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(IA Spoilers) Sith and Empire relations


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So after just finishing the IA storyline today I was wondering.....what exactly is the relation between the empire and sith?


I always thought that the Empire and Sith were really just one orginization with the sith simply being the "higher ups" if you will.


However after finishing the IA story it seems as if the empire and sith are 2 totally different orginizations that just share a common intrest and thus are working together. I say this because a lot of the people in imperial intel expressed deep hatered towards the sith...but still wanted to help the empire.


So are the sith and empire separate or are they simply 2 'levels" in the same hierarchy?

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The sith rule, and the rest follow. The rulers aren't always popular, especially rulers like the Sith who believe they can do whatever they want. The empire was created by a Sith, who also happens to be the emperor. So while there are patriots who really believe in what the empire is doing, they can still hate the sith themselves, and believe the empire would be better without them. Edited by Boissi
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Just because the Empire was forged by the Sith doesn't necessarily mean that the Sith are the best people to run it. Imperial Intelligence prides itself on, well, on professionalism, probably, above all else. Being overseen by a bunch of frequently mentally unstable supervillains who consider "For the Evlulz" to be a motivational work ethic and close out mission statements and memoes with painstakingly transcribed evil laughter and five exclamation marks... is probably something a great many Agents find downright offensively embarrassing, to say nothing of alarming.


A competent Agent would think nothing of poisoning a nearby village's well, for instance, if it genuinely *were* the only effective/best time-managed way of distracting a group of approaching Jedi/Republic troops in order to complete the mission. However, if an Agent, having completed his mission without breaking cover, then made a specific detour to push somebody's puppy into the village well, alerting local Jedi in the process, he would probably be shot for gross stupidity.


It's hard to respect one's bosses, if one has the impression that they are a) incompetent, b) extremely unprofessional, and c) rabid.

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Just because the Empire was forged by the Sith doesn't necessarily mean that the Sith are the best people to run it. Imperial Intelligence prides itself on, well, on professionalism, probably, above all else. Being overseen by a bunch of frequently mentally unstable supervillains who consider "For the Evlulz" to be a motivational work ethic and close out mission statements and memoes with painstakingly transcribed evil laughter and five exclamation marks... is probably something a great many Agents find downright offensively embarrassing, to say nothing of alarming.


A competent Agent would think nothing of poisoning a nearby village's well, for instance, if it genuinely *were* the only effective/best time-managed way of distracting a group of approaching Jedi/Republic troops in order to complete the mission. However, if an Agent, having completed his mission without breaking cover, then made a specific detour to push somebody's puppy into the village well, alerting local Jedi in the process, he would probably be shot for gross stupidity.


It's hard to respect one's bosses, if one has the impression that they are a) incompetent, b) extremely unprofessional, and c) rabid.



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[A wonderful pile of good sense.]


There's a saying among the Agents in my guild: "Sith make the messes, Intelligence clears them up," and certainly while I was levelling my Assassin many of the DS choices would have made my Sniper weep. Sith seem to like causing mayhem while Agents (and Moffs, from what I saw of them) just want the job done efficiently and with minimum risk* - I know which side of that equation I'd prefer to have running things.




* Yes, this is a huge generalisation and both sides have exceptions.

Edited by Shinybum
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The situation with the sith kinda reminds me of how "Game of Thrones" plays out.


You've got this big enemy just outside the walls but the entire kingdom is completely wrapped up in its own power plays and the warring of its upper class citizenry.

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/me nods. I think my Agent- it's hard to tell, as she's fairly low level still, has a definite opinion along the lines of "Our noble Sith masters are above many of the base and menial traits of we lesser beings. Sanity, common sense, rational thought, and an attention span that lasts longer than the next opportunity to throw lightning at the nearest sentient being- or, failing the presence of a sentient being, tree or rock formation being only some of those base and menial traits."
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Yep. My agent has always despised the Sith, and the attitude grows with each level. Even when

she discovers that Keeper put the mind-control code in her brain

, she appreciates that at least it was done reluctantly and for security purposes, not just for jollies. The only thing Sith are really good for is helping beat up on Jedi. And they don't even do that all that well, or they wouldn't need Agent and Bounty Hunters to help so much.

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Yep. My agent has always despised the Sith, and the attitude grows with each level. Even when

she discovers that Keeper put the mind-control code in her brain

, she appreciates that at least it was done reluctantly and for security purposes, not just for jollies. The only thing Sith are really good for is helping beat up on Jedi. And they don't even do that all that well, or they wouldn't need Agent and Bounty Hunters to help so much.


lol actually you can blame that incident on the sith too. They were the ones who did that. It is explained later that if Keeper hadn't have authorized it then you would have been killed. He did it to save your life from the sith.

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