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Glad I didnt buy the game | Today , 03:04 AM


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Spent a bunch of time on the forums researching the game before release. And it turned out pretty much how i imagined, with the annoying voiceovers, and linear dumbed down content. which is why i cancelled my pre-order. Thanks bioware for letting the preorder codes work without paying. Saved me some cash.


cool story right?


Anyway, have fun guys. The forums have been entertaining.

What does god need with a starship?


this is what he said was going to reply but thread was closed but as a super nerd i recognized his forum signature.


What does god need with a starship?


this is a line spoken in star trek by captain kirk


here is a video:


so clearly this atomicdeath is a trekkie, take from that what you will.

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im so a trekkie, but i hated the game and SWTOR is best MMO i`v played to date :D


ST series over SW movies anyday :D


I'm also way more of a trekkie than I am a Star Wars fan.


You do know the history of Star Trek games, right? It is a simple rule that follows like this:


1st Game -- Sucks

2nd Game -- Sucks


nth Game -- Sucks


Somewhere in that list there's a random game or two that didn't suck, but they're all usually over a decade old by now. =p

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