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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Liveblogging of the guild summit (with pictures!)


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All the panels are posted now! :) Editing some of them to make the Q& A section to look more readable :)


If a mod see this, if you can move those posts I have at the bottom to 2nd and 3rd position on the thread that would be awesome so people don't have to scroll down to see the additional posts

Edited by Iwipe
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Q: can you change the race of a previous alt when you unlock a new race?

A: no you need to make a new alt.



You have got to be kidding me?


So you first motivate us to make alts and now you reward us by forcing us to leveling all over again? At least give us an option to change the race of an alt at least once when at lvl 50.


This, together with the removal of the crystal colour restrictions annoys me. Jedi = no red sabers, Sith = no blue or green period. If the lore is so important as you state so many times stick to it.



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lol, "no free game update will have been this massive in an MMO before"... i dunno, there's been some pretty big ones. land of the dead in WAR was pretty huge, dispite the limited success (read: failure) of the game, that came with two new playable careers, 5 instances, a new (huge, but now never used) pvp map etc.


anyway, the fact that this patch is delayed, and 1.1.5 has taken this long to come out, means i probably won't be around for 1.2 anyway.


sorry, i'm just not that excited anymore. none of it really addresses any of the issues i have with the game, which are all pvp based... and no, rated warzones will not fix that. as long as things like expertise and pvp gear gaps exist, rated warzones will still fail hard, and open world pvp is a joke... i can't believe they managed to make it fail more than WAR.


Did you even read the above list? Did you see how theyre addressing pvp gear gap and expertise? LoL, you should read and educate yourself before commenting, that way you don't look like a doofus.

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LOL. I don't see them implementing anything as large as the Cataclysm 1-60 revamp (yes, it was part of an expansion, but you didn't need to buy the expansion to enjoy the content).


The fact remains that none of the revamp would have taken place without the expansion. Hence it is expansion content.

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lol, "no free game update will have been this massive in an MMO before"... i dunno, there's been some pretty big ones. land of the dead in WAR was pretty huge, dispite the limited success (read: failure) of the game, that came with two new playable careers, 5 instances, a new (huge, but now never used) pvp map etc.


anyway, the fact that this patch is delayed, and 1.1.5 has taken this long to come out, means i probably won't be around for 1.2 anyway.


sorry, i'm just not that excited anymore. none of it really addresses any of the issues i have with the game, which are all pvp based... and no, rated warzones will not fix that. as long as things like expertise and pvp gear gaps exist, rated warzones will still fail hard, and open world pvp is a joke... i can't believe they managed to make it fail more than WAR.


Derp! We don't care about your negativity... negative nelly. :p C ya!


I am looking 4ward to 1.2! TY for the post and the april heads up! Awesome!

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THanks for posting this, great to read. I am very excited about many of the changes being made but sad to see that making space combat a part of the mmo experience wasn't mentioned.


Still, on the plus side what they ARE going to be doing sounds great :)

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