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Several new player questions


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I've gotten a Sage to 22, and a few other classes up to around 10 or so, and I'm sort of playing around to see who I settle on as my main. I understand that playing a class you enjoy is key to enjoying the endgame, but I've got some questions around it.


1) Are there any classes in particular demand or over-abundance at higher levels? I know typically in MMOs DPS is easy to find. Healers, tanks and support classes (for the few MMOs that have them) are in short supply. Does that trend tend to stick true in SWToR? What about for PvP (probably mostly Warzones).


2) If I play an empire character that makes a fair number of light side choices, would I be hurting my character progression overall? What about Republic making dark side choices?


3) Is there any way to not have to set up my key bindings again every time I roll a new character?


4) Are any classes more challenging that others to do well with? Not necessarily because they're under powered, but because they're more complex? What about incredibly simple to play well?

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I've gotten a Sage to 22, and a few other classes up to around 10 or so, and I'm sort of playing around to see who I settle on as my main. I understand that playing a class you enjoy is key to enjoying the endgame, but I've got some questions around it.


1) Are there any classes in particular demand or over-abundance at higher levels? I know typically in MMOs DPS is easy to find. Healers, tanks and support classes (for the few MMOs that have them) are in short supply. Does that trend tend to stick true in SWToR? What about for PvP (probably mostly Warzones).


2) If I play an empire character that makes a fair number of light side choices, would I be hurting my character progression overall? What about Republic making dark side choices?


3) Is there any way to not have to set up my key bindings again every time I roll a new character?


4) Are any classes more challenging that others to do well with? Not necessarily because they're under powered, but because they're more complex? What about incredibly simple to play well?


1.It's as in any MMO that the most sought after are tanks and healers. There isn't any specific class that is sought after as far as I have seen.


2.No it doesn't affect your gameplay, just your story.


3.No as far as I know.


4. I can't really answer this cause i'm not that knowledgeable on what is hard and what is easy, so I will leave it to someone else to answer this.


See you in game!

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1) Inquisitors, and I'm guessing Consulars, seem to be fairly over-populated, at least on my server (I play one, trust me, there's always was at least 3 inq's in an 8-man ops group). Healers and tanks are just as difficult to find as in other MMOs, so a class that can perform these roles are often expected to do so. I cannot comment on PVP.


2) Alignment is independent of faction and has only minimal bearing on class progression, but certainly does not put you at a disadvantage. There is equivalent gear for both light and dark alignments.


3) Think you're stuck resetting keybinds on each character until something changes with the UI.


4) I haven't played them all yet, so I can't comment.

Edited by Natarii
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The above guys pretty much nail it. BUT there are some things I'll ad as an Imp.


1. For some ungodly reason healers are in short supply on my server (like 10:4:1 for DPS:tank:heals). Tons of mercs, ops, and sorcs but none of them want to heal. Not saying that it's not as rare finding a tank, but I tend to play tank or have a buddy that does or someone in the pug has a buddy that does etc etc. Tanks just seem a bit better connected than healers are. Dunno if they're all having fun pewpewing or they're recluses or what. =/


2. Dark-side/light-side really doesn't matter per se. I went light side, dark side, and on one chick I went neutral. The only down side is that depending on your group you'll either be loaded LS or DS and the chances of a FP roll winner being the minority will be low. Still get the points, doesn't hinder you, that kind of thing.


3. No, I wish. I especially wish for my chat settings to stay the same. I look at that stupid color wheel each time and i THINK I set it to the teal green I like for /p but no, it's never that ONE shade. :|


4. Oh I like this question. I've played almost all the empire classes (I am talking about AC's too) and I have to say the most challenging I've experienced learning are the jugg tank, assassin tank(SO MANY BUTTONS AHHHH), and the powertech dps. There's just certain roles that you take for granted and never actually, I don't know how to explain it but, consider it to be a transposed version of something elese. Like powertech dps, that's a melee. Who knew? And using heat trying not to shut yourself out in 4 GCD's is difficult to master. As for the tanks, they just seem ill equipped. Jugg tanks' aggro are very finicky, and assassins just have a huge arsenal to deal with.


Healing I haven't found to be a challenge... except that I target based on shortcuts from group positions which cannot always be determined just by looking at it. Your position in a group seems to be alphabetical but with you at the bottom.



EDIT: PvP, bounty hunters are EVERYWHERE. Oh god the horror. Huttball also seems to be a sorc fest...... But really as long as the BH's don't know how to grapple, you should be fine.

Edited by Sivenom
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I've gotten a Sage to 22, and a few other classes up to around 10 or so, and I'm sort of playing around to see who I settle on as my main. I understand that playing a class you enjoy is key to enjoying the endgame, but I've got some questions around it.


1) Are there any classes in particular demand or over-abundance at higher levels? I know typically in MMOs DPS is easy to find. Healers, tanks and support classes (for the few MMOs that have them) are in short supply. Does that trend tend to stick true in SWToR? What about for PvP (probably mostly Warzones).


2) If I play an empire character that makes a fair number of light side choices, would I be hurting my character progression overall? What about Republic making dark side choices?


3) Is there any way to not have to set up my key bindings again every time I roll a new character?


4) Are any classes more challenging that others to do well with? Not necessarily because they're under powered, but because they're more complex? What about incredibly simple to play well?


1. Healers and tanks as always; DPS are a dime a dozen. And all classes have some degree of utility.


2. Not at all. Your alignment will marginally limit gear and which lightsaber crystals you can use. (ie-certain gear pieces require a Light or Dark Side rating to be met in order to equip it)


3. Not to my knowledge.


4. For simple, Arsenal Mercs. 3 buttons and you win. For complex, Marauders/Sentinels. BioWare has actually stated that they have the most complex rotations in the game. Very rewarding to play, but more of a learning curve.

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4) Smuggler / Imperial Agent use a cover mechanism which pops up an additional quickbar. Certain abilities are restricted to cover so IMO it makes it more complex to play. I also enjoy the IA storyline and the damage a Sniper can do is impressive. Edited by Owsley
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