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Theorycraft - single piece (champ gloves) gimp my healing, stats inside


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Okay this is going to be a long post. so pardon that:


I'm trying to gear up so I can start running hard modes and ops with my guild. at the moment, i have all champ gear cept the helmet which is cent. I have a set of orange gloves that i was using until i got the champ gloves.


Character stats w/out any gloves on:


Aim: 1177

Power: 282

Techpower: 1161

Crit Rating: 323

Surge: 159

Alacrity: 184

Bonus heal: 410


Stats with orange gloves:


Aim: 1280

Power: 290

Techpower: 1161

Crit Rating: 338

Surge: 198

Alacrity: 184

Bonus heal: 425


Stats with Champ gloves:


Aim: 1272

Power: 282

Techpower: 1161

Crit Rating: 352

Surge: 207

Alacrity: 184

Bonus heal: 423


In my travels, the champ gloves completely 'gimp' my healing. Even though there is a supposed effective difference of 2 bonus heal pts, its all the difference between successfully healing a hard mode like esseless and fail healing. My question is, why is this one piece of gear and the 2pts in bonus heal making such a difference here?


Can anyone explain a bit?


I would try to backup my question with a test in numbers but I'm too lazy to at the moment.

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well i haven't had a chance to run a HM with the EXACT same players. but enough times that I'm comfortable with saying the single piece of gear made a difference.


ill see if i can pull some numbers and add them for scrutiny.

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Are you working hard to finish with the old gloves? Is it a difference between close to failure and failure, or is it drastic like "easy and straightforward" vs "oh sweet Mother of Zeus, we are all going to die?"
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"oh sweet Mother of Zeus, we are all going to die?"

thats the champ gloves on my setup.


the orange gloves don't make it a walk in the park, but i'm certainly not failing from the get go like i am with the champ gloves.

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here are some numbers i just did which i found interesting. these were heals i tossed on a companion with no buffs on me or player+companion.


(for the record i was so frustrated with the champ gloves I pulled the mods out of them and used them on my companions)


w / orange gloves mentioned in first post:


Bacta: 2213,1928,3291,4068,3514,3505,2057,1972, 1879, 2981 (ave 2740)

Adv Probe: 1823, 3085, 1673, 3053, 1937, 1677, 1618, 1893, 2785, 1767 (ave 2131)

med probe: 2594, 2380, 2424, 2333, 2460, 2359, 2572, 4853, 2428, 4223 (ave 2862)


w/out any armor gloves on (i.e. empty equipment slot)


Bacta: 3664, 1935, 1885, 1703, 3930, 1975, 3950, 1988, 3382, 1879 (ave: 2629)

adv. probe: 3295, 1654, 1713, 1594, 1771, 3259, 1820, 1669, 1751, 1496 (ave: 2002)

med probe: 2436, 2523, 2557, 2339, 2577, 2425, 4743, 2224, 2313, 2389 (ave: 2653)


i honestly expected the difference to be greater than what is shown above...

(edit: and now i've been asked to go DPS for ops... so I'll rejoin this conversation when they ask me to go heals again :))

Edited by VorusKets
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(for the record i was so frustrated with the champ gloves I pulled the mods out of them and used them on my companions)


I hate the word theorycraft, but clearly you are not the kind of person to actually be doing it. Your disappointment with your (PVP) gloves (in a PVE setting) is nothing more than "feeling." The differences in your group could be vast, but you provided no information. Then when you go to do actual numbers you've destroyed the piece you should have been testing. :confused:


(edit: and now i've been asked to go DPS for ops... so I'll rejoin this conversation when they ask me to go heals again :))


Maybe you're just not cut out to be a healer, and maybe your guild sees it.

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Your disappointment with your (PVP) gloves (in a PVE setting) is nothing more than "feeling."


That is a WoW phnomenon, people use PvP gear in a PvE setting instead of having 2 sets and focus on changing the devs mind about the stats to fit their needs.


Only explanation is that someone important to that individual told that person its cool to "break the rules" while pwning. If you fail, post on the forums and tell the world that the devs are gimps.


It´s just the lazy mans way of trying to look leet.


EDIT: I´m not sorry if i offended anyone. Cheers.

Edited by Oakens
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That is a WoW phnomenon, people use PvP gear in a PvE setting instead of having 2 sets and focus on changing the devs mind about the stats to fit their needs.



This makes no sense as PvP gear in WoW was generally terrible for PvE with the exception of weapons.

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Why would that be any different here?


Could we please focus?


Different games are different?


Bashing WoW may be popular these days, but it should at least make sense.


If his raw stats improved, his performance should improve, regardless of the source of those stats.


That said, the point is moot as he is no longer healing.

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Point is PvP gear here is just as terrible as in WoW. Hence why i said focus.


The stats didnt improve, nor did his healing. Did you read his post?



That said, the point is moot as he is no longer healing.


The point is not moot, becuase he would be back healing if need arises.

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Point is PvP gear here is just as terrible as in WoW. Hence why i said focus.


The stats didnt improve, nor did his healing. Did you read his post?





The point is not moot, becuase he would be back healing if need arises.



He lost 8Aim and 8 Power, and gained 14 Crit and 8 Surge.


Whether or not we call that an upgrade is unimportant. The question is why did his healing get inexplicably worse with that change in stats?


The answer is not "PvP Gear," since crit and power are fairly close in value, and while 8 Aim is surely worth more than 8 surge, that is likely offset by the 6 extra crit. The gear should have been roughly a wash.


I don't have an answer, though. Player skill is probably a major factor in this one.

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He lost 8Aim and 8 Power, and gained 14 Crit and 8 Surge.


Whether or not we call that an upgrade is unimportant. The question is why did his healing get inexplicably worse with that change in stats?


I dont know.

Edited by Oakens
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