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Progression In star wars IS FALSE


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Seems like the further back you go the better off civilization was.


They've had these tech walkers for thousands of years.


And every time i hear a droid reference they always say they were made stronger back then.


You think with all that funding they would do away with land battles? and these expensive tech walkers must be costing the repub and empire trillions in lost credits.



TO be honest i think our military with stealth bombers and nuclear weapons would kick the crap out of the empire and republic combined.


And why are force users with light sabers more skilled thousands of years before than in the future? Why are they getting worse? Vaders lightsaber skills After he turns machine is like watching a Siberian husky trying to say i love you. (Horrible)


So much for thousands of years of progression. -_-

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I blame medicine - it bypasses natural selection and saves people who without it would've died and not passed their genes to the next generation.


So the more generations - the more genetic diseases they carry - the worse their bran and muscle prowess is.



Medicine is at fault for the generation gradually becoming worse and worse.

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though you are correct much knowledge is lost by the endless pursuit of the


utter destruction of each other over the thousands of years, just think of humanity


if we only had two races we never would have made it out of the stone age.

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Seems like the further back you go the better off civilization was.


They've had these tech walkers for thousands of years.


And every time i hear a droid reference they always say they were made stronger back then.


You think with all that funding they would do away with land battles? and these expensive tech walkers must be costing the repub and empire trillions in lost credits.



TO be honest i think our military with stealth bombers and nuclear weapons would kick the crap out of the empire and republic combined.


And why are force users with light sabers more skilled thousands of years before than in the future? Why are they getting worse? Vaders lightsaber skills After he turns machine is like watching a Siberian husky trying to say i love you. (Horrible)


So much for thousands of years of progression. -_-


Ok first point, in Star Wars as in reality using stratigic level weapons on planets that you want to control is not a good idea as you could not then use the planet, in space is another matter.


Second to control a planet you must have ground forces on that planet, if you wish to take that planet from the enemy you must remove their ground forces, hence land battles (and don't say take them out from orbit as that would casue a lot of damage to the planet you are trying to capture).


Third the relitive strength of Jedi/Sith declining could be due to the fact there are less of them to teach the new ones, and lot of the knowlage is lost, if you have to spend most of you life just learning it yourself you do not have much time to advance it after you have finish learning where as if you are taught it in a fraction of the time you can contribute much more.

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When you have reached the pinnacle of technological development there's usually just one way to go, down.


Like for example, the Republic tried developing completely free AI robots, but that lead to rebellion and huge regulations on how much self control the robots could have.


Then you have medicine being able to cure anything, the only way for things to continue developing is for new diseases to appear or for factions to develop new biological weapons.


They have achieved FTL travel, and the only thing they can do is go faster and faster, which they actually manage to do as the timeline progresses.


There's also the problem that between the Great Galactic War and the end of the New Sith Wars the galaxy will be thrown back into a dark age of technology in the same way Europe was thrown into the dark ages when the Western Roman Empire fell.

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