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Backpedaling...Do you do it?

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This forum post is full of epic fail. I love elitist WoW players who think they are god at MMORPG's. Theres a purpose for any movement in game its just knowing the right time to use them. It is not by any means noobish to move backwards in combat you would do it in a real fight.


Thanks for necroing a old post with your valued contribution to this thread.

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This forum post is full of epic fail. I love elitist WoW players who think they are god at MMORPG's. Theres a purpose for any movement in game its just knowing the right time to use them. It is not by any means noobish to move backwards in combat you would do it in a real fight.


What was the point of necroing this? Other than to stir **** up

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So the major critique I get is backpedaling. Do any of you out there ever actually find it useful? Do you do it? Do you unbind your 'S' key?


I do it when it doesn't matter. When speed matters I run sideways while facing the direction I need to pewpew heal.

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