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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What are you farming/Selling to make credits?


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My server is so dead on the Republic side there really is no market to speak of.


I used to harvest non stop and try and sell mats, but nobody is playing anymore so the market is as dead as... well.. the server.


When they finally do server merges, (soon, I hope, before it's too late), then I will go back to be the wandering harvester.

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I play the market for about 20% of my income.


The rest i make with artifice, selling the purple advance stuff.


Depending on the mats I have I craft low and high advanced hilts, enchantments and color crystals.


I like crafting so I spend I lot of time and credits on it. At the moment I can make 30 advanced products.


The mats I buy on the market (60, 70 %) and the rest I get from buying alot of crafting missions.

Edited by Jeepstar
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Advanced Savant Enhancement 22 from Artifice (400) seems to sell pretty well.


I managed to sell 2x of them for 40-45k last week.


It all depends on


Cost of resources

and time you have available to make them.

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As for what people want to buy. I noticed when leveling up several alts the following:


At level 20 and 40 you basically get a free whole set upgrade through the "pvp armor" vendor, everything from weapons, implants to every armor slot.


Before level 20 you don't have half your slots filled up, and gear means nothing and you can get by with your quest reward greens.


after you have tasted the full lvl 20 upgrade, and that set starts getting a bit old at say lvl 25, and you notice that the next upgrade is at level 40. I know at least I started looking at the GTN every time I loggged on to see if I could find purple/orange armor, or simple item enhancements (hilts/barrels/armor/mod/enhance).


After lvl 40 you get very good upgrades on each planet, and completing a planet gives you gear upgrades every 1-2 levels instead of 3-4 levels. So I'd say that this wouldn't be as profitable either.



So if I crafted for credits, I would focus on the lvl 25-35 segment. I also very much appreciated the lvl 38 purple chest/head piece for my Sentinel, which was better than the lvl 40 pvp set.

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I've had an idea bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I've been farming mats so I can try it.


I'm going to start selling end-of-planet level purple gear.


I'm not going to sell purple crystals, in general, not because I think they'll sell - but because I won't have the mats with what I intend to put up.


As for enhancements and saber hilts? If we sold lots of purple L13 or L15 (for people new to Coruscant) for about, say, 1000, I think they'd sell. Ditto L19 (3000 creds) for pre-Taris, L25 (5000) pre-Nar Shaddaa, 31 (7000) for Alderaan, and the like.


I say pre-those-planets because if you do all the content and flashpoints, that's what level you are by those planets. If not, you'll be one planet behind, but 1k for a purple enhancement for starting Taris? Sold, imho.


I think people would buy these items at this level because if you buy a 19 purple, you're good stats-wise until a L23 Green.. then just buy another purple.


Treasure hunting 115 and 175 missions pop up with regularity on the GTN on my server - I buy every one I see. I'm sitting on 45 Chrysopaz and 28 Wind Crystals, and about 60 Ice Jewels right now.


Am I insane to try to corner the low-level market?


Not at all, but how busy is your server? I have been selling certain level 13 blue items for 2k, 19 for 3k, 21 for 4.5k and a purples for a lot more than that (12,500 for level 31 barrel)

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