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Good DPS?

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Looking for a good Jedi class for DPS. Melee or range. Any suggestions and details with each suggestion?


EDIT: My apologies for posting on something that I'm sure has been talked about. There should really be a sticky for these kinds of things.

Edited by Dylanrecession
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well posting this in Sentinel forums will give you possibly biased responses :)


but... i have all 8 advanced classes at 20+ (only guardian, sage, sentinel at level 50 though)


and pvp'd with all of them (so they buffed to 49) to get a good basis of comparison.


All 4 jedi classes can do damage, all in different ways.


I would suggest playing all and trying yourself because it really comes down to playstyle and personal preference.


Sage: Currently is the 'easiest' jedi class to do good consistent damage. Force attacks bypass defenses (currently) which means the damage is fairly high regardless of the target, being ranged also means you wont need to travel between targets to continue doing damage. In addition... you have a aoe knockback which is advantages in Huttball and some areas of Voidstar. And rescue pulling a player to you is very handy in Huttball too. (also has heals/absorb etc if needed)


Shadow: In hybrid tank/dps spec this is 'lethal' it can pick its fights via stealth and it has great defenses when considering the dps it can put out and good CC options.. same knockback as Sage. Can also pull enemy players to you, which can be handy for eliminating someone in a firepit or acid trap in huttball, or just seperating someone who has guard on them. (


Guardian: Lower dps than Shadow in general but in Focus spec it can be very hard hitting on AoE in large groups of enemies, combined with guard/taunt/aoe taunt and good survivability makes this a good all-rounder. also guardian leap can leap to fellow players... also with regular leap and zealous leap makes it very good mobility on places like Huttball.


Sentinel: Best burst of all 4 jedi, especially so in Combat spec, and overall the best DPS of all 4 jedi in any of its 3 spec's, it has force camo for short term stealth, fast inturrupts (in watchman spec especially so). It lacks the staying power of the other 3 classes but does have good defensive cooldowns. (watchman does have a little better staying power in its healing ticks than the other two spec's however)



Probably something i missed on all 4 classes tbh but im tired atm and its got a rough outline there

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well posting this in Sentinel forums will give you possibly biased responses :)


but... i have all 8 advanced classes at 20+ (only guardian, sage, sentinel at level 50 though)


and pvp'd with all of them (so they buffed to 49) to get a good basis of comparison.


All 4 jedi classes can do damage, all in different ways.


I would suggest playing all and trying yourself because it really comes down to playstyle and personal preference.


Sage: Currently is the 'easiest' jedi class to do good consistent damage. Force attacks bypass defenses (currently) which means the damage is fairly high regardless of the target, being ranged also means you wont need to travel between targets to continue doing damage. In addition... you have a aoe knockback which is advantages in Huttball and some areas of Voidstar. And rescue pulling a player to you is very handy in Huttball too. (also has heals/absorb etc if needed)


Shadow: In hybrid tank/dps spec this is 'lethal' it can pick its fights via stealth and it has great defenses when considering the dps it can put out and good CC options.. same knockback as Sage. Can also pull enemy players to you, which can be handy for eliminating someone in a firepit or acid trap in huttball, or just seperating someone who has guard on them. (


Guardian: Lower dps than Shadow in general but in Focus spec it can be very hard hitting on AoE in large groups of enemies, combined with guard/taunt/aoe taunt and good survivability makes this a good all-rounder. also guardian leap can leap to fellow players... also with regular leap and zealous leap makes it very good mobility on places like Huttball.


Sentinel: Best burst of all 4 jedi, especially so in Combat spec, and overall the best DPS of all 4 jedi in any of its 3 spec's, it has force camo for short term stealth, fast inturrupts (in watchman spec especially so). It lacks the staying power of the other 3 classes but does have good defensive cooldowns. (watchman does have a little better staying power in its healing ticks than the other two spec's however)



Probably something i missed on all 4 classes tbh but im tired atm and its got a rough outline there


You're a bit off on these explainations. Guardian/Juggs can do 400-500k damage in WZs due to focus, they hit extremely hard. Combat is terrible DPS because all of it's damage is mitigated by armor. Force poewrs do not have armor piercing. Elemental/Internal damage ignores armor, but that is not dependent on any type of attack.

Edited by Derian
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All classes in SWTOR deals just about the same ammount of DPS, if they are spec'ed for damage dealing.


Sadly this is not true, its supposed to be but its not. Also OP are you talking about PvP or PvE?

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