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Need assistance with using Tanno Vik


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OK, I am not sure what I am doing incorrectly, but Tanno Vik is just not doing much to help me. Therefore, I need advise on how to use this companion properly. I'm a Gunnery spec and I only play PvE.


When I first got him (I was at level 36) and he just had "green" items and he was missing implants, headgear, and a helmet. So, I knew he wouldn't be much help then and I understood that. I didn't used him at all and kept using Elara (who rocks!).


Anyway, eventually I was able to get him all blue items and now he is geared better than all my other companions. I arrive in Quesh at level 38 and take him out and what a disappointment. :( I've tried different strategies with him and he is just causing me to do more work. I've tried him and I attacking the strong together and he gets attacked by the other weaker enemies bringing his health down only 1/4 left. I've tried sending him to the weak and I attack the strong and he takes too long to bring them down that the strong starts to attack him as well. Sure enough, I have to stop attacking the mob and start healing him. I've tried attacking the strong first and letting him do whatever and this seems to be the best option, but his health keeps getting low and I have to keep an eye on him just in case he needs healing.


This just isn't fun. I'm doing most of the damage and healing him too! I didn't want to be a healer, that's why went Gunnery. I thought this guy was going to help me bring down the mobs faster. With Jorgan, we would take damage, but the fights were over much faster than with Elara. So, it was a trade off.


So, at this point, I don't know what to do with Tanno and I need some suggestion. Is he just not worth the hassle? Frankly, with Elara I don't have to worry about low health. I know I am doing most of the damage, but she keeps me healthy. It just works great for me.

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For some reason, tank companions just kinda suck. At about Quesh and definitely afterwards, I started having alot of trouble even with Forex or Aric out against silvers and above. Although I'm primarily a healer. My best way to use Tanno is to use him as a tank and just heal him constantly. Thats the only way I survive against golds and silvers. And it seems like if I have more than one silver, I'm screwed. I think companion tanks need fixed to make them more viable.
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If you don't want to be a healer then you don't want to be using a tanking pet. You need to heal the heck out of them, and it's hard to make that work when you aren't spec'd for healing. If you spec for heals they're great, but of you don't they pretty useless.


Stick with Jorgen or Dorne as the situation warrants if you're going Gunnery.

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The key to all companions is keeping them geared. Starting with Jorgan, get him in as much orange gear as possible. M1-4X is the only companion we have that doesn't use Heavy Armor with Aim, so it's a little less convenient. I did use M1-4X from the moment I got him till now, when doing heroic dailies. But focus on orange gear that you can keep upgrading. Eventually all your commendations will go to Barrels, Armoring, Mods, and Enhancements. Cybertech has an advantage because if you can craft the armorings yourself, it will take a whole lot less commendations to do a complete upgrade.


Personally, I don't like melee companions. They stand in everything, take the maximum damage possible and you don't have any tools for controlling it other than putting them on passive. So I don't like Tanno, or Yuun for that matter.


If you're DPS, you're probably better off with Dorne. Allows you more time to do damage. A tank pet will be needy unless you're a healer. You could use a tank pet in DPS stance, but that would take some extra management to bounce things around to mitigate damage.

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I only use Tanno in certain situations. Otherwise, it's always Elara. Occasionally I bump into an elite somewhere that for some reason does dmg quicker than Elara can heal it (probably my fault for fighting the mob wrong but either way..).. In those situations, I use Tanno and send him in on a suicide run while I dump ammo as quick as possible into the mob. Then I rez Tanno and switch back to Elara and continue on my merry way.
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