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Please implement Player polling for controversial changes.


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Generally I don't ascribe to game design by committee, but in certain cases, I'd like to see SWTOR sponsor player polls for divisive changes brought to the game. You've already offered this once with regard to the UI, but the poll was buried in the forums, which, I might add, is largely visited by those not playing the game.


  • Incorporate the poll in the launch window or a link in the browser pointing to the forum poll. This way, those who are playing will have a greater chance of seeing the poll.
  • Let the poll run for several weeks before a decision is finalized.


I'm enjoying the game, but I'd hate to see it unduly changed because of those who are not playing the game have more time to devote to these forums, and thus a disproportionate vote in the matter.

Edited by Cerion
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Bioware must know that forums are not the place the active players go. I am here just because there is nothing left to do that i actually enjoy ingame.

In other words im bored to play.




Anyways i totally agree with this suggestion.

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