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Xalek as a tank?


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  • 11 months later...


Your recommendations are based on what class/spec? As an assasin tank, I haven't used anyone but Talos since I got him b/c being able to survive was way more important to me than DPS that didn't get the mobs dead before I was.


Me as an Assassin Tank, I never use Talos... I use a DPS companion or one that can at least inflict damage.. my reasoning.. Im a tank.. I can take a lot, so why would I need a healer when my DPS is crap.. ill use a DPS comp instead to output the damage I cant whilst absorbing what comes at me cause thats my role.


Has anyone here actually used Xalek soley for just DPS and not tanking? been thinking about it as Ashara even in decent Rakata/Columi gear is too squiggy and not putting out enough DPS

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I have no idea what people who advocate Xalek are doing different than I am.


I can't get that guy to tank squat. With Khem in Tionese and I in War Hero I can solo all the Heroic Dailies on Belsavis with just shield, whirlwind and the occasional heal. With Xalek in Columi I have to spend the entire time healing him or he face plants. It goes WAAAY slower. I can't DPS at all or else he drops.


Fast too.

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I don't have Zalek yet, I only use Ashara since i got her at lvl 3, My inquisitor is lvled as tank so I don't really need another tank as much as Ineed dps, I geared her up really well and it's work just fine with her, I'm not in a rush to get Xalek I really don't like the companion look/story/having him when you almost reach 50.


I learned to work with well with one companion, I did the same thing on my Warrior, using Jeassa Wilsam for practically everything. I will try Xalek but like I said I really hate him since the first time I saw him!

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As long time sorcerer (just back from short break..),

1. Khem is your friend from level 1 to 50.

2. on level 50 with good heals get HK-51.


Xalek is worst tank ever.


Khem is great tank I used him as our group tank on Directive 7 story when I had lousy gear (battlemaster\recruit), with my current gear (mix dread\campaign augmented) and khem with columi set he can tank tons of damage and I almost don't need to heal him.

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