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Gunslinger pvp


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Being an altaholic, I finally got around to making my gunslinger. To be honest I've been worried about it because of how much negative feedback there is on the forums about this class. Is this a case of bads being bads?


My first warzone ever on this char, a level 10 gunslinger, I topped the damage charts with 220k, about 70k farther then the next one. Now I'll admit I wasn't facing a pro team that focused me right away, but I still had to play right to survive. I found it extremely easy to kill people, even soloing the 2 sorcs. What's with all the complaining? Gunslingers are pretty sick...

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Being an altaholic, I finally got around to making my gunslinger. To be honest I've been worried about it because of how much negative feedback there is on the forums about this class. Is this a case of bads being bads?


My first warzone ever on this char, a level 10 gunslinger, I topped the damage charts with 220k, about 70k farther then the next one. Now I'll admit I wasn't facing a pro team that focused me right away, but I still had to play right to survive. I found it extremely easy to kill people, even soloing the 2 sorcs. What's with all the complaining? Gunslingers are pretty sick...


I'm lvl 40, so i dont know if things change drastically in the 50s bracket, but I find that i am consistently wrecking people in pvp :D


sharpshooter, btw

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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When you become 50, you'll see that this class is the worst of all the ACs. I do great damage (full BM 25/5/11, republic, on an imp server) and, yes, have probably the best burst in the game on those otherwise engaged. Should another class decide to kill me, however, with the exception of a poorly specced, non-LOS'ing sorc or tracer spamming BH, I will usually die.


Note, the reason for our troubles in pvp is that GS may be the most balanced and fair class in the game, considering our energy usage to damage-output ratio. The problem is that virtually every other class has multiple defensive or offensive CDs that far outclass ours, or one or two completely ridiculous, pvp-breaking skills. A tank with an in-combat stealth, for example (or all 2 min CD in-combat stealth in general), 6 seconds of complete invulnerability, an outrageous AoE heal with continuous spam healing, an endless resource pool, viable damage+healing specs, heavy armor plus uninteruptable healing, a force leap/root/forcechoke/forcepush/force leap/root combo that fills up resolve only when finished (and even then does not effect roots), or like the "underpowered" operative a 6+ sec chain of stun plus damage and dots that is only counterable when our 3 min CD stun-break is up.


TL;DR? the 50 bracket shows our classes limitations. Its not that our class is bad, its that others have at least one skill or skillset that vastly trumps ours.

Edited by SubSub
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I'm understanding what you're saying. Since then played a few more WZ's, still very high damage and always topping the kill chart, but survivability is pretty awful. Either way, a fun class to play and surprised/happy to see it isn't as bad as the forums made it out to be.
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Being an altaholic, I finally got around to making my gunslinger. To be honest I've been worried about it because of how much negative feedback there is on the forums about this class. Is this a case of bads being bads?

Pretty much... or to be a bit nicer about it, it's about the class being more skill/tactics-dependent than, say, spamming grav/tracer. You can still top the damage charts when playing lazy, but it's harder to really make a difference with decisive kills and not dying as much.

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I am 50 with a valor of 47, the grind has been slow. I recently switched to a SS/Sab spec with trick shot and contingency charges. I have mostly champ gear with some pve gear mixed in. 1v1 i really only have trouble with a couple people, BMs on my server, the duel wielding jedi/sith AC(cant remember the name) with all the broken cds that was mentioned above. Personally I feel that the smuggler in general should have the in combat stealth/combat drop instead, but I digress.


Since I have switched to this spec, i have made a couple people rage quit, curse me out, ignore me so that I cant respond to their ************, and generally run away from me. God forbid if I have any sort of support. I recently broke 400k in a huttball, ise so prouds of meselfs.


That said, I still believe that the class is some what broken. The cover system can be annoying, and our defenses are pure crap. I highly enjoy playing this class, especially since it takes a lot more skill to play well. But it does need some tweaking, a bit better defense and some of the damage types need to be changed to tech, or we need more armor penetration. I have had non GS players argue with me up and down about how we dont need anything because we are the hardest hitting, best burst in the game, and I agree. BUT, we do need some love.


I have noticed more and more 50 GS's on my server, and I feel that more and more people are starting to realize what the GS doesnt have.


Simply put, pure damage just isnt enough.


But I will not be re-rolling, because I find it enjoyable pissing people off with what most consider a broken class that is free kill.

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