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A Requiem for Avamarivash


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So it happened in the Chamber of Speech. It is no revelation, that light and dark side choices as presented in game are inherently stupid and likely based on how a naive kid felt about an issue rather than any true code of ethics born outside of a tainted brownie party in Berkley California. There are so many we could pick on. However, today I desire to stand up for Avamarivash simply because I would love to read his story. You see, philosophy is not inherently more valuable than documentary or history.


Saying that the philosopher’s work is a more valuable and ethically sound contribution to modern histories is akin to saying that Ann Rand’s Atlas Shrugged should be preserved over The Three Musketeers as written by Alexander Dumas because well… she was a thoughtful woman. Even though Dumas’s work provides an accurate insight into the people, places, and thoughts of the times it is set within that a philosophical work never could. More than that, it inspires us! One work lives. The other simply thinks about living from a chair.


We all know that philosophy on its own merits as a collage major is amongst the most useless of degrees only good for acquiring a stash of weed and chips until you are thirty rather than a real job outside of the rare spot granted in academia because someone liked you enough to allow you to live off government money. We all know that the stories of real life men and women of accomplishment be they good or bad motivate future generations to success and teach us lessons we can relate to and carry with us. Philosophical discourses? They are left to the bored insomniac needing a “put me to sleep, please god” de-buff of their neurological state of being.


If we must assign a light and dark point award for the Chamber of Speech Heroic, then please be sensible and change it so that saving Avamarivash’s life story is a light side choice too and provides a higher bonus than saving Maravada’s pontificating which has likely been thought better by others before. I’d not discard the history of a Julius Caesar only to be left with the philosophical ramblings of an L. Ron Hubbard…


If you need a darkside option then allow people to choose to save nothing out of spite. It would be better than what's there.

Edited by SDFX
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O_o Now I haven't run the quest in over a month, so I mguiht be remembering it wrong....but I don't think the choice's LS/DS points had anything to do with the value of philosophy or history or anything like that. As I recall both choices have you save a biography of an important Jedi.


The LS/DS points are coming from the choice of hoping for peace or preparing for war that comes with your choice of teaching.

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