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Sentinel/Marauder Temporary Stealth


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Seriously who ever at bioware thought it was a good idea to give sentinels/marauders temporary stealth should be shot point blank in the face.


The ONLY classes that should be able to stealth and disappear are scoundrel/operative and shadow/assassin. Sentinels/ marauders are pure dps and they can sneak out of fights while snipers/gunslingers are also pure dps yet they just sit there and take the beating.


I have a 50 sniper and a 41 scoundrel. as a sniper I can escape for awhile but people always escape and chase me down regardless. When a sniper/gunslinger stuns someones for pushes them back they can still be chased down because they're not INVISIBLE.


It's just something I shouldn't have to worry about. When I open with big numbers on my scoundrel against a sentinel/marauder they disappear and i just don't even bother looking for them because I'll get killed trying.


I know nothing will be changed but i just wanted to share my opinion on a stupid design choice. However I still love the game despite the little things.

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you realize that maras/sents are incredibly squishy compared to GS's and Snipers right? Also the learning curve is very steep for sents and maras. I will be honest with my sent and mara half of the time i will be bad, and half of the time good. With my jugg and guard it is easier, but my Sniper first pvp match with him at lvl 10 without learningn about using cover in pvp i scored 11 medals. So I would have to disagree with your statement that sents/maras shouldnt have that stealth move. If they didnt have it their survivability would be nerfed. (keep in mind on my mara and sent i dont have the stealth move but i have observed enemies and allies using it)
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except the marauder has to be within melee range to do damage to you, while the the sniper has the advantage of ranged, and other abilities which diminish your targets capability to come closer to you.


Seriously what other option does a marauder have while facing a sniper at range whos in cover. They can't force charge you, they can if having been engaged in combat, blow their sprint which works if you're on the same level as your opponent, it doesnt help worth squat if you're at a higher elevation.

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