerlo
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I've been playing every single day to get BM bags for almost 2 months, but this RNG thing is such nonsense. Been trying to get my final two battlemaster comms for over two weeks with NO REWARD! it is so frustrating when I have nothing to look forward to in this game, except getting battlemaster comms. I already have an almost full Rakata set from raiding, but this battlemaster RNG thing is such an aggravating experience. Other players who have hit battlemaster later than me already have a full set when I'm lagging behind from bad RNG luck. This issue drives me so angry sometimes.



I want 1.1.5 to come out TOMORROW not next week.


What!!....it came out last week...did you not get the memo?....ok sorry had to do it. No one knows when for sure I have heard possibly this week maybe next and it all depends on how well it is going on the TC.

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