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(Marauder) Soloing first two BT HM Bosses


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you are a troll, you are the best?

omg another internet spotty teenager rolls in.



Solo? excellent /golf clap.


Internet spotty teenager? Speak for yourself.. I started this **** in 99' with EQ, at the age of 13.. Followed by MTing Vanila MC and BWL. I am now 26.. You guys can keep *********** hatin all you want, LAMES!


You see, this really did not start as a "Im gonna run my mouth" thing, it was flipped that way by who? YOU GUYS. Claiming it was "faked" and being ignorant little *****.



This is not you soloing content, this is you glitching content. Big difference kid.


Nothing is "glitched"... Fail, again. How many times are you fellas gonna fail? This is a simple kite, again - nothing is "glitched'...



1- You did not 'solo'


2- You edited the fights, not showing the whole encounter


3- You fail


Best marauder on your server? Bahahahahahahah!!!


Sigh, more fails... You've been claiming this since my first video, which i defended vigorously - to the point of making a SECOND VIDEO. You FAIL. GIVE IT UP..



1. It was not a solo, since the 2nd and 4th (notice how he didn't do the bonus boss) consisted of him running around and letting Quinn just shoot them till they died.


2. The latest video still doesn't show the kill. It show the boss enraging then fades out to the next boss.


3. And you know this, how?


Nope, I cannot get the bonus boss as of yet.. I'll be sitting here waiting for you to get the first, however..


I could do both the 2nd and 4th without my companion (The 4th/last WAS DONE WITHOUT A COMPANION, you guys are INCREDIBLY OBSERVANT)...




Fail, Fail, Fail...


This started as a "Be proud of your Marauder" and has turned into "Pen Waving"...


You guys are very, very sad indeed.

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Eh I'll give ya props on figuring out how to kite the last chick and solo her. The second boss though...nah. Healing is one thing, but just running around letting Quinn shoot him is in a different ballpark. Though I guess you could've just ran around for an hour killing him with force scream, he's that easy to kite with his flame probe casts.



Curious why you didn't use a DS=>Leap=> Invis and run away though, for a faster kill. Didn't want to risk it?




P.S My suggestion is picking a more...neutral music tone, you won't get as much hate for it. Not a lot of people in this world can listen to every kind of music, and things like that piss em off. *Shrug*

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