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Assault Build


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Am I the only gunnery out there NOT really having any trouble soloing ppl?... Well ok, ofc a well geared marauder and some rare shadows are next to impossible, or very very hard, but still, I kill damn lot of people in pvp 1v1... I got a very good gear though, but come on, the only excuse you can have for NOT having it here is to be seriously lazy.
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If you have a bad team, you're gonna do bad regardless of your spec. But I can still do damage as assault as opposed to Gunnery. I had 4 people on me the other day, and I killed 3 of them, left the other guy with 1/3 hp - respawned and killed him. I would never have had the chance to do the same with Gunnery. I would be lucky to just kill 1 of them.


You did that at lvl50 against equally geared players?


Sure, I can stand up against 3-4 people focusing on me for a while as a Hybrid Healer/Gunnery but as Assault? No. I've got 50/50 champ and battlemaster and still can't do it, unless possibly if they are exceptionally bad players. Or maybe I just suck. :o


I really struggle to get anywhere above 250-300k in damage as assault. However we lose probably 80-90% of all Republic pvp matches on my servers, too many low geared players or players who just do their own thing against a very large and well geared Imp population.

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Am I the only gunnery out there NOT really having any trouble soloing ppl?... Well ok, ofc a well geared marauder and some rare shadows are next to impossible, or very very hard, but still, I kill damn lot of people in pvp 1v1... I got a very good gear though, but come on, the only excuse you can have for NOT having it here is to be seriously lazy.


You clearly haven't met a good vanguard/merc/mara. Maybe sub lvl50 it's possible but at 50 they will lock you down in a very short time and kill you. There simply is nothing you can do, no matter how good you are, Commandos simply lack the tools and abilities to go up against a good player of those classes - they will stun, interrupt and damage you without you being able to do anything at all.


Shadow, Assassins etc are very easy to take down in comparison.


The only way I've been able to take down vanguard/merc/mara is as Healer/Gunnery hybrid and speced for Combat Shield. With combat shield I have 12secs immunity to interrupts - I pop shield on, do a couple of quick heals then spam Grav Round non-stop until they go down (obviously only possible if I have full ammo) . Combat Shield normally confuses the hell out of them.

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Assault Commando takes a substantial hit in damage when being melee'd.


Yes you're better at melee than Gunnery because HiB doesn't need a cast time ability to set it up, AP isn't weakened without Grav debuffs, HS is more damaging and snares.


But for don't-give-a-crap-about-your-defence damage you need to FA and chain spam CB on a burning target firing all HiB procs along the way.


That you can't do when someone is meleeing you because the pushback you take on those is really unbearable.



What I do is pick someone, ignite with IR, AP then unload with FA and CB til they melt.


Of course people will notice the commando shredding their health but that's the whole skill in it, dealing with the attention you get as a ranged killer.


Fall back to the mobile damage attacks, stuns, knockback until the player interrupting you dies/gets bored with you not dying fast enough.


You can also chase the heck out of someone, pillars? No problem, IR, AP, HS and HiB them as they go, use stuns and KB when they try doing something naughty.


There is a slight advantage in that when you open up to kill someone you don't sound like a grav spammer even if firing CB looks exactly the same :p


Also, don't go Assault if you like BIG CRITS I crit about 3600 max.


That doesn't actually mean spit since Assault is more of a sandblaster than a sledgehammer but some people like their BIG CRITS :D



I'm also shamelessly Damage focused. If I'm healing that means I'm not using time and ammo to kill someone.


I believe in objectives through elimination, I'll let healers do their job and keep enemies off them but if I cast heal I'm inefficient and highly interruptable so I reserve it only for when everyone's dead.



Here's how much damage I can do with Assault with the attack pattern mentioned above:











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