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DPS Vs. Tank


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K, so I'm a Lvl 40 Jedi Knight Guardian, am now collecting all the datacrons, and have a really noob question. I need to know how you can tell the difference between if your a DPS or Tank. What makes each one what it is? And How can I tell what I am? Also, would like to know what each offer as far as gamplay go.
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I dont think you can. . .at least by just looking at them.


Maybe you can spot the difference if they focus on hp only, they'll have like 20k+ hp or something.


It really is by watching their playstyle. If they are going in for a leap, then a force stasis/choke, watch out of a big aoe crit coming shortly after.

Edited by FourTwent
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tank is the character that takes all the aggro from the mobs, they use moves like taunt to keep aggro, tanks want endurance stats.


DPS are used to kill the mobs while the tank keep them occupied. DPS want stats to raise their damage, in the case of JK its strength

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As a Jedi Guardian, you're a Tank if you focus on the Defense tree, and you're a DPS if you focus on the other two trees.


In group play, the role of a Tank is to focus enemies' attacks on yourself, and to absorb as much punishment as you can. This means you'll want the Defense abilities, and also as much Endurance as you can get. The tank frees the DPS to focus on attacking the enemies, making them go down more quickly. (The third role in this setup is a Healer, whose job is to keep the Tank alive.)


In solo play, your companion can fill in for the role that another human would do. So, if you're a Tank, you'll want a Healer or DPS companion; if you're DPS, you'll want a Tank or Healer companion.


Remember that you can re-spec on the Fleet, so if you're currently one role and would like to try the other, you can shift your abilities around. (Look in the "Combat Training" area for the NPC who lets you do this.)

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K, so I'm a Lvl 40 Jedi Knight Guardian, am now collecting all the datacrons, and have a really noob question. I need to know how you can tell the difference between if your a DPS or Tank. What makes each one what it is? And How can I tell what I am? Also, would like to know what each offer as far as gamplay go.


Your skill tree choices determine if you are a tank or dps. There are 3 skill trees, 2 for dps and 1 for tank (I forget the jedi knight names, but I believe the tank one should say (defense) next to it).


DPS burns down enemies and tank draws aggro from all enemies so they don't attack the DPS or healers (they have the ability to mitigate/dodge enemy damage and therefore want enemies to attack them instead of other members in the group). I consider tank much more challenging especially when there is more than 1 enemy. You have to build threat on all the enemies and try to keep it above your group members threat. DPS on the other hand simply needs to go through a normal rotation to max damage. Certainly there is more to it than that, but in the end DPS is much easier than tank.

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If a Jedi Guardian or Sith Juggernaut is a Tank they will have Soresu on (check their buffs), if DPS they will have Shii-cho or Shien on.


If a Sith Assassin or Jedi Shadow is a Tank they will have Dark Charge/Combat Technique on, if DPS they will have Lightning Charge/Force Technique or Surging Charge/Shadow Technique on.


If a Powertech or Vanguard is a Tank they will have Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell on, if DPS they will have Combustible Gas Cylinder/Plasma Cell or High Energy Gas Cylinder/High Energy Cell on.


There are exceptions, some DPS will run around in Tanks stances (especially in PVP), but it works for the majority.

Edited by AngelousWang
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