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Jedi Knight butt robes


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Multiple threads have ranted about this, and still have had no responses or comments by any of the devs. In fact, this isnt even on the list of known bugs. So out of pure frustration and 15 minutes of free time, I wrote a poem in hopes that this more amusing style would catch some kind of developer's attention.



There are those who fear to lose their career,

and those who fear to lose someone dear.

Those who fear to domineer

and those who fear to be austere.

Those who fear who they revere

will just walk out and disappear.

Those who fear to engineer

and those who fear to pioneer,

those who fear to interfere

and those who fear what is not clear.


There are those who fear to be insincere,

and those who fear it may sound queer,

And though it may, I dare to say

That what I fear is my own rear.


Though I’ve tried to persevere,

I can’t continue standing here

As the Sith point and jeer,

Guffawing at my bulbous sphere.

I realize now it’s very clear

That these words won’t reach an ear

and even if you were to hear

You still won’t think it’s that severe.


But fat as hutts are our butts,

Just thinking of it drives me nuts!

So here I cry about this rut,

And ask you for a smaller butt.




This opus magnum makes a clear case for what a substantial issue this is for many people. Anything getting done about it?

Edited by Aelaias
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I have to say I'm a little disappointed that you didn't work the word "posterior" into the first verse, I was really expecting it.


However, I believe Sir Mix A Lot said it best "I like big butts and I cannot lie" I think the same goes for the Devs. :p



its like over at bio-ware they had Sir-Mix-A-Lot on a constant loop while they designed the game.


Dammit, you beat me to it. :D

Edited by Jenel
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It is indeed very strange that the preview window shows the model as it should; but the ingame result suddenly changes my butt to gigantic proportions.


Any chance of BioWare fixing this, or maybe allow a namechange so I can be known as Master Buttimus Maximus...? :confused:


What we have / What we need


It's not that strange. The preview window doesn't do the "physics" thingy on clothing and hair, that's why it's different.


When you're actually using it, it tries to mold itself to the gargantuan butt :p It might be that the physics system makes a little bit of room for air, too, which makes the problem even bigger. I'd imagine there's a lot of clipping going on with the butts and capes on the Preview window, too, which helps.

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