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After spending a lot of credits trying to find a build that suits me ive come to settle with this annihilation build:http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRrfGzZhMz.1


I'd like to have some feedback on it.


I can say that i miss Enraged Charge and a second point in Defensive Roll, as i had in an earlier build. But then i didnt have Ferocity and Subjugation, and after specing in to these talents i cant think of going without them.


I use this build for PvP ofc but i also use it for PvE Ops where it still is ok. The only thing i miss in a pve setting is the 2 points in defensive roll.

As i play with pvp premades and enter huttball alot..... Phantom, Ferocity and Subjugation are probably the best talents ive had to play as a team player.

Edited by Nergalus
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@ OP: i give you a 9/10


dump ferocity, put 1 more point in defensive rolls, and put 1 in cloak of carnage, then youre golden



@ the other guy: i completely disagree that that is a better build


getting payback is not worth losing subjugation, defensive forms, and defensive roll imo, those 3 talents are worth way more than payback ... stagger and ravager are essentially useless fillers to get to payback, malice is good but its worth is debatable for annihilation

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@ OP: i give you a 9/10


dump ferocity, put 1 more point in defensive rolls, and put 1 in cloak of carnage, then youre golden


yeah thats something ive debated back and forth about having ferocity or not. I mostly pvp in premades and the speedboost on predation from ferocity is something thats appretiated by my group as we all can get to the wz objective faster then most others, most of the time.This is especially golden in huttball but the 2 other wz' its also very usefull. Its also golden when i have to move in fast to cc or score etc.


Ofc maxing defensive roll is really good in zergs or against rage spec warriors. But so far having only one point in it hasnt been a playbreaker. I might consider dropping the 1 point in defensive roll even and put it in to cloak of carnage to get some more rage build. But so far ive been able to manage with spending a couple gcd on assault here and there to get the rage i need.



I also completely disagree with your build being better. Points in Malice i can understand as it affects our dots. But specing in to Ravager and Stagger seems to me to be useless compared to having Subjugation, Ferocity and Defensive Forms. If youre going up the annihilation tree, not picking up Subjugaion at least is going to hurt your effectiveness.


Between a 6 sec Disrupt, Force Charge, Grip and the aoe cc u can completely lock down a healer for a good amount of time and probably also kill him unless hes way better geared or is getting heals from other ppl.


Also having Payback as in that build seems to me to be alittle meh...sure it can save your life once a minute but is it really needed?

Edited by Nergalus
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yeah thats something ive debated back and forth about having ferocity or not. I mostly pvp in premades and the speedboost on predation from ferocity is something thats appretiated by my group as we all can get to the wz objective faster then most others, most of the time.This is especially golden in huttball but the 2 other wz' its also very usefull. Its also golden when i have to move in fast to cc or score etc.


Ofc maxing defensive roll is really good in zergs or against rage spec warriors. But so far having only one point in it hasnt been a playbreaker. I might consider dropping the 1 point in defensive roll even and put it in to cloak of carnage to get some more rage build. But so far ive been able to manage with spending a couple gcd on assault here and there to get the rage i need.


ferocity is one of those talents that it is extremely easy to see the benefit of


the difference between 50% speed increase and 80% increase is quite dramatic


however, just because it is easy to see the impact of the points, doesnt mean they are necessary to get


particularly in a premade group, you probably have a tank ball carrier and at least 1 healer, with proper coordination the need for that extra 30% speed drops considerably, your team will be getting heals, CCing properly, there isnt as much pressure to make a mad dash for the end zone


in pugs i find it equally unnecessary because pugs are a crapshoot to begin with, 2 talent points for 1 player isnt going to make or break a game when you solo queue, plus in my experience pug v pug tends to be very 1 sided, when i solo queue and get no premade in the warzone the games tend to be 6-1 quick wins, 4-0 medal farming wins, things like that


but of course, this is just my opinion, i think ferocity is a nice talent that isnt necessary


as for 1/2 defensive roll vs 1/2 cloak of carnage ... the 1 point in cloak of carnage is a filler point, its just an extra that needs to be spent so you may as well put it in something that can passively generate extra rage, if you are going to stick to your 35 where they are in annihilation i would leave that 1/2 in defensive roll


2/2 is ideal, 30% reduction on AoEs is well worth the points imo (TOR has some crazy hard hitting AoE attacks compared to most MMOs ive played)

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This is usually me when i run Anni:



If you don't like Seeping Wound, you can toss points into Subjugation, or take them from Short Fuse. Malice is pretty key for when you're not berserking, as it affects bleed ticks.


I don't have much/if any issues with rage when I run this spec, so I don't take Empowerment or Cloak of Carnage. It keeps me alive, and I can still dish it out or run the Huttball.

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