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Yep, I picked the wrong class


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Your right, we don't score in huttball. That's not the role of the Merc in Huttball and if that is in fact what you want to do then yes, I supposed you did pick the wrong class. Rather than restate what a few others have said now, your job in Huttball is to play D. Slaughter the other team at mid and light up the ball carrier.


Merc is great in Huttball, just not at being a scorer in Huttball. I rack up 400k+ damage and 40-50+ kills per game. Usually end up with number 1 or 2 in objectives as well if I make sure to stay on the other teams ball carrier and grab the ball and throw it to a teammate who can run after the ball comes back to center. Hope you can find joy in playing D in Huttball, otherwise you are right about it being the wrong class for you. This would be an example of why I'm in support of AC respecing.


Careful now, those are apparently fighting words. AC changes obviously water the game down and make it so easy poo-flinging monkeys can clear HM content. How dare we expect to be able to do more without devoting our lives to the game!


But hey, on topic, I'm glad I read this thread, because I was unsure about selecting Merc, and now I'm a lot more confident. I'm glad to see so many people happy with their Mercs and able to give specific, understandable reasons for it.

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Careful now, those are apparently fighting words. AC changes obviously water the game down and make it so easy poo-flinging monkeys can clear HM content. How dare we expect to be able to do more without devoting our lives to the game!


i dont think you get the point there. AC's are basically an entirely different class. an assassin is basically a WoW rogue, and a Sorc is basically a caster hybrid. Would it make sense in WoW to be able to switch on the fly between rogue and Mage? no. It would damage the game community, because players would mostly just roll easy to level classes, and then change classes once they hit 50. the result would be assloads of sorc/sage, merc/commando, juggs/guardians, and snipers/gunslinger, and almost none of the other classes being rolled.


That may be what you want, but thats not how MMOs work. casual play is nice, but why do you think you should have all the same benefits of someone who plays twice as much as you? it wouldnt make sense.

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I play a trooper (and have the rep merc class) and I find it funny how OP says he is useless in huttball. Healing = manly, there for you can keep you're ball carrier alive. 1v1 is great, so you can kill their ball carrier. And you're AoE's are DISGUSTING, so you can kill the group of 5 guys attacking you're ball carrier, or atleast severally damage them, making it easier for them to be killed by you're team mates. The OP strikes me as a try hard kid who doesn't like to play with the team. The type of huttball player who doesn't throw the ball to the guy on the other side of the line, because "He wants to score." He then gets killed and loses the point all together.


You're job with this class is not to get the ball across the line from the middle. Toss the ball to the guy on the other side of the fire, who ISN"T being mauled by the whole other time. Be a team player and keep you're guys alive and you'll kick ***. Assuming you're team is competent. I've played with some very bad teams, where its just a mosh pit of badness. And then i've played with teams that are awesome and we all get in a line and just move the ball down the line and the other team can't touch us.

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Here's my view on dps mercs...


I just find them to be an incredibly dull class to play with no interesting mechanics. If you simply enjoy killing people in the most boring way possible then ok, merc might be for you. It's not, however, for me. If they gave me an option to switch to PT for $10, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don't feel like I accomplished anything at the end of the game even if I top the charts with 400k+ damage. Why? Because all I was doing was using the same boring, uninteresting rotation in order to kill people as fast as possible.


And for those who say we have beast AOE, what are you referring to? Our 1 min CD death from above, our useless sticky bomb, or our heat sapping fusion missile? And I know you didn't mean our sweeping blasters.... Death from above is all we have...but we can't even use it that much, and it's highly situational.


Bottom line: if you want an interesting class to play, merc is not for you. Even if all you care about is DPS, there are way more interesting classes to play that have just as much, if not more DPS.


I can't stand to play anything other than bodyguard merc anymore. And even in huttball I find it incredibly hard to heal my team most of the time due to the fast paced nature of it. With my high power heals requiring me to stand still and cast, they tend to get out of range or LoS me before I can do any meaningful healing. Also my one insta-heal has a moderate CD and kolto missile doesn't heal for much. But still, as it is I find healing the best option.


Since i couldn't bear the idea of rolling another BH to level 50 (PT this time), I'm currently rolling a vanguard and i'm already having way more fun than I ever had on my merc just with the grapple ability.


So yea, there is a BM mercenary's thoughts on mercenaries. Take it or leave it. Anyways, back to having insane fun with my vanguard.... Toodles! :D

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As a Battlemaster BH Merc healer, you have two jobs in huttball.


The first is kinda easy. To die. The hard part of the job is that you have to drag the death out as long as possible.


