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How to kill a Mature Cyber Vorantikus as Balance Sage?


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As a 48 Sage/Balance (build) I am getting my butt handed to me by this Mature Cyber Vorantikus in the Gormak Monstrosities quest on Voss.


I don't know how to link my gear, but I have just over 10K hps and of course am making Willpower my primary stat when gearing. I've tried this with Nadia (melee dps), Q-Fess (melee tank), and Thedran (healer) and cannot get this guy below 6K of 26K hps. I tried it with heroic moment and unity running at the same time and still died very quickly.


He does a lot of non-interruptable melee damage. Kiting doesn't seem viable due to other mobs in the area, and his ability to charge. Healing doesn't seem viable because Ican't keep up with the damage (I do keep my insta-cast force armor up on my tank and/or myself). I am using the Willpower stim from a vendor on Voss and also using a medpac during the fight. I'm using mostly force in balance, weaken mind, sever force, mind crush, tk throw, and project.


Searching on the forums has not shown anything on this guy. I googled a post about this mob from another Sage, but I think he was spec'd to heal. I'm posting because I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, if I'm built wrong, if I'm undergeared, or if this is just something people normally get a guild mate to help with.


My pride says since this is a solo quest and I should be able to do it, but trial and error is getting really expensive. Any advice?



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10k hp for a level 48 does sound a bit low. Cant remember a mob by that name by heart, since it's on Voss I most likely have it frapsed, so can give some advice from another balance sage point of view if i find that.

Edit: Ah, not part of the class quests - no fraps, sorry :p


You said you tried with Tharan, did you use dots? Try without, so Holiday can do a long interupt and you can use the time to heal.

Edited by Freor
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I'm a Infiltration Shadow but the technique I used is probably still applicable. Clear the area around it so you kite it. It won't re-heal, so damage it as much as possible and then run. Running gives Theran a chance to heal you back up since the mob is on you and essentially ignores the pet. Use stun and kite as much as possible.


Just keep doing that till its dead.

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I'm not balanced spec, so I can only suggest in theory...


But if you're trying with a melee/tank companion, make sure their gear is up to level.


You said certain attacks are not interruptable...if that's the case, I'd make sure to interrupt all other attacks as often as possible. If it can be stunned/mezzed...definitely use them on CD (in particular, Holliday's if using Theran). By reducing its DPS, it may help you manage your heals and medpacs and prolong your companion's damage output.


I'm hoping you'll be able to do enough damage with your companion that even when your companions does die, you'll be able to finish it off (either with burst or by kiting).


Good luck.


P.S. - If this quest isn't your last quest, you could try finishing the rest of Voss and then come back to finish this one...maybe you'll acquire an extra level or 2 which might help as well.

Edited by CalBears
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I think guildmate (scoundrel) just asked about the same mob today. I assume this one is in that small cave? I remember I did the fight with Nadia (needed Tharan for one fight in Voss), but had both of us in decent gear (read: around 42-44ish blues at level 45). From what I remember the mob hit hard, but didnt have that much hp. So it went down before neither of us died.


I'd try the kiting already suggested, and also the no-dot thing I mentioned earlier. If those fail, you could give a full-on dps approach a go too.

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I had trouble with this as well. In fact, this quest by itself very nearly made me abandon the character altogether. However, what I did instead was respec to 21/5/12 and subsequently blew through this quest as well as the remaining 2.5 levels to 50. I used Fess exclusively.


Force Armor on Fess > send to target.

FiB > Weaken Mind > Mind Crush > Project.

Refresh Force Armor on Fess > Rejuvenate > TK Throw/Healing Trance (depending on Fess's healing needs.

From here just keep DoTs up, FiB on cd, Project on cd, and spam TK Throw. If the mob is particularly difficult (like the Vorantikus) you'll want to prioritize healing over dps of course. Healing is relatively simple: keep Force Armor applied on cd, Rejuvenate to proc Conveyance followed by Healing Trance. Deliverance when needed.

Edited by abeh
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