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Changing Sides


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IN TOR, I was hoping that your character of your side can change sides if they have enough Light/Dark side points. I was hoping that at the end of your story, and you have max Light/Dark (depending on your allegiance), you have a mission to change sides.


For Example: Sith Inquisitor= Jedi Knight or Jedi Sage

or Imperial Agent= Republic Trooper.


This is an idea that i think is maybe an optional thing to add in TOR, and maybe some people will like it and possibly vote for it.

If you do change sides, I was thinking taking some abilities that the side that is opposing cant regularly use and replace them with with the side that you re-chose.


If you think this should come to TOR, post comments whether yes or no. Please don't leave any rude or inappropriate comments please. Thank you

Edited by BillyHunter
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Depends how you interpret Light and Dark side points and what they represent in the game. I don't equate them directly with Republic and Imperial, they are more an alignment / moral code thing.


Of course, Republic has a general tendency towards Light and Imperial towards dark, but it's far from being clear cut, as many of the storylines on both sides show. It's perfectly possible and reasonable to be Light sided and still loyal to the Empire, or Dark sided and loyal to the Republic.


Swapping sides is however an interesting concept, but it would have to be very hard to achieve (not just a case of reaching Light V or Dark V) and a one way trip (the side you defect from would never ever have you back).

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Only possible with the Agent, but he is a double Agent, so you are still on Empires side for all gameplay you just secret work and spy for the Republic.



There is no faction switch beyond that, and given the nature of the Sith and Jedi stories, none of these will ever switch sides, it would completely defeat the purpose of their stories.



As the Jedi spend their entire stories harming the Empire and the Sith spend their stories becoming important people in the Empire.


Edited by AngelousWang
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I get your point, but I don't equate full light with Republic or full dark with Imperial. And I don't think Bioware do either if you see how the storylines unfold on both sides. It's not that clear cut, both sides do light and dark things. So any side change would not just be about filling your light or dark bar to V and then swapping. It would have to be a whole lot more complex, with a full mission chain to set the switch up. Not saying side swapping shouldn't be a possibility, but it should never be as easy as reaching Light V and speaking to someone.
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If you play Sith Warrior as Light Side, you admit to Jaesa that you want to dissolve the Sith ways and build a new order that is shrouded in Light. While it isn't against the Empire per se, the Empire itself revolves around the Sith Order, so if you had your way as a Light Side Sith Warrior, you would destroy everything the Empire stands for.


There are also several instances within the Sith Warrior Story where the Jedi would absolutely welcome you into the order and offer it to you.


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No i mean like at the end of the story, if u are like full good and there should be like a side changer to change your allegiance.


1. Light Side isn't Republic. Dark Side isn't Empire.


2. Light Side isn't Good. Dark Side isn't Evil.




The Dark and Light sides of the force represent two different philosophies: Self-Determination (dark side) and Altruism (lights side). They are both paths towards a higher state of self. Whether you choose Light or Dark side is IRRELEVANT to good and evil, to suggest otherwise is to suggest that Good and Evil are some independent entities: this is completely untrue, as Good and Evil are defined by philosophies (i.e. the Dark Side defines the individual as Good and Sloth, Self-Sacrifice and Stagnation as Evil).


The Empire and Republic are two galactic governments. They do not, by their sole existence, enforce any specific philosophy on their citizens, nor is one of them "the bad guy" - this type of thinking is childish at best, and completely ignorant of Star Wars canon.




For example, take a Commando with a heavy Dark Side slant. Are they an enemy of the Republic? Quite likely not, they could be fiercely loyal to the Republic, but believe in becoming stronger to defeat the Empire over being self-sacrificing. They could view Altruism and Mercy as weaknesses and focus fully on becoming strong enough to defeat the enemies of the Republic.


They would be heavily Dark Side, but they're not "evil" or "going to go Empire".




From a gameplay perspective, Faction Changes are a poor idea. They remove a large amount of gameplay (the Commando has a completely different story than the Bounty Hunter, being able to go Republic with your BH would essentially cut the amount of content in the game in half). In addition, this opens the floodgates: suddenly people CAN change faction through a choice in the story, but they can't do it normally outside of story choice?


It would also create a logistics nightmare for players. For example, what if my guild decides they want to go Republic, this feature is implemented, but I've already completed my story? Do I now get to go back and redo my story? Do I have to leave my characters with their class quest unfinished and get FORCED to go Light Side (as Empire) or Dark Side (as Republic) so that I can later faction change if need be?




It's a poor idea - from both a gameplay and lore perspective suggesting Faction Changes as part of the Light Side / Dark Side system is simply a statement of ignorance on what these governments represent, and how they would work in-game.

Edited by subrosian
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That sounds good on paper but this isn't WOW with 'misunderstood' 'bad' guys and 'corrupt' 'good' guys. The sith empire is definitely evil, as it's leading body (dark council) and actual leader (emperor) are absolutely evil. You can get an idea of just how evil their leadership is by playing the jedi knight storyline.


While a dark sider might not consider himself evil, you only need to look at the many many dark jedi in canon to see that they are, in fact, actually evil. It's pretty well defined that light is supposed to be 'good' and dark is supposed to be 'evil'. I know there's I guess a select few who want to play the dark side like it's some sort of misunderstood rebel, but the truth is...they're playing the bad guys. There's nothing wrong with admitting that.

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