Healers by default get a lot of attention in warzones - and rightly so. Left a lone a healer can keep an entire team alive and throw the game in their favor.


As a result of a number of people realizing this, I have found that 1 - 2 opposing team players tend to focus their time on keeping me harassed. So they will either CC and interrupt me into oblivion or they will just simply keep attacking me to slow my healing and movement down. If they are of the former variety then there isn't much you can do about it other than pop your bubble and hope for the best. but if they are simply harassing you then you treat them like the gnat they are and kit them to a position where you can better deal with them.


but the thing here is that even in death (or near death) you serve a roll. The more people who shift their attention to you (to kill) the less they are focused on the objective - be it a ball handler, turret, or a door. And that in itself gives your team an advantage - even if it is for a few seconds.


The other job of the healer is to keep the ball handler alive. This is actually the harder of the two jobs in Huttball. Why? Because the ball handlers tend to be those with leaps, grapples, or run bursts. In other words all the classes who can quickly break line of sight with you and make it impossible for you to continue your job of keeping them alive. You also have to deal with CC from the opposing players and quite often you will find yourself stunned or tossed like a wet towel across the floor.


Now is this glamorous? Not really. And most of the time your team mates are oblivious to what you are doing. You get no cool animations and your attempts to draw opposing team mates tend not to draw the attention of your own team mates.

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I play a trooper (and have the rep merc class) and I find it funny how OP says he is useless in huttball. Healing = manly, there for you can keep you're ball carrier alive. 1v1 is great, so you can kill their ball carrier. And you're AoE's are DISGUSTING, so you can kill the group of 5 guys attacking you're ball carrier, or atleast severally damage them, making it easier for them to be killed by you're team mates. The OP strikes me as a try hard kid who doesn't like to play with the team. The type of huttball player who doesn't throw the ball to the guy on the other side of the line, because "He wants to score." He then gets killed and loses the point all together.


You're job with this class is not to get the ball across the line from the middle. Toss the ball to the guy on the other side of the fire, who ISN"T being mauled by the whole other time. Be a team player and keep you're guys alive and you'll kick ***. Assuming you're team is competent. I've played with some very bad teams, where its just a mosh pit of badness. And then i've played with teams that are awesome and we all get in a line and just move the ball down the line and the other team can't touch us.


Point made.


As a healer, you should get in the middle of the line (usually the first platform). In that way not only can you get control of which way the ball is going, but you can also throw heals to the player(s) in the center and the next one or two players down the line. Score three in a row like that, and the other team will all but fall apart. At that point in the game it turns into them simply trying to get damage medals and any attempt at team work on their part falls apart.

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Dude, if you can aim your knock back abilities well in huttball you can kick ***. Throw them off a ledge or into a hazard and you can kill a crowd of 3-4, top it off with death from above while they're slowed and you kick *** :p


Mercs are NOT bad in pvp.

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We do lack some utility that the other classes lack in PvP but we are far from useless. I play a pyrotech and i will argue our burst is every bit as good if not better then an arsenal. 95% of the time i lead in damage. While damage doesn't directly = win it does go along way when focused correctly.


here is some tips from my experience to ensure your victory.


1. Focus on pressuring enemy healers. You can do this in two ways. the first is directly attacking them or knocking them into positions (ie the pit) where they are neutralized. The second is using your aoe attacks. aoe heals in this game are weak compared to other games so when multiple people's health starts going down they have to make decisions on who to heal. A death from above followed by a fusion missile starts this process and if they heal the wrong person you have done your job.

2. Keep the catwalks clear. Aggressively kill people who run ahead of the ball. Typically these are sorcs and assassins and when they are focused on getting open instead of you, they are pretty much an autowin.

3. Get open yourself. Get on the catwalks. you have 1 stun break so try to get passes after the first enemy firetrap. Be careful with this break too and use it when needed. If that means waiting though a 4 sec stun so you can have it when going over the firetrap, then its a necessary evil. Also, don't be afraid to pop your bubble and run across the fire and then pop a warzone healpack. sometimes those 3 seconds matter.

4. Target the ball - Both sides if your not in pass position or someone else is. You do great damage, use it to keep them off the handler or to take down a handler.

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We do lack some utility that the other classes lack in PvP but we are far from useless.



You need to change that statement, because at the moment every smuggler/trooper/sniper/operative is telling you to suck it up.


You lack the Utility of Inqs, Sins, Shadows, and Sages, but everyone does that's why it feels imbalanced. You have 4 Advanced Classes that have multiple utility functions and no one else is close.


Gunslingers and Snipers have it the worst.

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