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What will happen to BM bags post 1.1.5?


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I stocked a BM awhile back for me to open (kinda like sending my future self a present.. sad but true) when I finally reach BM.


Unfortunately I will not get to BM post 1.1.5, so my question is what will happen to this bag? will it *poof* disappear or will cause some soft of divide by zero error vortex and crash the server?

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I stocked a BM awhile back for me to open (kinda like sending my future self a present.. sad but true) when I finally reach BM.


Unfortunately I will not get to BM post 1.1.5, so my question is what will happen to this bag? will it *poof* disappear or will cause some soft of divide by zero error vortex and crash the server?


Nothing BM bags aren't going away with 1.1.5

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There is a difference between ratios and % chance kids. Each bag has a 25% of giving you a BM comm. You do not get 1 BM comm in 4 bags OBVIOUSLY.


1.1.5 won't change anything with BM bags. Each bag has its own unique 25% chance of giving you a BM comm. In 1.1.5 you will now be able to buy BM comms for 1000 WZ comms and 1000 Merc comms

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