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help with bounty hunters/commandos


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Greetings fellow duel wielders, I'm in need of some advice or tips. No matter what spec I choose, as a marauder BH/commandos eat me alive, to the point I'm just giving up on pvp and screaming at the monitor it's incredibly frustrating the mitigation they have as well as the burst. Does anyone have any tips for ANY spec that is viable against these ridicuously overpowered people?
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step 1) interrupt tracer missile (grav round? w/e the trooper equiv is)


step 2) laugh at the baddies that stand there for 4 seconds spamming their tracer/grav button and having nothing happen


step 3) win

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Like CrazyAl said, the key is to iterupt tracer missile/grav rounds bads ( you will be suppriesed how many are there ) will go *** and wait 4 sec till they can start to spam again....


Except those who know that their class has a 2nd high dps spamm skill :D, only the nubs will do nothing in 4 seconds.


To the TO:


Some of the commandos/mercs are dishing out insane dmg in the 10-49 bracket. I know what you expirience since I did or do the same, but some hints:


* if you are under fire already and you lost a lot of hp...cloak or/and run

* get to them close cloaked so you dont waste your charge which you need, unprepared you get on your dots maybe.

* you need all your cooldowns if the opponent is a good player (your shields)

* you need your trinket to get out of the stun

* you need to interrupt him to avoid his dmg, be prepared to get kicked when you did interrupt him and he will use his 2nd spam ability which hits similar hard.

* use a medpack in combination when you use your god mode shield which reduce your own hp by 50%

* some have a 2nd kickback with root and are immune to interrupts for 12 sec when they use their shield..those can be tuff to play against

* they will slightly heal up maybe heal debuff him aswell (optional)

* use your other cc abilities for interruption aswell

* watch out when and where you attack him, catwalks - close to fire - acid - bridges..all this is an advantage for him


All in all, it is maybe besides PT/op´s the most dangerous class in the 10-49 brackets due to his really high dmg. You need to play clever and avoid the class if you have no cd´s up. I know what they can do to lvl 40ish marauders in the similar lvl range...~5000 dmg in 3 secs if they combine TM/GravR with another ability...so carefull if you meet good players who know how to play a commando/merc.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Except those who know that their class has a 2nd high dps spamm skill :D, only the nubs will do nothing in 4 seconds.


true, but there are a ton of nubs


if they are not nubs however ... the loss they see in damage from interrupting tracer (and therefore not getting the bonus damage from heat signature and target lock stacks) is more than enough for you to come out on top, even vs skilled mercs/commandos


there are literally only 2-3 mercs/commandos on my server that give me trouble

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true, but there are a ton of nubs


if they are not nubs however ... the loss they see in damage from interrupting tracer (and therefore not getting the bonus damage from heat signature and target lock stacks) is more than enough for you to come out on top, even vs skilled mercs/commandos


there are literally only 2-3 mercs/commandos on my server that give me trouble


You will do a lot more damage if you dont spam tracer missile and using the other abilites after 1-2 rounds only.

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You will do a lot more damage if you dont spam tracer missile and using the other abilites after 1-2 rounds only.


i understand that, what i mean is, if you dont let them get their tracer missiles off, then they arent getting their damage bonus from heat signature and target lock


so even if they do use their other good abilities they wont be putting out max damage, and its generally an easy(ish) win

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gentlemen I appreciate the tips very much, looks like I'll be changing my key binds a little bit to compensate and try some of these tricks. Do any of you find annihilation superior to rage for BH/commandos or is it basically just bring the player not the class?
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I put interrupt on Mouse3 to literally be able to interrupt anything at a moment's notice. I have a simple 3 button mouse, so you can see how reliable an interrupt is. It wins games.



Our interrupt can go to a 6 second cooldown. I have grown to love this ability so much, that I believe it is one of the Marauder's best skills (along with Charge and Deadly saber).



Healers can't do jack against you if you interrupt properly. In fact, as an Annihilation Marauder with the 6s interrupt and the 0m Charge, you can interrupt everything. You have Disruption, Choke, Charge, and alternatively, Roar. That's 4 ways to stop them from healing. On top of that, you get a -20% healing debuff. It's a joke of a matchup, actually.


DPS Ops/Scoundrels can be hard due to their crazy burst while you are CC'd. They also can come out of nowhere. However, I find that if you are against them, just blow Cloak of Pain as soon as you can and just take the hurt. If you're Annihilation, you can heal it up. If you're Rage, you can take some of the burst and still be fine for a while. Once you have full resolve, blow your CC breaker and go on a murderous rampage.

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