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OFFICIAL *I Heal Like Crazy* Thread


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i never reach 300k heal but there 1 time where 7 ppl banging me after i score and i finally down when the last member of opponent join the fray. some of them already battlemaster when i ding 50 few weeks ago.


some of them randomly grouped with me in next civil war and ask me to do it again. i escaped that match with no death and at some point we 3 cap b4 immediately lose 2. almost lost the match.


few days ago i group with my nemesis premade in huttball and they decide to watch me get beaten by 8 opponent. with help from a marauder and a sorc(all solo queue). i only dead 4 times.

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After getting a number of my BM set, I started averaging about 300k / warzone. I think my best match was around 450k.


But with that said, luck plays a lot into it. More so than skill.


To hit 300 plus two things have to happen. One, the opposing team needs to be dishing more better than average damage (I have seen more than a few huttball matches where hardly no one does 100k even in the 50 bracket because they are trying to win and not simply rack up medals). Also, the opposing team either has to be largely ignoring you or you have some team mates watching your back. There have been a number of matches I have played where I have done not even 200k healing. Simplly becaue the opposing team is on my *** and CC and interrupt the crap out of me.


So to be in bluntly, your team mates have to be taking damage to give you somebody to heal and the opposing team has to be ignoring you so you have the freedom to heal.


When I check the score board at the end of the match, if I see the opposing team had two healers and one or both did over 300k - then I know my team didn't do squat to keep their healers out of the match. That is when I don't vote for a DPS for MVP.



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I like to switch back and forth between Merc Ars PVP and Merc BG PVP specs. I tend to do pretty well considering I only heal in my DPS PVP gear. My main issue is I'm pretty well known, since I PVP a TON, on my server and very rarely get left alone by the opposing team. lol. I'll do some warzones and post some numbers.
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