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Server Group Forums Are Stupid


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I dont know what genius decided it would be a good idea to group multiple servers by alphabet, and then force people to select their server from a drop down menu, but it is completely antithetical to the goals of encouraging discussion and building communities in the forum.


I have nothing to say to people on other servers. We share nothing in common, except that we happened to select servers with names beginning with the same letter. Why must I sift through posts I don't care about, to get to post I do care about?


Compound this with the fact that the arbitrary server group forums then have subforums and you've created a laughably conflated nightmare that perfectly illustrates the complete lack of direction this community has.


Lose the subforums. Lose the group forums. Create one forum for each server. The end.


Let us build our community (or not) as we so choose. Stop trying to fake forum activity by sticking multiple servers together.

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I actually sent a dev a PM about this, but never got a response. I agree though its probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen. its almost up there with no combat log.


There is no sense of community without forums to start drama on.

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I agree that there should be a forum per server. At least one open forums representing that server. Ideally it would have guild listings, trading, and a general area section, but at least get something per server.


Communities are enhanced more with such areas.

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There are server forums at ForceTremor. As each section becomes active, players from those servers can become moderators for their own server section.


I agree that there should be a forum per server. At least one open forums representing that server. Ideally it would have guild listings, trading, and a general area section, but at least get something per server.


Communities are enhanced more with such areas.


Right now there isn't subforums for guild listings, trading, etc. but those requests would be taken and added based on what that individual server would want for their own section.

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